What is identity? When someone speaks of identity one might think of your action, habits, character, race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, or gender. However, when I think of identity, I think of where you come from and the things you learn that shape you into the person that you are today. I think identity is a collection of memories and interactions that we share with the people we encounter in our lifetime. I also believe your identity is something you develop about yourself that evolves over the course of your life. My family plays a big part in the person I am today. My great-grandmother was the woman who practically raised me. "She is without a doubt one of the most influential people in my life;" she taught me many life lessons at …show more content…
One day while we were at the park, a man came up and asked my great-grandmother if she had any change to offer. He continued by saying, "I'm not poor or homeless, I have a job interview soon and I'm kind of in a bind could you please spare some change by any chance any amount would do." He said the interview was just a formality; the job was already basically his. When I saw him I thought he was just trying to get some money to buy drugs or he was just trying to hustle an old lady with a kid. However, my great-grandmother didn't see it this way;she took out her wallet and gave him 25 dollars, "which was all she had in it. She was hesitant at first but he was so thankful and said, "When I see you again I'll pay you back and with interest." He asked, "When will you come back to the park?" My great-grandmother replied, "I'm always here with my grandson because he likes to feed the …show more content…
A few weeks later a man came up to us when we were leaving the park he said he was trying to find us to repay us. It was the same man he had on a nice suit on and was clean-shaven he looked completely different compare to before. As he was giving my great-grandmother $50 and saying this is for helping me when no one else would believe me, she stopped him and told him she was glad he had gotten the job but she didn't need the money. It was never about the money it was about helping someone in need after she congratulated him one more time we left. It was something I will never forget, I thought this man who I didn't know was a hustler who was trying to make easy money but I was completely wrong I had completely misjudged him. With this my great-grandmother taught me that my perception of people shouldn't dictate what I do and how I act, if I know something is right I should do it. My family has always been a close family and I believe my concept of my identity may change in the future but I know my family and the lesson that they have taught me will always be at the core of who I
The Building Blocks of Identity: Family Relations. The sense of who someone is, as an individual, is not fabricated overnight. Identity is an essence, slowly maturing as one absorbs their environment and the teachings of those closest to them. From the time someone is born, they are consistently infused with the ideas, perspectives, and lives of their family members.
When I was in elementary school, my grandparents would give me and my siblings twenty dollars if we made A-B Honor Roll. In 4th grade, we decided to treat our family by going to the movies, as we had not been to the movies in almost two years. Our idea was my sister and I would combine our forty dollars and buy the tickets and snacks, and we would have some nice family bonding. Until we met The Bike Woman, a homeless woman we encountered in the parking lot. She walked up to us, rolling her old blue bicycle alongside her and asked if we had any spare change. Without even thinking of it, we handed all forty dollars to her, along with three bottles of water we had in a cooler in the car. She thanked us profusely and even tried to give the money
Identity is developed from how you grew up. Your morals and values are developed from the type of family you have. Your family is something you are born into and you cannot change your circumstances. Some people’s family have very different types of rules that help them feel complete. The good and bad experiences that you create with your family makes you who you really are. My family is Caribbean and African American. My family is a blend of island cultures and we still practice our culture in America. Some of the various countries my family represent Jamaica, U.S Virgin Islands, Dominica, Antigua. I am the oldest of three siblings. As the oldest I am a perfectionist. We have two dogs: one toy poodle and one maltipoo. I live with my mom and my step-dad. My mom used to be a nurse and
Identity. What is identity? One will say that it is the distinct personality of an individual. Others will say that identity is the behavior of a person in response to their surrounding environment. At certain points of time, some people search for their identity in order to understand their existence in life. In regards, identity is shaped into an individual through the social trials of life that involve family and peers, the religious beliefs by the practice of certain faiths, and cultural awareness through family history and traditions. These are what shape the identity of an individual.
When we pulled into our new driveway, I was transfixed by the pile of junk that laid in front of my grandma's penury looking house. Once we entered we saw a note taped to the distorted fridge it said “I Have decided to move to Hawaii, but have fun in your new house”. I couldn't believe her, we had traveled all of this way to help her and now she just picked up her things and left.
she took the money and walked away not a single thank you was said to us. My mother told me some people don't realize or appreciate the things given to them. We kept walking and went along with our day. When we got home my mother told my dad what had happened although it wasn't that much big of a deal, my parents shared everything with each other. Which at that moment taught me about love. Love is a funny thing it could hurt you so much but also fill the emptiness and sadness inside you, seeing how my parents are able to share every detail of their day and how they are able to handle the situation in a good manner showed me something that I would use my whole life. I mean my mom could have taken the money back, she could have been rude back but she wasn't. She decided to leave it as it is because in life you never really know what someone has been through, whether they had a bad day or they just don't have manners. Well anyways as my mom sat down with my dad she explained how it all went down and that she needed to go back to the store and get some things the next day because we had forgotten about buying milk. I
Once I arrived at my grandmother’s house, my grandmother was so clam. She had raised him as a child. Her nephew Bill was gone and never coming back and she just sat in the living room and singed along to gospel songs. My mom and aunt walked in shortly after us, their faces were filled with dried tears and all they could do was gaze as they sat down in the living room with us. We all sat in silence for about a minute or so until my grandmother said “It’s ok, he is in a better place now.” We slowly began to open up and share things we enjoyed about Bill. Bill would always get the party started. He had as much rhythm as a dancing monkey but he would dance all night long. He acted as if he were a teenage sometimes. He loved to joke. Bill also could not make kool-aid right to save his life. His kool-aid would be so sweet you could feel the leftover sticky sugar on your top lip as the juice dried. At that moment we knew
The time I went out of my way to help someone is when I was at work. I had only been working as a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) for a couple of months. I was in and out of clients, when they asked me to work for this couple that needed help cleaning around the house. I did not mind since I desperately needing money at the time. This couple and I got along incredibly well, they was friendly, nice and loving. They told me what I needed to do and how to do it, I did everything they needed with time to spare. In that spare time we begin to chat and get to know one another. I learnt that they knew someone of my relatives and was my late Uncle Dannys best friend, when they was children. I worked for this couple many times after my first time
A couple years ago my parents brought me to their hometown in Vietnam to meet old friends and family. There, I experienced many situations that made me become more thankful of the things I have now. In Vietnam many in poverty in Ho Chi Minh City would walk around neighborhoods selling lottery tickets to others. Many of the people who sell lottery tickets are handicaps with disabilities and young children around 10 years old from the country side that moved to the city in hopes of having a better life. I remember sitting outside of my grandparents house and in a day many lottery ticket sellers would pass by, one of the girls that we selling was exactly the same age as me. While my grandpa bought some tickets from her, she explained how her whole
Last December I was volunteering for a club in school, we collected gifts for orphan children of all age groups. A few days before Christmas we all gathered at a local church and we began serving food and giving out gifts for children. As the day went by so did all the presents, we began to realize there was not enough for everybody however we had just the right amount in the end. Suddenly, a group of kids my age walked in I glanced at the section where we had placed the gifts for teenagers but there were no more presents. I looked over to our sponsor and we began to think of a way for these boys and girls to receive a gift. In that moment one of the church members walked in with gifts that were meant to be given to us as a thank you for coming to help the church pass out gifts and serve food. I looked over at the group of teenagers and saw sadness in their faces I then offered if I could give the gift to one of them. My peers agreed and did the same.
One day my whole entire nationhood was havening lots of garage sales.by chance my family, my next door neighbor was. she had to go into town to get some food. she left. I walked over there to her house. I sat their for 2 hours! it was really hot that day. their probably was 50 people who came by and boutstuff.theirtheir was even a guy who tried to steal my stuff(phone). when she finally got home she said "why are you here? do you wanna buy somthin?" "no ma'am, I was just looking out for stuff" "oh, ok thank you!" "after our long convocation she saw that I made her like $150 . she gave me a hug, candy, and money!. I honesty did not want her to give me anything. I didn’t even expect any of it. what I learned in this siltation,
On a very hot day in the middle of June, my mom and I were traveling to a local supermarket to go get a few groceries. When we finally managed to get all the groceries we needed I started to walk towards the doors to leave when I noticed this cute old lady. She was short and had a narrow, oblong face with angular cheekbones and a pointed chin. I noticed that she was struggling with carrying all of her half dozen bags that were filled with all her items. I felt bad so I decided that I was going to be a generous person and help this lady out. I approached this woman and had asked her if she needed any help with carrying her groceries. The woman replied “oh yes I do, why are you so kind?” I told her that it looked to me that she (you) were having a hard time with your bags. She thanked me nonstop. We started to have a conversation and I asked her what her name was, but she was having a hard time even trying to tell me her name from the look she gave me. She seemed confused and out of place. The lady finally managed to tell me
My grandfather most importantly was curious of my grades. He had said “Could I see what you’ve been up to this semester?” with a smirk on his face.. An oxygen tank and morphine wouldn’t stop him from checking up on my academic standards. I handed him the piece of paper, I worried and felt as if I was going to be executed for a crime. As he scanned the paper from top to bottom he laughed and shouted out to the family that surrounded him “Passed all classes! I’m a proud grandfather”. All of a sudden everyone congratulated me because even though I had been through tough times, I managed to stay on track and think about my future and family. In a low sobbing voice under his oxygen mask he said, “Promise me you’ll graduate, get a degree and be a smart young lady…even though I may not be present, I’ll always be in your heart”. Those moments were emotional and touching, everyone in the room including me,
I started working at the book sale 3 years ago. The first time I walked in I was surprised to see I was the only person under 60. A kind-eyed woman came up to me and asked if I was there to see my grandparent. After I explained I was
Identity is what evolves us, it is what makes us think the way we do, and act the way we act, in essence, a person’s identity is their everything. Identity separates us from everyone else, and while one may be very similar to another, there is no one who is exactly like you; someone who has experienced exactly what you have, feels the way you do about subjects, and reacts the same to the events and experiences you have had. This became prevalent to me as I read through many books, that everyone goes through the process of finding who they are. A prevalent theme throughout literature is the idea that over time one develops their identity through life over time, in contrast to being born with one identity and having the same