People recover from damaged reputations while others do not because of the extent of the damage of their actions and people’s beliefs. When the National Institutes of Health was looking for a speaker for and ADHD lecture series, they contacted Molly Zametkin. Which she soon became the face for female ADHD. When a person learns that someone has ADHD, they would most likely think they are, hyper, lazy, unmotivated, and unfocused…” which is the reason why she felt insecure and an outsider to her peers. To repair her reputation she decided to improve or increase the visibility of her good side. Today, she currently works full time for National Institutes of Health, runs her own house-sitting and tutoring business, and also works at a rooftop restaurant; proving to those who doubted her that even ADHD cannot stop her from doing it all. Molly Zametkin was able to recover from her reputation because for one, her reputation did not hurt anyone else and two, to repair her reputation by proving those who expected her to be flawed. Miley Cyrus’s …show more content…
Both singers had “...wholesome reputations. Attractive and talented…very successful, young, wealthy individuals...” With a reputation like this, they had great things ahead of them. Which also results in a great a great fall; the bigger they are the harder they fall. Therefore, he, “must deal with a criminal case and potential time behind bars” and many of his fans, supporters, and his sponsors left him. Brown’s reputation cannot be repaired. He might have faced his consequences and apologized to the public, but he should have also reached out to Rihanna and apologized. It also cannot be repaired because domestic violence is horrible which is why people will always look back and see him as a violent and irresponsible
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a serious neurodevelopment disorder that has affected an innumerable number of children and adults in the United States (Centers for disease Control and Prevention, 2013). It is one of the most common disorders that can cause difficulty at school and home and can also remain into adulthood. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)publishes a web page on ADHD to inform and persuade the public that ADHD is a condition that they should be concerned about. The web page provides facts on symptoms, diagnosis, causes, treatment plans, concerns, statistics and research to help expand the audience’s knowledge on the disorder. The CDC employs the rhetorical appeals of pathos, logos ethos and logos effectively by successfully employing emotional appeals, providing convincing fact and statistics, and building credibility by providing resources and evidence.
In today’s popular culture a big topic of discussion is pop singer, Miley Cyrus. She was a former star on Disney Channel’s Hannah Montana and now we have all seen her transformation from a girl to a woman. To avoid fading away like many other celebrity teen stars as they aged, Miley decided to reinvent herself as an adult musician by pushing the limits. Many people only see Miley Cyrus for her unadulterated VMA Performances and her frowned upon behavior, which most individuals don’t care to get to know. There is another side of Miley that has made a huge impact on society and has reached new levels in giving back to the community. Miley has dedicated herself to feminism, improving society’s image of women, leading the fight against LGBTQ discrimination, charity work, and using social media to expose societal issues.
It is August 4rth, 1892, in Fall River Massachusetts. In a house located on 92nd street, Andrew and Abby Borden are lying dead. Andrew had received 11 strikes to the head with a hatchet and Abby withheld 19. Bridget Sullivan and John Fleet hold evidential facts on the Borden case.
Chris Brown’s apology follows an incident where he repeatedly hit his girlfriend, Rihanna, in the face while in a verbal dispute. Due to this, he had a court hearing where he was charged with domestic violence, receiving five years of probation along with 180 days of community service. With the probation and community service, Brown was told to attend a year of domestic violence counseling. After the hearing, Brown released a public apology on his official website. It consists of apologizing to his fans, telling them that he had apologized to Rihanna on multiple occasions, and asking everyone for their forgiveness.
My entire life I’ve struggled with ADHD. I’m capable of all the work given to me but so many teachers don’t understand how much of a struggle it is for me to focus. It’s not just an excuse for me to be lazy, or get time extensions. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder more well known as ADHD defined by Mayo Clinic as “A chronic condition including attention difficulty, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness.” So basically people with this condition have a hard time focusing, thinking through decisions, and staying still. This is a real condition that affects thousands of children and adults in the united states. The Center for Disease Control and
Unlike Rice, Chris Brown actually made a public apology about what had
Have you ever had a day when you feel like you were wired backwards? Do you ever feel like you are charged with so much energy that you will go mad if you don’t get it out? Do you find yourself reading a question and then rereading just to soak it in? For someone living with ADHD these are daily struggles. There are thousands of people who must carry this label and new diagnoses every day. Both children and adults are stricken by this disorder. Giving them the label causes greater problems than the disorder itself. Individuals with the label of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder experience increased peer related issues, have a higher documented rate of injuries inflicted, and are known as defiant and disobedient due to the implied
In the United States at least 4.5 million people have been misdiagnosed with ADHD under the age of eighteen, ( University ). ADHD ( attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder ) is the chronic condition including attention difficulty, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness. Dr. Brown, a student finishing her residency at John Hopkins Hospital had realized that some of her patients had been diagnosed with ADHD. Most of the children lived in violent households and neighborhoods. These children's parents found it hard to manage, and teachers described them as inattentive and disruptive. Dr.Brown knew these were typical symptoms, as she looked closely she saw something
One of the remarkably renowned mental disorders in the world is ADHD, but despite being infamous, there are still stigmas and myths about it. People often listen to what the general public says than to form their own arguments or research on them. By all means, this will be a problem to all including those who have ADHD.
Well-known investigative journalist and analyst commonly known as the “myth buster,” Michael Fumento discusses the controversy surrounding ADHD and its treatment in his article Trick Question: A Liberal Hoax Turns Out to Be True. His work primarily consists of the debunking of common misconceptions about topics such as abortion, vaccines, and ADHD, which is exactly what this article is composed of. Multiple misconceptions about ADHD are disproven in the article by the inclusion of facts that prove the authenticity of the disorder and the resultant need for medicinal treatment like Ritalin. In doing this, Fumento supports and presents the main claim of the article, which is that ADHD is a true disorder. Fumento’s purpose is to disprove false conservative ideologies surrounding ADHD and to convince readers that treatment is needed. He adopts a sarcastic and almost aggressive tone in order to convince
Many things such as the questions above and the ideas expressed in the meme which follows have been major contributing factors in my decision to write the following book. Coupled with this is the fact that I personally have ADHD and know the problems associated with dealing with mental health issues only too well. My university and community college background has also provided me with knowledge regarding mental health issues.
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, also known as ADHD, is the lifespan neurodevelopment disorder, that symptomizes of inattentiveness, impulsiveness, forgetfulness, distractibility and hyperactivity and is highly heritable and this heritable disorder has been transition, or a process that events throughout the lifespan should not affected it, into adulthood (Swift, Sayal, & Hollis, (2014); Ertekin, et. al.,). Often, adults with ADHD also experience a negative effect on socio-personal adaptation (Miranda et al., 2014). Young adults with ADHD fall I not the category between Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service, also known as CAMHS, and Adult Mental Health Service, or AMHS: it is possible that ADHD in adults is not recognizable
During the early years of my life my family struggled with managing my ADHD.My mother didn’t want to put me on daily medication at such a young age so my pediatrition advised her to treat my ADHD with a healthy diet and moderate exersice.When I was four years old my mother enrolled me in ballet classes. Ballet was a blast, it gave me a couple of hours out of my day to jump and frolic around which was my favorite thing to do. By enrolling me in ballet classes my mother exposed me to a whole other world.
Have you ever had a teacher that you just couldn’t seem to get along with no matter how hard you try? No doubt you have if you have finished school or are in school now. Just like we have or had to deal with this sort of situation, so does Scout. In chapter two of, “To Kill A Mockingbird,” Scout is attending school for the first time and it is not going well. Scout first learns that she will have to act differently than she does at home with regards to Jem. Then her teacher, Miss Caroline, learns that Scout can read and blames Scout’s father for teaching her wrong. Later, Miss Caroline asks all the students to take out their lunches and offers to lend money to William Cunningham since he doesn’t have a lunch or the money to pay for one. This
There are many negatives involved in ADHD, but what’s often overlooked, are the positives. One of these positives is the fact that this disorder is very manageable and treatable. We have an extended amount of knowledge from numerous studies that have been done since the disorder was discovered. From these studies we now know that this disorder can affect people in many ways and be a burden on someone if not treated properly.