John's father, Skip was a missionary kid. Raised on the mission field in Africa and Philippines. Retired from the Alaska Army National Guard and presently working as a civilian for the Department of Defense. Skip's present ministry is a Sunday school bus driver. Sandy, John's mother is a stay at home wife who schoolhouses their son. For ministry, she is the secretary for many of the churches Awana groups. John's parent have been married for over twenty years. Both parents profess Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and through Jesus Christ's shed blood as the only way to
“Bind them, Torture them, Kill them” or BTK for short. That was the moniker that convicted Serial Killer Dennis Rader went by in Wichita Kansas. Most neighbors described him as “Just a Regular Person.” He worked as a city law supervisor, Boy Scout leader, Church Elder. He had loving parents and siblings. But behind that mask was a sexually-driven “Monster.”
Jenifer Jernigan loves her sisters in Christ with a compassion and faithfulness that inspires others to drop to their knees, to dig deeper in God’s Word, and to see their own potential through Jesus Christ in new and exciting ways. She is encouraging. She is thought provoking. She is sincere. Above all, her love for the Lord is evident; her teaching of the text is inspiring; and her devotion to the Truth is paramount.
Bridgette and Ortierre are proud parents of 2 little girls, Bria Marie Lawson (age 9) and Brielle Elise Lawson (age 6). Ortierre and Bridgette after very deep deliberation went to Pastor Warren Ray and informed him that they will be changing their membership to a church near their home. It did not take long after prayer and God’s guidance that Ortierre and his family found and joined Friendship Community Bible Church under the Leadership of Pastor Bobby Hamilton. While at Friendship, Ortierre taught bible study to the youth, preached to Kingdom Kids, song in the senior choir, and was part of the Drama Ministry. Currently, Ortierre is the Director of Kingdom Kids, Preaches in Kingdom Kids Ministry, serves as Drill Team Leader, part of the Drama Ministry and he is part of the Preachers
Pastor Fisher’s goal for her children she ministers is to be as dedicated to God as “the enemy” (Muslim children) are to fighting a war for Allah because of their strong belief and dedication to Islam."I want to see young people who are as committed to the cause of Jesus Christ as the young people are to the cause of Islam," she tells the camera. "I want to see them radically laying down their lives for the gospel, as they are over in Pakistan and Israel and Palestine." Fisher bases her sermons on the Bible and social issues (abortion, evolution, sin, the president at the time, George W. Bush, etc). The
Tim Reed, a Michigan native, grew up in a Christian home. As the son of a pastor, he gained a great amount of Bible knowledge throughout his adolescent years. Despite the knowledge he acquired, Reed’s faith was not personal until he was thirteen years old. He received his BA from Cornerstone University, then earned his Master’s in Church Ministries. He and his wife, Dixie, have a son and a daughter, Tara and Timothy. Pastor Reed’s greatest accomplishments in life are being a good father to his two children and being a
While Carter was stationed at the Naval Academy, he often attended a nearby Baptist congregation where he taught a children’s Sunday school class. Carter enjoyed the many prospects that the Navy offered, but he felt that he and Rosalynn lacked the religious society they appreciated in their hometown of Plains. Carter and his wife, Rosalynn returned to Plains after the death of his father in 1953, he decided that he would leave the navy and stay in Plains to continue his father’s achievements. Throughout Carters young adult years, he had doubts about his faith. The tragedy of his father’s death inspired Carter to think more deeply about his religion. Upon returning to Plains, Carter acquired over his family business and served in many of the same community events as his father whom he had admired. He began teaching middle school boys’ Sunday School class, assisted the construction of a youth camp for the Friendship Baptist Association, and even served as a
Mike Bachelder has been active in ministry since 1980, with an emphasis on intercessory prayer since 1995. Mike and his wife, Darla, served as pastoral oversight for prayer and prophetic ministry in both Oregon and North Carolina for many years, before serving as missionaries in Scotland. Mike has worked with, led prayer teams, and/or preached in many nations, as well as numerous places in the USA.
Christmas is only a few weeks away and more than any other time of the year, thousands of people in need are looking forward for the help of the Salvation Army. The members of the Salvation Army are impatient to worship and listen to the Holy Spirit and once again follow the steps of their mother of the Army, Catherine Booth. There are more than 1.5 million Salvationists across the Europe and the United States, helping people in need for physical and spiritual salvation. In 1865, William Booth, a British Methodist preacher, found the Salvation Army with the help of his wife Catherine Booth, who later was known as the mother of the Salvation Army. Their mission, with the values of hope and justice, was to transform the lives of people, especially those in need for spirituality. “ Do you also follow Christ?” was Catherine’s Constant question to her listeners. The causes of Catherine Booth’s success in her life can be summarized in three stages of: her upbringing, her religion and desire to follow Jesus Christ, and her marital life that gave her the opportunity to serve in the Salvation Army.
Pastor Sharpe has being the senior pastor of World Conqueror Christian Ministry for about 15 years, and has being the pastor of John and Linda Redfern for about eight years. The John and Linda Redfern have two teenage children, John Jr and Joshua. John was sentenced on January 8, 2013 to prison for three years on a robbery charges. John was a faithful and active member, served in a number of ministries, such as teacher for Christian Education, youth leader, as well as, a trustee for 5 years, prior to going to prison. They were a model family for other young marriages.
In the end the family was killed by the Misfit and his two goons. Throughout this short story the theme of religion and Jesus can be seen through the confrontation of the Grandmother and the Misfit along with the impact it had on each character.
A gothic novel is an English genre of fiction that was popular in the early 18th and 19th centuries that combines horror, mystery, and death in a seemingly meaningful setting. Frankenstein took place in continental Europe, specifically Switzerland and Germany, with other parts taking place in Arctic regions. The location/setting is just one characteristic that makes this a gothic novel. Gothic novels consist of various elements such as; castle settings, atmospheres of mystery and suspense, ancient prophecies, omens, portents, visions, supernatural or inexplicable events, and numerous other elements. However, each gothic book varies because
pastor. The movie quickly shows his silent dominance over his two daughters. He keeps them under his wings until the day he dies, and then even after that they continue to live in his shadow. Everything he preached is believed and followed by them and members of their community. The father taught them that “the only thing which we may take with us from our life on earth are those things which we have given away.” Because of their father, the two devoted their lives to carrying on
GJ is a 50 years old Haitian American male, born on February 15, 1967 in Brooklyn New York; he is 6 feet, 280 pounds, has brown eyes and grey hair. He is the middle child of 4. After birth, he spent one year in Brooklyn, then moved to Spring Valley for 6 years. After his sixth birthday, GJ moved to Nyack where he spent all of his childhood and adolescence. After he got married, GJ moved back to Spring Valley with his wife and children. He has been with his wife since 1985; they have 2 children, a boy and a girl, who are currently in college. GJ's father was a bishop and his mother, a pastor. His father passed away 4 years ago. GJ was fortunate enough to have two great leaders of God as his parents, who later had a great influence on him becoming the man he is today. GJ is currently a pastor and his church is located in Nyack, New York; "Pool of Bethesda."
The Book of John, and the life and death of Jesus Christ are key components of the authors evidence to back up his ways of solving the issues of Christian worldviews. Along with this, the author includes testimonials of his friends that specifically dealt with real-life issues in conflict with their Christian views as well.
“Finding Daddy-Survival and Hope Through a 911 Tele-communicators Nightmare”, is truly and amazing story about love, faith and death. Sheila and Johnny started their relationship out as friends and later became lovers that faced parenthood at an early age. The Hanna’s faced several setbacks in their relationship in the beginning; however, the complexities in their relationship made them closer as a couple. This story brings awareness of living each minute of the day as if it was your last, because you never know when tragedy will hit home. Johnny loved his family and made sure he spent quality time with his children every day. Johnny was describes as a frugal man; however he worked very hard to provide for wife and children. Johnny made changes in his life in regards to his religious beliefs and became saved by accepting God as his savior. Reading the story how Johnny made the decision to go to the altar with his sons brought tears to my eyes.