Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun and is the largest planet in the solar system. However, Jupiter's size is not its distinguishing feature. Jupiter's Great Red Spot is a giant, rotating storm that has been raging for hundreds of years. “It is generally reddish in color, slightly oval in shape, and approximately 16,500 km (10,250 miles) wide—large enough to engulf Earth,” says Encyclopedia Britannica. Wind speed on and around this spot can exceed four hundred miles per hour! The atmosphere above the storm is hundreds of degrees hotter than anywhere else on Jupiter. James O'Donoghue, a planetary scientist at Boston university said, "This warmth is a discrepancy that has haunted everyone for fifty years now." Why?
Jupiter is about four
In the 1800’s Jupiter’s most recognizable landmark, the Jupiter Lighthouse, was founded. The Lighthouse stands 105 feet tall atop a 46-ft. hill on the north shore of the Jupiter Inlet. The land that is now Lighthouse Park was once a part of Fort Jupiter, a military installation that was formed during the Seminole Indian
In their determination, “Jupiter, being wet and hot, draws up evil vapors from the earth, and Mars, because it is immediately dry and hot, then ignites the vapors, and as a result there were lightnings, sparks, noxious vapors and fires throughout the air.”4
Thursday is a Jupiter day, Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun and the largest planet in the Solar System, Thursday's are also known as "Thor's day" the Norse god of thunder. He was the God of the Peasants or the poor people, Thor is represented riding a chariot drawn by goats and wielding the hammer, Thor hurled thunderbolts when enraged. He also wore a magic belt which increased his strength the more he pulled it in. Jupiter is depicted as the chief god of sky and thunder who maintained his power with his thunderbolt. Thor was protector for gods and humans. Jupiter is usually thought to have originated as a sky god. Jupiter was not only the great protecting deity of the race but also one whose worship embodied a distinct moral conception.
Jupiter is the largest and the fastest spinning planet in our solar system. The storm on Jupiter known as the Great Red Spot could swallow up the entire Earth. Jupiter is made primarily of hydrogen and helium and has no solid surface. Its atmosphere resembles that of the sun. Stathopoulus (2000 – 2011), “ Sixteen moons have been identified, with Ganymede noted as the largest - it is bigger than both Mercury and Pluto” (Facts about Jupiter, para. 9).
Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. Fittingly, it was named after the king of the gods in Roman mythology. The distance from the Sun to Jupiter is approximately 779 million km, or 484 million miles. The exact number is 778,547,200 km. The most obvious features on Jupiter are the alternating bands of white and colored clouds, zones and belts. Analysis of data at many wavelengths shows that the white regions have higher thicker, clouds than the redder regions.
Even though on Earth, Hurricane Irene was a monster storm, it is very small compared to the massive storms on other planets. Although, it is not common to hear about storms on other plants, Earth is the only planet in the solar system that has storms. Both Jupiter and Saturn can churn out spinning squalls that can be bigger than the entire Earth. Although, these storms aren't fed by warm ocean water the way terrestrial hurricanes are, they're in a lot of ways similar to storms on Earth. Jupiter and Saturn are not the only planets in our solar system that also experiences bizarre weather. Icy methane rainstorms, planet-wide sand storms, and lead-melting temperatures affect other planets and their moons.
Jupiter was the last planet on this part of the mission and I was ready to go home. We have been here three years and it will take a year to get home. Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system. It is made up of gas, and it has a big red spot
Catullus 70 is Catullus questioning his relationship with Cloudia. The poem begins by Catullus calling his lover “mulier,” the latin word for a married women. Catullus says that this “married women” would marry no other than him. Calling his lover a married woman sets up a tension that Catullus carries throughout the poem. His lover tells him that she would rather be with him than anyone, but Catullus’ specific example of who she would choose him over is Jupiter.
Jupiter: Jupiter is the fifth planet from the sun and is also the largest. It has 67 known moons and one One orbit of the Sun takes Jupiter 11.86 Earth years
Jupiter Research Jupiter is the fifth and largest planet in our solar system. This gas giant has a thick atmosphere, 17 moons, and a dark, barely-visible ring. Its most prominent features are bands across its latitudes and a great red spot, (which is a storm). Jupiter is composed mostly of gas.
Jupiter has an atmospheric pressure which is 10x greater that earths. With atmospheric pressure that great, causes the temperature from below the clouds causes the temperature to rise to a nice 70 degrees. As you go deeper into Jupiter reaching the core, it becomes hotter that the sun its self. Saturn is simple because its seasons are long lasting, for fall in Saturn lasted 2 years in 2002. Also in 2004 when the spacecraft Cassini started reached its destination to Saturn it started the season of winter.
Europa is the sixth of Jupiter's moons and the fourth largest. Europa is named after a Phoenician princess who was abducted by Zeus and taken to the island of Crete to be his lover. Europa was discovered by Galileo Galilei and possibly Simon Marius in 1610 and is one of the four Galilean satellites. The others being: Io, Ganymede, and Callisto. Europa is very different from the other moons of Jupiter. Instead of a rocky, cratered surface like Callisto and Ganymede, it instead has a smooth outer surface of cracked ice. There are very few sign of craters on Europa. In fact, only three large craters have been found. This indicates that Europa's surface is very young and active. In photographs sent back by orbiters, the surface resembles sea ice on Earth. Astronomers believe that beneath this layer of ice may exist an ocean, kept liquid by the moon's internal heat. This liquid ocean could be as much as 30 miles deep. The existence of deep ocean vents on the ocean floor on Earth have led some scientists to speculate that there could be a possibility of life on Europa. Around these deep sea vents on Earth are life forms that do not need sunlight to survive. They instead feed on bacteria that get their nutrients from chemicals seeping up from the ocean floor. This process is known as chemosynthesis. Scientists believe that similar life forms could evolve on Europa if a liquid ocean does indeed exist beneath its frozen surface.
Uncovering the mysteries of Jupiter is a crucial step for a greater understanding of our Solar System. Being the massive planet that it is, this mysterious planet may hold many answers to how our the Solar System formed and evolved. The understanding of the origins of the universe includes answers even to the formation of Earth itself. Many believe that the research of Jupiter will lead to discoveries on planet formation and the role of giant planets on the formation f stars and other smaller bodies. Mysteries of Jupiter include its composition, what is under its clouds, what is in its core and its magnetic field. Research on the amount of water in the planet will tell us about the
Jupiter is a gas planet with a possible chance of a core. On the outside of Jupiter, what we can see, is its atmosphere. Jupiter’s atmosphere is layered. It contains hydrogen, helium (a
The knowledge of what the inner core is made up is still and will remain unknown until we can create a satellite that can make into the atmosphere of Jupiter and the other gas planets. Jupiter's atmosphere was also found to be quite turbulent. It is also know that Jupiter spins faster than any other planet. This indicates that Jupiter's winds are driven in large part by its internal heat rather than from solar input as on Earth. The vivid colors seen in Jupiter's clouds are probably the result of subtle chemical reactions of the trace elements in Jupiter's atmosphere, perhaps involving sulfur whose compounds take on a wide variety of colors, but the details are unknown. The colors correlate with the cloud's altitude: blue lowest, followed by browns and whites, with reds highest. Sometimes we see the lower layers through holes in the upper ones. Then we have the Great Red Spot that everyone can identify as Jupiter. This reddish color of the “Great Red Spot” is a puzzle to scientist, but several chemicals, including phosphorus, have been proposed as a reason. In fact, the color and mechanisms driving the appearance of the entire atmosphere are still not well understood. This spot has been seen by Earthly observers for more than 300 years. Robert Hooke discovered it in the 17th century. The GRS is an oval about 12,000 by 25,000 km, big enough to hold two Earths. Another interesting feature about Jupiter is that it