
What Is Lulia's Dual Identity

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Clay’s predicament about his identity becomes more intricate, since his outburst at the end shows that he does not have an accurate understanding of his identity. It also brings to light his ineffectiveness to shape himself into this dual-identity, a inconsistency that will haunt him till his death by the hands of Lula. Lula is described as the “femme fatale” and people have compared her character with Eve since Lula gives the apple to Clay, therefore making her the typical, devouring female. She makes the first move with Clay, whether it was coming to sit next to him or speaking to him, or even touching him physically. She does seem to possess physical strength as well, something that Clay notices by her grip – which allows one to wonder if this is a symbol of strength by way of her being …show more content…

There are other small mentions of women by way of Clay’s sister, who (Lula claims) has been raped by him in their younger years. Clay slapping Lula also professes Baraka’s ideas about

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