
What Is Modular Prosthetic Limb?

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Modular Prosthetic Limbs

With modern technology, the Modular Prosthetic Limb replicates a biological arm. With mechanical, electrical, and computer engineering, innovation in multisensory prosthetics are able to improve the lives of amputees and the disabled.

Movement: Degrees of Freedom
With 17 degrees of freedom, the prosthetic is able to move freely. Using reduced order control (ROC), Cartesian space control, joint space control, muscle space control, each joint is individually programed to function a certain way [1]. Multisensory prosthetic hands use several motors for each finger joint that allow users to bend each finger individually [2]. The Modular Prosthetic Arm is programmed to sense objects so that the biomechanical phalanges …show more content…

With the users able to control the prosthetic with brain movements, users use certain brain signals to control their prosthetic arm. From testing trials, the experimental procedures showed that the prosthetics could be controlled with brain activity [4], [5]. Depending on the task, different signals of wave activity are created. Recent work has demonstrated that grasp types, grasp timing, hand postures, and reach limitations can be translated from changes in human brain signals, and that movement related variations of these signals can be used for online control of prosthetics [4]. Since the limb is still in the testing phase, the limb is connected to a computer where prosthetists and amputees can view the brain signals from different limb movements as shown in Figure 2. The goal of this brain signaling is to allow the human controller to power the prosthetic to do what is desired. The prosthetic control system is designed to maximize the flexibility of the program and to control the technology available to the patient. Patients and engineers work together to create the Modular Prosthetic Limb to configure the limb for the patient, making the limb specifically designed to each individual [1]. Since each individual is different, each prosthetic is shaped to adapt to the patient’s needs. This technology is different from previous technology used to control the prosthetics. Electrodes were used before. An electrode is an electrical rod used to make contact with a nonmetal part of the circuit. Electrodes were placed on the skin of the patients, over certain muscle groups. When the patient would flex, this would tell the program to move a certain aspect of the arm [4]. From moving towards brain signaling, the patient can now think of moving the arm instead of having to flex a certain muscle group. Now controlling the arm is becoming akin to moving an actual biological arm. By using the mind, if the patient

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