
What Is Poliomyelitis?

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Poliomyelitis or polio, is highly contagious viral infection that can lead to abnormal conditions such as paralysis, breathing problems, or even lead to death. The poliomyelitis is from the word “grey”, myelos referencing to the “matter” of the spinal cord, -itis meaning inflammation. So it means the inflammation of the grey matter of the spinal cord.
Poliomyelitis can be categorize as either asymptomatic or symptomatic. About 95% of all cases of poliomyelitis display no symptoms (asymptomatic poliomyelitis) but between 4% to 8% of cases of poliomyelitis display symptoms (symptomatic poliomyelitis). Nonparalytic or abortive poliomyelitis and a severe form of polio called paralytic can occur 0.1% to 2% of cases symptomatic polio. Polio occurs most frequently in the summer and children under years of age are most vulnerable.
Nonparalytic polio (abortive polio) can lead to flu-like symptoms that last for a few days , weeks, or months, such as sore throat, fever, fatigue, meningitis, muscles spasms, muscle tenderness, headache, arm and leg stiffness, neck and back pain, and vomiting.
Paralytic polio be classified as:
1. Spinal polio- which attacks motor neurons in the spinal cord and causes paralysis in arms and legs and causes breathing problems too.
2. Bulbar polio- which attacks

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