
What Is Huntington And His Criticism

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Huntington and his Critics Introduction: The clash of civilization is a theory by Samuel Huntington. In this theory, Huntington claims that the clash is inevitable. There is a new world order we are facing that include major civilization fighting for their cultural existence. On the other hand, many scholars opposed Huntington’s ideology about the clash of civilization some of them called him a great theorist using recycled conflicts as a method. In this paper, I will summarize Huntington ideology and I will show why I think Fukuyama was right. Huntington claims that the fundamental source of conflict between civilization will not be primarily ideological or primarily economic, Huntington believes that the conflict will be more cultural which …show more content…

One of them is Edward Said who accused Huntington to be a great theorist, using recycled version of conflicts. Said claims that Huntington ideology of the west remain strong and its opponents weak and divided is very interventionist and aggressive attitude towards other civilizations. Said suggests to embrace ideas to help the world to understand and try to reconcile between cultures. Huntington picked small handful of authorities and not the cultures themselves. Said claim that that the Muslims got better thing to do rather than being an anti-Western. Fouad Ajami, is contrasting Huntington’s point of view by saying it is not civilizations that control states but, rather states that control civilizations. he uses the example of the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, when many major Muslim countries joined the Unites stated against their fellow Muslim state. Amaryta Sen, noted “the drawing of a millennia-long division between the tolerant West and the intolerant rest is both inaccurate and self-serving”. Francis Fukuyama states (after the successful attack on the world trade center) the attack was performed by Islamic extremist who’s unhappy with the existence of Western Civilization. democracy and free market will continue to spread as dominant organizing for much of the world, they will only work with societies with certain values. According to Fukuyama’s view, the hatred and the dislike represents

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