What is spiritual formation? Spiritual formation is how God impacts our lives and “forms” them (our lives) to be like Christ. It is the “ongoing process of the triune God transforming the believer’s life and character toward the life and character of Jesus Christ.” In other writers words spiritual formation can be defined as ”the ministry through which we seek to stimulate and support the ongoing spiritually transforming work of the Holy Spirit in and through the personal lives, relationships, and ministries of genuine believers so that we all progressively become more conformed to the image of Christ according to the will of God the Father.” These definitions of spiritual formation, I believe, cover the basis of what spiritual formation is and what it is founded on. Spiritual formation is based on and founded through out scriptures. This is evident through us being made in the image of God, the gifts of the Spirit, the fruits of the Spirit and also how God calls us to think upon things that are excellent and worthy of praise (Genesis 1:26, Galatians 5:22-23, 1 Corinthians 12, and Philippians 4:8). In this paper I will be discussing the biblical and theological basis for spiritual formation.
We recognize that spiritual formation is not specifically talked about in the bible, but that it “designates truth complexes that are essential to the faith and, in fact, interrelated biblically.” Pretty much we assume what spiritual formation is through context in the bible. We
We have now come to the fourth and final book of Mere Christianity. In this book, the author takes us to the place in our Christian growth where we begin to rely more heavily on the power of God and less on ourselves to become the being that God originally intended for us to be — a son of God. He begins with an explanation of the difference between “making” and “begetting.”
The book was very well put together with principal concepts, but it was not always easy to follow and some sections had to be read twice for clear comprehension. The message could have been portrayed using straightforward writing that would enable undergraduates and others that are not seeking higher levels of education to process the information. In simpler terms, this book can be essential to pastors, for personal relationships, and other professions if the language is simplified and made more user-friendly.
We have now come to the fourth and final book of Mere Christianity. In this book, the author takes us to the place in our Christian growth where we begin to rely more heavily on the power of God and less on ourselves to become the being that God originally intended for us to be — a son of God. He begins with an explanation of the difference between “making” and “begetting”.
This paper on Salvation is defining both objectively and subjectively from the two required reading text. The first text is written by Alistair McGrath’s “Theology: The Basics and the second is written by Dr. Yung Chul Han’s “Transforming Power: Dimension of the Gospel. I will describe how the both texts are in association as well as seeking observations, and other conclusions to gain a better understanding of salvation from both perspectives. According to (Mc.Grath, p.78), the word salvation is referred to as something that has already happened in the past, to something that will happen in the future. Spiritual transformation requires of us what is called dependent responsibility. All the moral commands and exhortations of scripture assume our responsibility. Salvation is deliverance from danger or suffering. The word salvation carries the idea of victory, health, or preservation (www.biblia.com). Salvation can be viewed as a spiritual transformation which the dependency of the Holy Spirit assist in the change of a believers past, self to a vessel of God in the present lives which exemplifies life, deliverance, peace, and a victory won through personal conviction. The victory is one that only Jesus Christ has authority save us which gives believers complete approval to have possession to enter the kingdom of heaven.
I’d like to state the most obvious observation that I’ve made about spiritual formation; that is that I will always need to be seeking for ways to nurture my personal spirituality throughout my life. I know that to most people this may sound like a “duh” statement, but for me it has truly become a reality and one that I must admit I have been struggling to embrace. I was brought up in a church that, like most traditional churches, stayed happy living in the “comfort zone” of their Christianity. They took everything that the Bible said at face value without digging in to find out why they believed what they believed. I had never been challenged to look deeper into the text. In the past few years I have felt the need to tunnel out of this
On the notion of Masculinity in The Man Your Man Could Smell Like Old Spice’s 2010 Commercial The Man Your Man Could Smell Like paints a truly unique image of masculinity. On the one hand, the ad’s uninterrupted shot and the actor’s nonchalant demeanor and wit leave us in awe. On the other hand, though, it also begs its viewers to sit back and reflect: “Wait…what did I just see?” The ad markets Old Spice deodorants to female as well as male audiences by directly associating them with the idea of hyper masculinity, insinuating that men who use Old Spice deodorants possess the capability to accomplish virtually anything.
Spiritual disciplines will prepare us for our journey in Christ. I feel if understanding correctly, the classical Christian Pilgrimage remind us that we all have issues requiring regular examination. In chapter eight, the classical Christian Pilgrimage tells us we are at different stages on the path of wholeness in Christ. However, in my thoughts some areas of our Christian journey we may be doing well, but in other areas we have not touched at all. Not to mention, these are the place we are not ready or capable of handling yet, however, as we mature in God and He knows what we can handle, then we are awakened. God awakens us to our true selves which have not been completely revealed. In reality, once we reach maturity to God, he reveals all that is hidden deep inside of us (the real us/you). By the same token, he let us see the inner behaviors, attitudes, desires, in fact how we measure up in them being Christ-like. I feel the awakening stage deals with the comfort of being set free of these issues that are holding us back also causing detours on our path to wholeness in Christ. Equally, the threat is being afraid to see who we really are; also how far from Christ-like we really are. We must first be awakened from our separation also alienation from God (Mulholland 79-82).
The counselee is asked what brought him into the office today; in which he is expected to thoroughly present his concerns. One would at this time, introduce the counselee with spiritual formation strategies, as means to spiritually challenge the maturity and intimacy the counselee has with God (131) in a manner that is gently, compassionately, and with a humble spirit presentation.
During Donald Trump’s illusive campaign to be the forty-fifth President of the United States of America, Trump was notorious for making discriminatory, misogynistic, and outright inexcusable disclosures directed towards the Muslim community, the Hispanic community, reporters, women, and so on. Although there is a rich number of photos or videos to choose from, Trump’s Cinco De Mayo photo of himself enjoying a Taco Bowl in Trump Tower intends to carry a political message for the Hispanic community. Furthermore, Trump himself posted this photo to his own Twitter account, saying: “Happy #CincoDeMayo! The best taco bowls are made in Trump Tower Grill. I love Hispanics!” Correspondingly, to understand this photo, or to make the photo utter the unspoken
Two challenges faced by counselors include training in spiritual formation, something that comes solely through deepening their own relationship with God, and establishing boundaries between their personal and professional life while still drawing upon personal experience in the counseling sessions. A third challenge presents
Always have compassion, be humble in what my assigned duties are, give respect and reverence unto God, and continue to equip myself for mission work unto God. Keep up with my prayer life, daily devotion and meditational times.
My model for spiritual formation in the local church would include spiritual, relational, and missional aspects such as personal devotions, spiritual friendships, participating in corporate worship, and serving God’s Kingdom.
The book is divided into seven parts. The book focuses spiritual growth and it is a manual for building a Spirit-filled life in a world where perfection can only be found in God’s loving vision. Ortberg helps us gauge your spiritual health and measure the gap between where you are now and where God intends you to be. As the author emphasizes on
The fifth question on practices that allow one to grow spiritually, Les answers “Bible reading, prayer, and fellowship with other believers. These are the biblical examples of spiritual tools.” This is truly the model by which one can grow spiritually. In my experience, being in fellowship with fellow believers is the only way to be protected spiritually, grow spiritually, and connect with others spiritually. This small group model, or fellowshipping coupled with daily prayer and meditation of God’s word keeps us moving and stretching ourselves to develop a deeper understanding of God’s nature and this will allow us to become more secure in our
There are many causes and effects on what makes one video game more popular than others. Some video games become popular for no reason; they become public sensations just because people like them. However, most popular video games have key features that make them appealing to the public.