
What Is Hume's View Of Synchronic And Chronic Identity?

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Locke and Hume view synchronic and diachronic identity very differently. Locke believed that psychological states which consist of memories, experiences and values are what make someone who they truly are. You become the person you are over time because of the long chain of memories that you carry. Your identity over time is the memories you have to look back at. Locke understood that personal identity consists of consciousness, which can be tied with memory. Locke gave examples of you winning in a game; as time goes on you won’t remember exactly how you won this game. Your memory begins to change this experience. As reported by Locke, our senses are a part of who we are. If he had a hand removed would he still be the same person as he used to be? Locke declared that his arm won’t be a part of his body or who he is anymore (368). …show more content…

He believed that every idea came from an experience you have lived through. He viewed personal identity at a form of illusion. He argued that there isn’t anything that you can do, that makes you who you truly are. Without your memories and experiences, you wouldn’t understand the difference between cause and effect. However, having memories and experiences can guide you to understanding the concept of cause and effect (374). An example that Hume used was of a ship being repaired. He argued that if a ship had been broken down, and gets repaired does it stay the same ship you had started with. Do the new parts of the ship make the ship any different (373). Hume stated that the new parts of the ship wouldn’t have made the ship any different. Even though the parts had changed, the ship as an object remained the

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