My dream school The previous years there has been a major discussion about the Swedish schools. Some claim that students takes school way too easily, and that the teachers as well as the school system allows this behaviour. These are thoughts found in an article written by teacher Ann Pettersson for "Svenska dagbladet". I am going to use these flaws as bad examples to explain how I would like my school to be. My dream school more particularly. Firstly, I partly agree to what Pettersson stated in her article. Yes, I think that some students go to school mainly to meet friends and have a nice time. Having a nice time is of course great, but to disturb other students, during class, by talking loudly is according to me bad behaving, caused by the rogue attitude to school. But that the teachers allow this by not being disciplined, to me is madness. One cannot say that the teachers or the school system is the one cause for the attitude problem. I think that a more repetitive schedule would do these pesky students great. Due to a different schedule every day, varied starting and ending times and huge breaks, the students cannot really find a stability or routine that fits for everyday life and school. It is obvious, if you end at 1 pm one day and 5 pm the …show more content…
There you can higher your chances of getting into your desired college by participating in the extra activities. But if you do not partake it is still totally affordable. Also, these extracurricular activities include after-school tutorials by teachers. Which does not in the Namibian system. In that way, to me, the American system promotes learning as well as partaking in activities. Because you do higher the chances of getting accepted by the university, by partaking in the extra stuff. The extra stuff that include learning. To me that sounds great, the focus is still on learning but most students still participates in the extracurricular
As a student, I am often troubled by the rigid routines of the school day, despite the fact that I am actually a very habitual person. The constant ringing of bells, lectures, bellwork, classwork, homework, each a daily practice throughout the school year. Although all of these components promote conformity, which will ultimately support the balance of school and societal norms, they also tend to threaten each student’s own unique characteristics. This then poses the question; to what degree should schools encourage conformity versus individuality? Certainly, a level of conformity is required to achieve a balanced society however, the overall structure of the school day and class, including the methods used to teach and mandatory classes,
Over the last several years in addition to being a full time student I have also enjoyed various other activities including working, sports, and giving back to my community. All of these activities motivate me to succeed. In addition, they each help to make me a responsible individual and a good citizen.
School is a crucial part of a person’s life due to the amount of knowledge and successability a person might gain in their future. School can also be a place where students can interact with their fellow friends, but for others it can be a traumatizing place due to the amount of stress and also responsibility they might carry . This can be because of the stress teachers may put on the students. This can lead to students not giving their full effort on school, which will cause them to be mediocre students, and they wouldn’t be able to show their teacher the true potential they carry within themselves. These types of students are the one’s who are typically the students that aren’t successful in school. They just don’t
College is one spot to be seen like that. Start the day studying and then proceed to go home after all lectures are completed. However, many classes contain more than just lectures of academics. Many courses may involve a setting where an assignment or activity may be given that refers to the general population’s doings. To expect students to have a taste in what the large population of students do, shouldn't be done so easily. School is a safespace for many and when encountering situation’s like these, it disrupts that safespace. To maintain that safespace for the students, teachers should have restrictions of certain activities. An environment where every student may relate is something that should be looked for. Such as the idea of every student wanting to attend school to learn new materials for
Some see school as a fun environment to come to everyday, while others dread to wake up and count down the amount of days until they are out of Hell. The author of “3 Destructive Things School Taught You Without You Even Knowing”, would have picked the second option, based on his article about schools. While there are some good points made throughout the article, to support his feelings, I have to say that he did not convince me.
My second reason is about after school plans. At the end of the day students have things to do or places to go but
For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to be an elementary teacher. God placed the act of working with kids on my heart when I was very young, and I am thrilled to say that is still where I feel called. I went to a Union elementary school, Moore Elementary, until fifth grade, and the impact my teachers made on me there has shaped me into the person I am today. One of the most influential teachers in my life was my Pre-K teacher, Mrs. Greer. I had the amazing opportunity to go back to Moore and job shadow her. Being around her again made me remember all of the incredible things she taught me, and it was so surreal to see her in action impacting her current students. I am so happy that I got to job shadow her and to watch her from a different perspective than I had being her student. Through this new perspective, I learned so many new things about teaching.
In elementary school, we were all asked a question. “What do you want to be when you grow up?” I have always known my answer to that question. I want to be a teacher. The question in the back of my mind, was what kind of teacher. Through my life I’ve met many different teachers, and have had many different experiences, that have helped me find an answer to that question. If not for all of these people and experiences, I don’t know where I would be.
The process of having to find a college or a university to attend is a huge challenge, and a stressful process. Even though I don’t have to worry about getting into a University for another four more years, I stress of the thought every day. Will I have a high enough GPA? What about my SAT scores? Do my parents even have money saved away for me and tuition? What do I want to do with my life? Thoughts like these run through my mind and stress me out all the time it seems, but I’m learning how to take things one step at a time. The first step to insure I have a good future for myself is making sure I have goals set and locked, once I know what I want to do with my future it helps me plan ahead better, but saying this is easier said then
The best dreams are ones that scare you; one’s dream should be tremendously life changing that actually achieving it, is utterly bizarre. Dream big, there are no limitations to dreaming; it’s all an imagination. Keep in mind that simply craving and wishing for a dream is useless in comparison to physically changing one’s life to achieve success and develop talents worth sharing amongst others. These valuable yet terrifying dreams must become a reality as it would benefit society. Thereby I beg you, fulfill your Personal Legend. Embrace every obstacle in the journey. Life is precious, superficial emotions such as fear, cannot control us as it keeps humanity within ordinary lifestyle boundaries. On a more personal
The American School system has always come under fire for its lack of education and resources for students. Some complain that school is too long, others that schools do not teach enough. In fact, many students feel that their classes are a waste of time and do not benefit them in the real world. Teachers, on the other hand, feel that they do not get enough time to teach students essential information. The question is, how can we change schools for the benefit of the students while teaching them imperative information? Schools across Europe, especially those in Scandinavia, are praised for their school standards. American Schools should adapt a new form of high schools similar to those in Scandinavia.
The transition from middle school to high school can be very large. Not only are you in an entirely new situation from a social perspective, you are also in an entirely new academic situation. As a freshman at a Catholic high school, your teachers are going to expect that you produce your best work at all times. You will be held to very high academic standards, and more work is going to be expected of you than it was in middle school. Here are a few study tips to help you make it through your first few months of high school.
Coming to this school made me change into a completely different person these last three years. My whole educational career I was always trying my hardest to be on the honor roll team and have the most perfect attendance. I never thought I would’ve ended up in the plight I’m at now as a graduating senior. There were many deterrents outside of the classroom that affected my performance in school, as it showed drastically in my grades as well as my attendance. In this essay I will be discussing those obstacles, who were involved, who helped me, and how I overcame them to finally get my high school diploma.
My goals for after high school, is to got to Greenville Tech. I have different ideas of what I want to do for my career. I have a lot of plans after high school career-wise. My goal for sure, is to finish college, but there is so much to study,
An obvious goal as a working adult returning to school is, of course, to earn a degree. My overall goal is no different than any other student, however, I also have several personal goals I hope to achieve while attending the University. Some of these goals are to acquire new skills and enhance my current business abilities, to apply what I learn in the classroom to forward my career, and to feel personal satisfaction of finishing something I started.