
What Is John Bowlby's Theory Of Attachment

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In this essay the reader will gain an insight into the importance of services such as The Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) Scheme in relation to attunement and attachment, the importance of healthy attachment behaviors, how and why ECCE workers must be able to provide a secure base for healthy attachments and what can happen if healthy attachment behaviors are not learned.
John Bowlby first introduced his theory of attachment and its central role in child development more than 50 years ago. “The attachment theory focuses on how children develop within relationships, and the impact that this has for later social and emotional development. This in turn impacts on cognitive development, the way in which the child learns and understands …show more content…

Are they upset? (p711 teacher child relationships from an attachment perspective Verschueren Karine 2012.) ???
Why is this process of attachment so important? It is crucial to develop healthy attachment behaviors in the early years for many reasons. “Although attachment is significant throughout the life span, the special bond that develops between an infant and primary caregiver in the first year of life is usually seen as the template for future relationship experiences.” Children learn behaviorisms from their parents and care givers, and if those parents and caregivers demonstrate healthy attachment behaviors …show more content…

When needs are met children develop a sense of attachment and also trust which allows the child to view the world as a safe place that is safe to explore. “Healthy attachment develops a child’s identity and self-worth, as well as his sense of security in negotiating life’s challenges. It also helps build trust, empathy, conscience, and compassion for others, all of which form the basis for developing healthy relationships in adult life.” But when a child’s needs are not met and when children are neglected by their caregivers, for example, when a toddler is left crying for hours without someone to tend to their needs, experiences like these can often cause a child to develop fear and insecurity. These experiences can often hold them back in relation to forming secure attachments with others. Usually an “insecure” base is formed which can result in children viewing the world as an unsafe place, filled with unreliable people because their basic needs, for example, food, comfort or care were not met on a consistent basis. This damaged self-esteem can also affect a child’s cognitive development as these children may be afraid to take risks or try new tasks, both of which are very important tasks in relation to development. “There is a link between childhood attachment patterns and adult attachment styles and relationships. As adults, securely attached children tend to have higher

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