Theory into Practice Theories both nursing and non-nursing have made significant impacts in the nursing profession. Nurses use theories in everyday practice in how they deliver care to patients as well as upholding the standards of the profession. Jean Watson’s nursing theory can be used in combination with Maslow’s Hierarchy, a non-nursing theory, to deliver the upmost professional and compassionate care to patients. Jean Watson Jean Watsons Theory of Human Caring shows that all human beings have an essential need to partake in caring exchanges, as giver and receiver, and that nursing holds the heart of this fundamental need (Sitzman & Wright, 2010, p. 50). Watsons theory has three major elements, clinical caritas processes, transpersonal caring, and caring moments/caring occasions all of which describe the essence of the theory and how each is used in nursing practice. Nurses become more …show more content…
Jean Watsons Theory of Human Caring allows for me to view the patient on a more spiritual level. The interaction between the patient and I is very important, as trust is formed throughout the caring process. Whether, through transpersonal caring relationship or caring moment, I must be mindfully present to myself as well as my patient. The importance of Watsons theory is to focus on the caring and healing of the patient rather than the illness or disease. In doing so the patient and I begin to form a transpersonal relationship, which opens the window to more in-depth care. Maslow’s Hierarchy also impacts my nursing practice as it allows for the basic needs of my patients to be met. Although working in surgery giving food and water before surgery is not allowed, but IV fluids are given in the meantime. When meeting the needs of safety and security, my patient must feel as if they are getting safe competent care, furthermore as the nurse those needs are met by maintaining a safe environment that is conducive of
When asked to develop a personal nursing philosophy caring was found to be the main component. Jean Watson’s Caring Science as Sacred Science reflects this philosophy in which caring is the predominate component needed in nursing. This paper will provided basic information on the Caring Science as Sacred Science Theory. The paper will further provide a personal example of a patient experience in which this theory shaped the care and healing of the patient. The personal experience to be shown in this paper involves a patient with complex chronic illness. The patient had been hospitalized for over a month. Patients with chronic illness and in the hospital often experience feeling powerless, scared, distant, and confined (Kay Hogan & Cleary, 2013). When these feelings persist they overcome the patient and do not allow the patient to concentrate on healing or being an active member of the healthcare team. Patients in this situation need caring and psychosocial support before moving on with medical care. However, this can often be hard for the healthcare team. When a patient has complex complications often treating these issues is all the team has time for due to patient load and institutional demands. Jean Watson (2009) recognizes this in her work Caring Science and Human Caring Theory: Transforming Personal and Professional Practices of Nursing and Health Care. Watson (2009) recognizes nurses are often torn between values of human caring
The caring theory was grounded on a humanitarian perspective and is found on a humanistic approach toward human caring programs and experiences. It acknowledges that life with individuals and their community to the surrounding environment are somehow connect and affects wellbeing of everything involved. The nature of the theory caring implies that it embraces reflective investigations as well subjective and interpretative inquiries. The nursing profession uses nursing theories as the framework and foundation for practice. Many people find nursing theories to be meaningless and of no use to the
The purpose of this paper is an overview of Jean Watson’s Theory of Caring. This theory can be taken into account as one of the most philosophicaly complicated of existent nursing theories. The Theory of Human Caring, which also has been reffered to as the Theory of Transpersonal Caring, is middle – range explanatory theory. (Fawccett, 2000) The central point of which is on the human component of caring
Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring. The theory can be described as an expanded view of
Nursing should not be looked upon or practiced as a mere physical approach to healing. Nursing should encompass the aspect of restoring each individual patient to his/her maximum physical and emotional state of being. In order to achieve such a goal, a patient must be able to bond with her caregiver on a personal level (Blais & Hayes, 2011). Jean Watson’s caritas factors sets an environment where the patient can obtain optimum health benefits (Blais & Hayes, 2011). The goal of this paper is to state my philosophy of nursing, the important dynamics and values that led me to adopting this philosophy, and the reason why I choose nursing as a profession. I will further explain how Jean Watson’s principles of philosophy is
The original 10 carative factors were revised in 1985 to the “Clinical Caritas Process”. Fitzpatrick and Whall (2005) state that “Watson proposes that the clinical Caritas framework is a transformation of the original caring model which emphasizes the merging of spirituality, and evocation of love and caring to provide new paradigm for the millennium” (p. 310). The transpersonal caring relationship according to Fitzpatrick and Whall (2005) is a “…relationship that moves beyond ego-self and radiates to spiritual, even cosmic concerns and connections that tap into healing possibilities and potentials” (p. 310). Watson proclaims caring is the “moral ideal” in nursing. Creating a transpersonal relationship comes from the bond between two beings that help the ill “…find meaning in illness and suffering in order to restore or promote the person’s harmony” (
In this paper on Watson’s theory of human caring it will briefly describe the theories background and concepts. In discussion of an actual nurse patient event I have had in Obstetrics it will analyze major theory assumptions related to person, health, nursing and environment in the context of this caring moment, along with a personal reflection of this caring moment.
The purpose of this paper is to analyze and summarize the philosophy of nursing and how nursing theory guides this nurse’s practice. Information used to do this paper was retrieved from the online database, Nursing and Allied Health Source and CINAHL through the SJR State Library. Our textbook, The Conceptual Foundations and the Merriam- Webster Dictionary website was also used. Some of the search phrases used were Jean Watson theory of human caring, philosophy of nursing, and Watson’s philosophy and theory of human caring in nursing on the online database. The word philosophy was also searched on the Merriam- Webster Dictionary website. There was an abundance information throughout my research on
Jean Watson’s Theory of Caring has six explicit assumptions. The first assumption is, ontological assumptions emphasizing on the oneness or the connectedness of the human beings. The nurse’s experiences and values are key points to the first assumption. The second is an epistemological assumption which states that there are many ways of knowing. This includes topics as oneself and patients to abstract topics and concepts in nursing. The third assumption mentions that there are diverse methods of knowing and that the collection of information is in various forms. This includes learning about cultures, talking to patients etc. The fourth assumption makes the diverse perspectives explicit in the caring model.
Jean Watson's theory of nursing is based on the ideas of a number of philosophers and psychologists, including Carl Rogers, most specifically on his "phenomenological psychology and philosophy" (Tourville and Ingalls, 2003, p. 21). Her theory evolved over at least two decades of diverse experiences. Watson's theory is referred to as Transpersonal Caring because it emphasizes unity in the world (Tourville and Ingalls, 2003). Watson proposed that caring is a natural act for humans and it becomes a moral principle at the point when a patient and a nurse share a caring experience (Watson 2007). According to Watson, the goal of nursing is to help the patient achieve harmony of mind, body and spirit (Watson, 2007).
The theory of transpersonal caring is the nursing theory of Jean Watson. The essence of her theory is “caring for the purpose of promoting healing, preserving dignity, and respecting the wholeness and interconnectedness of humanity.” (George, 2010) The four major components of Watson’s theory are the human being, health, environment/society and nursing. Watson embraces
The Theory of Human caring is a middle range theory developed by Jean Watson with the focus on the relation between use of the clinical caritas processes and the building of a transpersonal caring relationship within the context of caring occasion and caring consciousness. The Theory of Human Caring honors the unity of the whole human being, while focusing on creating a healing environment (Watson, 2006). Watson had preference for human science, and clearly shunned the mechanistic and reductionist word view (Watson, 1985, as cited in Fawcett & DeSanto-Madeya, 2017). According to Watson, person is “an experiencing and perceiving spiritual being” (Watson, 1999, as cited in
Nursing theory is assumed as the body of information, which is used to assist the nursing practice. Nursing models are created with theories and perceptions. They are used to assist nurses assess, plan and implement patient care by delivering an outline within which to work. Nursing models also assist the nurses to accomplish consistency and unified care. This presentation shall examine the importance of Dr. Jean Watson’s theory of caring in today’s nursing practice, its relation to metaparagidm concepts and how the theory help us to improve the current nursing practices.
According to Fawcett and DeSanto-Madeya (2013), Watson’s Theory of Human Caring can be categorized as a middle- range theory due to its focus on the relation between use of the clinical caritas processes and the building of a transpersonal caring relationship within the context of caring occasion and caring consciousness. Theory of Human Caring honors the unity of the whole human being, while also attending to creating a healing environment (Watson, 2006). Caring is acknowledged as transpersonal, in that it goes beyond the ego-oriented human; it involves the one caring as well as the care receiver, and is mutual, intersubjective, and reciprocal (Watson, 2006). The integrity and usefulness of the theory will be evaluated based on Fawcett’s (2005) criteria. Why it can be argued that the Theory of Human Caring meet the Fawcett’s evaluation criteria, there is evidence of confusion and lack of simplicity.
My personal philosophy aligns with that of Jean Watson Theory of Human Caring in nursing. Nursing is more than treating an illness. Jean Watson mentioned Caring Sciences involved the Humanity, Arts and Sciences. My attitude is one of caring, compassion, and service. I feel extremely satisfied when I care for others and make a difference in their lives. It is interesting to know that Jean Watson Theory of Human Caring in nursing is used by most clinical nurses and academic programs worldwide. Her Caring Theory has made a