Justin Trudeau has both glamour and fresh ideas to the government of Canada, but his political honeymoon with the people of Canada has come to an end. Canadian did not like the fact that Justin Trudeau provided from the eulogy at Fidel Castro’s funeral despite Fidel Castro’s past as a dictator. He also abandoned his promises to fix the electoral system which was one of his main promise during his election campaign. At the G20 summit in 2015 the liberal party said ‘we will fulfill G20 commitment and phase out subsidies for the fossil fuel industry over the medium-term.’, however, there is still no detailed plan of action for this promise. Those Justin’s unfavorable actions made Canadians disappointed and it implies his popularity for the next
This article talks about Liberal leader Justin Trudeau and his vow to bring Canadians together as one and to make Canada an open, confident and hopeful country. At a rally in Brampton, Ontario, he criticizes Stephen Harper’s “small and fearful” vision of Canada and promises to change that. Trudeau uses a direct quote of Franklin Roosevelt (“We have nothing to fear but fear itself”) to compare Harper’s plan for Canada saying that he has nothing to offer us but fear. Trudeau states that it’s a prime minister’s job to build Canadians up and together, not to tear us apart. Nearly 5 000 supporters attended the rally and it ironically took place in Brampton because it is one of Canada’s most ethnically diverse cities. Half of the population are immigrants
Justin Trudeau is the 23rd Prime Minster of Canada and is the Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada. Son of the late prime minister Pierre Trudeau, Justin followed in his fathers footsteps. Graduating with a bachelor’s degree from the McGill University and a degree in education from the University of British Columbia. Trudeau worked as a teacher for many years, before making his political debut. In 2006, he chaired the Liberal Party’s task force for youth renewal. Trudeau was later appointed MP of Papineau in 2008, and is still current representing that riding. When running for office, Trudeau stated he would increase tax on those who were wealthy and tax cuts for the middle class, he also stated that he would address Canada’s climate change
idea of turning Canada back to its original roots. He compares Harper's government system with Pierre Trudeau’s. Arguing about the struggles and failures of
-Mr.Justin Trudeau was elected as Prime Minister. That marked a change in government, from Conservative to Liberal government The Conservative party was in power from February 6, 2006 until November 4, 2015.
The 1990’s in Canada proved to be a relatively quiet and peaceful time in Canadian History. With this era, came the new, or sometimes already known, historical figures to shape the economy, government and the well being of the people during the time. From 1993-2003 came the rule of Prime Minister Jean Chretien, a leader from who was born in the small town of Shawinigan, Quebec. He proved to be a strong leader with his determination and strive to be “‘“a fighter. He must win.’” as his friend Jean Pelletier described him (Bothwell, Marshall & Koch, 2015). Under him, came Paul Martin who after rivaling against him in the fight for liberal leadership, was appointed Finance minister. He too seemed to have quite the influence of the people and proved
Pierre Trudeau was Canada’s leading activist for equalizing the rights gap between men and women in the 1960’s. Specifically, he agreed with the Canadians who wanted birth control as a contraceptive to be legalized. Also, he fought for both genders to be part of the Canadian government. Furthermore, he was an underlying compeller who wanted people’s rights to be accepted and acknowledged by the government. His take on society differed from past governments; and since he was a figure of authority at that time in Canada’s political history, Canadians would listen to him and respect the decisions he made as a politician to create a positive outcome on his nation.
For starters, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau who leads the Liberal Party won and “promises for changes to his supporters.”1 PM Trudeau stated that his most priority in changing the country would be throughout the Immigration here in Canada. Immigrants obviously know how Citizenship works; they have to wait for at least four to six years to be qualified to take the test of the Citizenship. However, PM Trudeau made a proposal regarding about the years of waiting from three out of five years so that the Immigrants who are a Permanent Resident will no longer wait for a very long time. In addition, the Liberal Party changed the age of an applicant to 18 years of age and above (64 years old); this is absolutely a great plan because the age policy
On October 19th, 2015, Canada had its 42nd general election. Justin Trudeau was the best choice Canadians could make in terms of electing a new Prime Minister. Many past leaders of the Liberal Party of Canada can be held accountable for great change, such as Lester B. Pearson commissioning a search for a new flag, Pierre Trudeau (Justin Trudeau’s father) creating the Official Languages Act and Mackenzie King instituting a national old age pension plan. Justin Trudeau is also considerate of the citizens of Canada; this is evident based on his opposition of the Northern Gateway Pipeline and outspoken support for the middle class throughout his candidacy. Similarly, Trudeau does not only consider himself responsible of his citizens but also the environment, given his promise to modify Canada’s national park admission fees and interest in ending fossil fuel subsidies.
The book of Proverbs 28:13 says ,“Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper, but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy.” This quote explains that anyone who keeps in their sin will continue to guilt and torture themselves by doing so. Hawthorne uses many different forms of imagery and allusions to show the significance of hidden sin. The reader can see how Hawthorne uses sin to change his character's physical and mental state. There were three characters he changed throughout the book: Arthur Dimmesdale, Hester Prynne, and Roger Chillingworth.
Opposing the belief that a dominating leader is running Canada, Barker brings up several key realities of the Canadian government. He gives examples of several “… instances of other ministers taking action that reveal the limits prime-ministerial power,” (Barker 178). Barker conveys the fact that Canada is not bound by a dictatorial government, “…it seems that the prime minister cannot really control his individual ministers. At times, they will pursue agendas that are inconsistent with the prime minister’s actions,” (Barker 181). Both inside and outside government are a part of Canada and they can remind the prime minister that “…politics is a game of survival for all players,” (Barker 188). Barker refutes the misinterpretation of the Canadian government by acknowledging that a prime-ministerial government existing in Canada is an overstatement.
Pierre Trudeau`s legacy presents evidence that indicates he was the most influential figure in Canadian history. Throughout his career, his belief of a distinct Canada apart from Britain has grown and has developed into many important decisions for Canada to solidify Canada`s reputation among the world (Bibliography par. 1). Moreover, he strongly believed in a unified country with Quebec, thus completely rejecting the idea of Quebec separatism, which helped develop Canada`s multiculturalism (1980 Referendum par. 3). Lastly, he believed in full acceptance of culture and language, therefore he played a significant role in the creation of official bilingualism. (Bibliography par. 1). Clearly, Pierre Trudeau has powerfully impacted Canada by prominently
Pierre Elliot Trudeau was arguably one of the most vivacious and charismatic Prime Ministers Canada has ever seen. He wore capes, dated celebrities and always wore a red rose boutonniere. He looked like a superhero, and often acted like one too. Some of the landmark occurrences in Canadian history all happened during the Trudeau era, such as patriating the constitution, creating the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the 1980 Quebec Referendum. However, it is Trudeau’s 1969 “white paper” and the Calder legal challenge which many consider to be one of his most influential contributions to Canadian history.
The day I had been waiting for had finally come; it was October 29, 2015, and I was going to vote for the federal election at Thistletown C.I.'s school cafeteria just like any other Canadian citizen. There were two main reasons as to why I wanted to vote that day; one was because I wanted to see a change in Canada and another was that I didn't want the Conservatives to win again since I didn't agree with some of their promises. I voted for the New Democratic Party because their promises in jobs, families, and healthcare can help Canada become more prosperous, affordable. The party which didn't impress me as much was the Conservative Party because their promises on energy and environment, manufacturing and infrastructure, and public finances
I agree with you that nonprofit organztion have the right to refuse to teach something. I think that children are going to get the knowledge about the world from their friends and the streets. I think that it is our jobs after the parents to educate them on the important of the basis of health life. I think that the girls should be educating on all things health so they can go into adult with the knowledge. I think it is our job to show what is out there so they can be educate on the basis so when the decide is brought up , they will be full
Civil disobedience is the refusal to comply with certain laws. Antigone by Sophocles has a majority of examples of civil disobedience. A few examples that stand out is when Creon does not believe Polyneices deserves a proper burial, but Antigone believes that is human right to have one. Another example is when everyone in Thebes believes that what Antigone has done is not wrong and stand by her. One last example of civil disobedience is when Antigone knows it is against the law to bury her brother, but she knows and does the right thing for her brother. Civil disobedience is displayed all over the country. There are many examples of civil disobedience throughout history, for example, when Rosa Parks refused to sit in the color section of the bus. Another example is when Saudi Arabia women believe it was their right to drive because men can, therefore why can’t they. One last example, the Palestinian women and children wanted to leave because of the way they were treated because of their religion. Civil disobedience is an important role in a majority of peoples lives. The examples of civil disobedience in Antigone and the examples in the articles are similar because Antigone and the articles have one common goal they believe and stand for what is right and just.