What Is Law of Attraction and How to Use It in Your Life?
By Sakesare Khan | Submitted On June 03, 2012
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Expert Author Sakesare Khan
The Law of Attraction is among the most ancient universal laws. It just means to depict that whatever circumstances we face in our life are the result of what we thought in our past. Thoughts dominate our mind, they have to manifest in our life. The circumstances we face, the people
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After that the arrival of the book "The Secret" brought up a great revolution in the societies and religious beliefs. So The Law of Attraction is much more the game of your mind set. If you are sincerely able to abide by the principals of the law, you will discover that you can get anything in your life that you love to achieve.
How to Use Law of Attraction:
As I told you earlier that "What we think, we manifest". What we are going to keep in our mind and concentrate on it, we are actually bringing it in the process of manifestation. Using law of attraction is very easy if you keep a firm belief on your thoughts and visualization. Here I will teach you how you can use the law of attraction in your life to get anything you desire to achieve. It consists of only three steps:
1. Ask
2. Feel
3. Give
The first step is desire what you want in your life. Definitely you cannot get money if you have not planned to get it. Similarly you will not go for vacation in Spain until you have not planned it. So asking is the first step towards using law of attraction in your life. Sit down, take a pen and paper, relax and think what you desire in your life. Write down everything that comes into
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In a quote you stated: “My best quality? The transparency in my eyes, I only have to think a thought and it’s seen”. I admire this quality that you possess. This quote could relate to law of attraction because in the film and book it states how what you imagine, you can materialize. It seems like you have mastered the law of attraction Mr. Travolta which is why I am writing this letter to you.
Infatuation is an uncontrollable chemical reaction that makes one act on their inclinations when beholding
This also says that shared activities provide the basis for smooth and rewarding interaction. In other words, the more time a person spends with someone doing things that they mutually enjoy (shared activities), the more attracted they will be to each other. Byrne’s law is completely contradicted when it is applied to the notion that many adolescent girls fall madly in love with stars such as the members of Backstreet Boys. There are no interactions between the obsessive girls and the superstars, but yet these girls believe that they are destined to be with the group members. There are never shared activities with these stars, but yet the ones who feel an unexplainable bond with their destined one cry when beautiful women are seen around “their man.” One can only assume that attractiveness is all that matters in the America, and if you don’t have attractiveness, you are hopeless.
By keeping a positive feelings and emotions and thinking about your desired object & situation, actually doesn’t let bring that thing to you magically. But what it actually does is by keeping a positive mindset and with open and free mind ,you can see around yourself ample of different options to solve your problem ,many opportunities to fulfill your dreams to achieve your desired object. What people misunderstood about Law of attraction is that you just have to think positively and things will come at your doorstep without even moving your fingers , now that is all what we called myth. The actual principle is to Keep up the faith ,stay positive , feel positive have patience but still do your hard work. And the universe will actually conspire
I inferred this from the documentary when they had said in order to achieve you have to really want it. The concept is that if you want to achieve you have to think of it constantly and it will gravitate towards your goal. In the movie, it tells you to “remember that you are a magnet,” and that you are “attracting everything to you (The Secret).” In this sense it is also warning you that negative things can come too. By giving this statement, the law is telling you to always think on the bright side as it correlates to how you will receive your
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If you have seen the film The Secret which only few people have watched then you may be surprised to know as to how to follow any Law of Attraction so that you may gain prosperity in the life. So if you remember you may have also worked out for yourself to apply this Law of Attraction so as to explore abundance and prosperity in your life, or else you are still stressed on the smooth bed of work, eat, sleep and being protected in the same routine before you had seen the video.
The law of Attraction became one of the biggest topics, with many people believing in it, following the teachings, and informing others of it. Many compare it somewhat to being as a cult when it isn’t, while others try to
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The law of attraction says "like attracts like," a simple concept and idea in thought. Unfortunately, many people have trouble attracting what they want out of life due to mental blocks or limiting beliefs in their unconscious mind. Mental blocks consist of beliefs that an individual has that conflict with what their desires, resulting in an inability to attract what they want, or they attract the opposite of what they want.
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The incredible book How The Secret Changed My Life, is all about the law of attraction. It shares stories from people and how it worked for them. It takes you through the steps of believing. How you can go from depressed and angry to being happy again and taking control of your life. It also helps you let go of the past and stop holding grudges.” For the law of attraction, nothing is impossible and everything is possible.”( Byrne 39). It teaches you how to become happy with your life and realize things you may have never thought of before. “Your life is in your hands. No matter where you are now, no matter what has happened in your life, you can begin to consciously choose your thoughts and change your life to one that is filled with happiness.”(
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The Law of Attraction works in a very simple way. Whatever you place your attention on grows bigger. Put another way - you get more of what you focus on! Or, put another way - what your attention rests on expands! This is the very foundation upon which the Law of Attraction works.