I find it hard to self-assess oneself. I do not feel I do poorly in any category, but I know I am not great at every category. The weaknesses I have are in areas that I already feel need improvement. Now we will dive into some of those weaknesses and strengths.
After taking the self-assessment in the read section of unit 2, I realized that I need to improve my reading, writing, speaking skills, ability to retain written information, and ability to conduct research (Bethel University, 2014). It is not a surprise that reading and writing were my lowest scores. I have not read or wrote much since I left college eight years ago. Speaking, retaining written information, and the ability to conduct research I ranked higher in, but they were the weaker of the categories within that group. I found there is a theme among these weaknesses. They seem to affect one another, and I think if I could improve in one the others will along with it (Bethel
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I will read more, making my goal that my reading will improve, and it will also improve my ability to retain written information. I will be conducting research for every paper I write in all my classes, and this will improve my ability to conduct research. If for some reason focusing on improvement does not help me improve, I will attempt to manage that weakness (Sanders, 2010). I will try to use my strengths to overcome my weaknesses. That is how I plan to manage them, if I find them to be impossible to improve. I plan to continue to use my strengths in school to stay on target with assignments and set clear goals for myself to achieve. In life my strengths have and will carry me far. I have been using my strengths for years at my current job and I have had a great career so far. I believe that I will be able to improve my weaknesses and execute my strengths to obtain success in all aspects of my
I am writing to you concerning my strengths and weaknesses when it comes to writing, reading, and speaking. When it comes to writing, I believe that my weakness is using words appropriately. My strength, however, is my ability to clearly convey my ideas. As for reading, I am not a big fan. Therefore, my weakness would be my lack of motivation to open a book or any sort of reading material for that matter. Whenever I do find the motivation to read, I am usually able to comprehend subject matter easily. When it comes to speaking, I believe that it is my strongest delivery method. I like to talk to others and I am not afraid to voice my opinion. I would have to say that my weakness for speaking would be staying on topic. Needless to say, I have
When I first started English 101, I saw myself as having a few good strengths and a lot of weaknesses as a writer. Some of my strengths included being able to write a good introduction minus the thesis part. I also saw myself as knowing how to write a good conclusion that summarized what I talked about in my essay and being able to understand a article or essay by knowing what the author was talking about. Some of the improvements I saw in my writing thorough out the semester is learning how to write an essay where I can communicate with the audience with my own personal voice. I also feel I improved on knowing how to properly include quotes and how to find good creditable sources to include in my essay and on how to include both sides of a argument in my paper. Another improvement I found in my papers is learning how to revise them and approach each essay. However, there are some items of writing that I believe I improved on but still needs some work. For example, even though I have learned all about the rhetorical appeals and how to determine them in a essay, I still feel as if I do not know how to properly included them in my essay. I also see myself as improving on knowing how to write a thesis but still need work on
The innovation of technology in America industrialization was just as big as building cities, due the mass amount of people immigrating in to America’s coasts. America had to find ways to house these people and make sure they had jobs.
These are my strengths. I am a risk taker the reason for that Is because I love doing almost doing every thing. I will get out of my comfort zone to do fun things. I eat the weirdest food to see if there are good or not. I will do every sport except baseball I believe that baseball is just boring. I will go camping without tent all i need is a sleeping bag and a fier. I love sports, outdoors, and being with my friends. This year I will work on doing homework, which I am not good at doing. I will try to get good grades so I can pass 7th grade. I will work my hardest on every thing I do. All these sentences are my struggles. I will show my teachers that I can have fun and doing my work at the same
Everyday we ask ourselves, “Did I make the right decision?” Whether it is in regards to family, friends or co-workers we constantly do self assessments. Self-assessment is defined as a process through which individuals gain knowledge about themselves. This includes information about their likes and dislikes as well as their reactions to specific situations. By knowing more about themselves, individuals can be able to determine the work situations and occupations that are most appropriate for them. There are several lessons that can be learnt from self-assessment in relation to individual decision making. This research paper will examine reveal the lesions learned from self assessment. We will observe of the influence of the American
Self-Awareness, self-concept and emotional intelligence are effective managerial concepts that will result in leadership success. According to Stanford University, having these soft skills are indispensable traits that good managers should develop to be successful leaders. Managers strive to become aware of who they are, what their values, attitudes, skills, and abilities are. These values drive them to achieve and will eventually result in them become more effective. (Showry & Manasa, 2014, p. 15)
A person's strength was always his weakness. When it comes to reading and writing, I have many strengths and weaknesses. My past writing and reading experiences have made me into the writer/reader that I today. Strengths help me excel in my read/write, but the weaknesses do bring me in a stump at times. When writing an essay, you can have a very high vocabulary, but not have the best of grammar. The good thing about weaknesses is that they can be worked on to be made into a strength. Many people achieve this by setting goals and making the new one harder and harder. Without strengths or weaknesses or even goals, how would people learn from their mistakes, becoming better at what they're not or achieve their aims.
Over the remaining course of clinicals, I have continued to search for advancements in my work ethic. Along the way, new strengths and weaknesses were found to build myself upon. Some of the newly acquired strengths I developed would be using the digital panel and system more efficiently, observing and retaining technique factors used, and remembering multiple patient history over a long period of time (Rouse,2016). These strengths play a significant role in what I have learned throughout my clinical journey at Advanced Imaging Concepts. Each one of my strengths have enlightened me to become a better future radiologic technologist. Without my clinical instructor and coordinator, I would not have found my weaknesses. Now, I have created several action plans used to solve these problems tactically. With their guidance, I have noticed my weaknesses are not knowing what confirms a good radiograph in regards of anatomy of interest, marker placement, and collimation to reduce patient dose.
My plan to reach these goals I have set out for myself is to have a clear head, have perseverance, and most importantly have a positive attitude. I think my strengths as a student in school, are history and English. Over the course of my grade schooling years, i've always been told that I’m really good with words and putting them together. My weaknesses in school, are for sure math and science. Those two departments in school used to interest me, but as i've grown older I haven't been so fond of them. With English, my problems early on, were reading comprehension. I’m a fluent reader, but more of the time i'm not retaining what i'm actually reading. I work at JJ’s here in downtown Alpena, I work on an average of 20-30 hours a week. I have access to a vehicle as well. Unfortunately I do not read, I haven't found much time to do it, and in the same breath I haven't made any time for it. Being a reader and a writer, i'm sure that there are more values in life being more knowledgeable in certain aspects. Some things you may know about me, I play baseball for the high school. I'm a very outgoing kid, who deals with pressure just fine. Kind of have to have that to play baseball. I'm not really curious about anything, about you as of right now, I’ll let you
After completing the Emotional Intelligence Survey I was able to find my areas of strength as well as areas where I can improve upon. Although I was strong in certain aspects of the survey, I feel as though constant improvement, even on one’s strengths, is necessary in order to be successful. More specifically the areas I was strong in were categories that included self-awareness, self-motivation, social awareness, and social skills. I can agree with this because I value self-recognition tremendously, I do often engage in motivating myself to pursue opportunities and perform tasks, and I very much so enjoy interacting with others.
During the semester, I learned to focus on my strengths and work on my weaknesses. I could use my organization, paragraph structure, and transition skills to keep high quality writing. This will be helpful to assure an above average grade when I take English 102 during the summer. On the other hand, although students often try to avoid their weaknesses, I see them as useful. Knowing my weaknesses gives me the opportunity to work on them until they become strengths. For example, as I mentioned before, organization is presently my biggest strength. However, at the beginning of the course, it wasn’t. I had to practice and work on it until it became natural and
Writing is not just as simple as putting words down on a document or a piece of paper, it is a process. Within this intricate process are steps that involve more than just writing, such as critical thinking, planning, and editing. Using these steps has not only helped me when planning an essay but also when composing one. Throughout this course, I have managed to improve many skills and gain a lot of strengths, but I still possess some weaknesses. Overall, I believe my strengths have definitely outgrown these weaknesses and have led to a better, more high-quality writing process which leads to improved essays.
My current strengths include; my honesty and passion towards my work. I have always been positive and confident regarding my aims and targets. Along with these, I am a good decision maker, due to which I can make right and quick decisions. Moreover, I have ability to motivate others and do team work. I am also a responsible person, when I make a target; I work day and night to achieve my goal.
I believe reading is the key to finding success, whether it's work or play. I found several resources to improve on my weakness while enhancing my strengths. The four resources are Celebration of Discipline, Tools for Teams: Building Effective Teams in the Workplace, Bridges Not Walls: A book about Interpersonal Communication, and The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership Follow Them And People Will Follow You. It has been said that it takes twenty-eight days to develop a habit, I have decided to pace my self a month for developing each new technique I have researched and determined that these three resources can help find the growth I am looking for.
Toni Morrison began her literary career with the novel The Bluest Eye published in 1970. Later she published many award-winning and best-selling novels like Sula (1973), Song of Solomon (1977), Tar Baby (1981) and Beloved (1987) which earned her repute as one of the leading African American writers. Morrison’s first published novel The Bluest Eye explores the issues related to the crisis of identity of a Black girl named Pecola in a White European society as a consequence of ‘internalized racism’. Through the protagonist Pecola, Morrison demonstrates the damage caused by ‘internalized racism’ to the minds of the children in the most devastating manner. The novel depicts Pecola’s struggle for identity and self where the epitome of beauty is defined by the standardized White European norms. For Pecola, having blue eyes, blonde hair and pinkish skin tone is the true epitome of beauty, which ultimately results in her suffering. Her life-long craving for the misconceived beauty provides her nothing but a false notion of self and identity.