
What Is Significant About Developments in Post-Cold War Ir Theory?

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What is significant about developments in Post-Cold War IR theory?

This essay will explore the significance of developments in post-Cold War International Relations theory. It wasn't surprising that the collapse of the Soviet bloc, arguably the third greatest cataclysm of the Twentieth Century and an event which drew a line under the Two World Wars, would pose some serious theoretical questions for International Relations. In order to do this the essay will be broken down into two sections. The first will analyse globalisation and the effect of it on Realism. The second the will analyse culture and its effect on Liberalism. As a result this will demonstrate, theoretically, that issues in post-Cold War international relations can be …show more content…

Africa and other less developed countries, although not completely opening itself up to globalisation, is accepting the internet and other telecommunications as an opportunity to gain access to knowledge and services from around the world in a way that would have been unimaginable previously. The internet and technologies such as mobile telephony allow developing countries to leapfrog steps in their development of infrastructure. A poor land line telephone system in the Philippines, for example, is being rapidly bypassed by mobile phones with internet access. The spread of globalisation on this scale would have been unthinkable if the Soviet bloc hadn't collapsed opening up new markets and cultures.

Liberalism, which was very prominent after the First World War (WWI) during the setting up of the League of Nations, is concerned with the individuals within the state. In other words the state is the ‘servant' to the people's thoughts. Francis Fukuyama in his book The End of History and the Last Man says that he could see no major competing ideology to the ‘liberal idea' after the Cold War but only localised resistance. (Fukuyama 1992: 45-46). During the Cold War cultural differences had to take a backseat to the global geopolitical struggle between the US and USSR. Both the US and USSR offered their way of living, either democratically or totalitarian, to the rest of the worlds states. When the Cold War ended the way at which the liberal politics of the West were

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