Insomnia does not occur in every person who has lifestyle issues, worries, or bad habits. It does not happen in one night or two.
Insomnia is something that develops over time in persons with vulnerability to it. Spiegleman’s ‘3P model’ of insomnia explains how this occurs. The first p is ‘predisposition’. These are the heritable traits that create the ‘diathesis’ or vulnerability to insomnia. Some of these traits are being a ‘high arousal’ person, or someone with anxiety, another is female gender. Not everyone with these traits develops insomnia. The activating ingredient is a precipitating event (or stressor). This can be a medical event (i.e. pregnancy, pain, etc.) or a life event-that causes someone to begin losing sleep. In
Furthermore, environmental factors can also cause insomnia, as Breslau (1996) found that insomnia was also associated with increased risks of drug and alcohol abuse.
Insomnia can be defined as a purpose or apparent complexity in falling and staying asleep. Dissimilarities in variables used for measurement sleep-onset time, time asleep, and time awake by some, sleepiness, irritability, or other impairment of daytime function by others, make difficult comparisons between studies. The insomnia treatments for which there is confirmation of efficacy include sleep restriction, in which the patient is instructed to remain in bed only as long as he is actually sleeping, stimulus control no activities in the bedroom except sleep and sex, and a variety of relaxation methods, particularly in the circumstance of multimodal sleep clinics (Rowe, 1995).
Insomnia is the most common sleep complaint. It occurs when you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep even though you had the opportunity to get a full night of sleep. The causes, symptoms and severity of insomnia vary from person to person. Insomnia involves both a sleep disturbance and daytime symptoms. The effects of insomnia can impact nearly every aspect of your life. Studies show that
Preview of Main Points: I will briefly describe what insomnia is and how it is caused along with
Insomnia is the most common sleep disorder. It can have a devastating impact on one’s emotion, physical, occupation and social life. While it occasionally can be seen in the clinical setting as a primary diagnosis, it most often presents as a comorbidity to a medical or psychiatric issue;
Almost ten percent of men suffer from sleep apnea. The condition occurs more frequently in overweight men. Since sleep apnea typically causes snoring, many men are awakened several times a night because of difficulty breathing. There are many facts and myths regarding the treatment of insomnia. Not properly addressing the symptoms can have dangerous complications.
Insomnia is a common disruption in normal sleep patterns that effects 30 to 35% of people but only 10% experience long-term insomnia (Buttaro, Trybulski, Bailey & Sandberg-Cook,
Physical and psychological health implications of chronic insomnia in the older adult contribute to a decreased quality of life. There is substantial evidence that suggests insomnia is an independent risk factor for the onset and maintenance of major depression disorder (Pigeon & Perlis, 2007). Depression and
Insomnia is a common sleep disorder which makes falling asleep very hard, or cause you to stay up or wake up, or make you unable to get back to sleep. In addition, insomnia can deplete your energy and reduce disturb your mood. Moreover, it can spoil your work performance, health, and quality of life. Also, you may still suffer feeling tired and ruin your temper. when you wake up.
Insomnia can sap not only your energy level and mood but also your health, work performance and quality of life. Insomnia is the most common sleep complaint among Americans it can be either acute, lasting one to several nights, or chronic, even lasting months to years. According to the Insomnia “ JAMA; The Journal of the American Medical Association, about thirty to forty percent of adults say they have some symptoms of insomnia within a given year and about ten to fifty percent of adults say they have chronic insomnia. (Insomnia “ JAMA; The Journal of the American Medical Association) Insomnia is higher among older people and woman, the reason woman suffer loss of sleep is in connection with menstruation, pregnancy and menopause. Insomnia sometimes may occur when you are stress whether it is short-term or long-term for some people for instance, problems in a marriage or relationship, loss of a love one, a job. But as well in preparing or anticipating for an event like arrival of a newborn baby, weddings, vacations or holidays makes it even harder to fall asleep. My friends Rosa and Ruby are having symptoms of insomnia disorder because they recently had their newborn baby daughter’s. But I hope they are able to maintain a sleeping schedule for their daughters at certain hours in order for them to get their sleep back. Preventing insomnia it is important to remember to maintain a consistent sleeping schedule and also should avoid too much caffeinate drinks during the eight hours before sleeping. Treatment for insomnia, you can go to a psychiatrist they can prescribe antidepressants or another medications to help your sleeping problems and any mood or anxiety disorder you might have. (The literary Insomniac: stories and essays for sleepless
Insomnia causes stress, emotional difficulties, and it interrupts daily life, but it can be treated with sleeping pills. William Shakespeare once called Insomnia, “nature’s soft nurse” (Schenck 5). The next sleeping disorder, Sleep Apnea, includes enlarged tonsils and obesity. To help these problems people can try a healthier lifestyle and a breathing assistance device used at night. Again, sleep deprivation is not a sleeping disorder, but it affects hand-eye coordination and can damage a person's immune system. A way to treat these effects are planning a schedule for going to bed. These cures are very helpful for people living with sleeping disorders in everyday
“Insomnia is the inability to obtain adequate amount or quality of sleep. The difficulty can be with falling asleep, remaining asleep, or both” (“Insomnia Encyclopedia“). Sleeping is a major point in physically and mentally restoring yourself for the tasks ahead. Most people say that about eight hours of sleep is an adequate amount, however it differs from person to person depending on their sex, age, and health conditions. An estimated one-third of the population suffers from some form of insomnia. “In recent studies, a survey reported that 30% of American women and 20% of American men took medication to help them sleep during the course of a year” (“Insomnia”). The medications these people took are called
Insomnia affects almost half of adults living in America. (# 8, 2012) This is a shared sleeping disorder that many people across the universe are diagnosed with. Several causes of insomnia include exercising too much, stress, withdrawal from alcohol or a certain drug, physical circumstances, and diseases. People with insomnia usually have trouble going to sleep or staying asleep, which causes people to have poor-quality sleep, which will affect their mood, energy, and productiveness for the next day. (MediLexicon, Intl., 2012) More symptoms of insomnia include waking up earlier than needed, having trouble falling back asleep, and being in a bad mood the following day. Insomnia can cause many more problems such as weight
Although it is common for adults to suffer from insomnia, there are also many children who do as well, even though, in many cases, it is not yet diagnosed . There are many factors that can lead to a child developing insomnia. Just as any human being goes through life constantly developing, so does insomnia. While most people do not understand that they can be diagnosed at any age, they see the daily symptoms happening all around them. Because insomnia can be difficult to diagnose, and the tests are so expensive, many individuals develop this condition and suffer for many years before they are able to receive any type of treatment. After suffering for so many years, it can be difficult to catch up in life.
Insomnia: is trouble falling asleep or staying asleep through the night. This can be caused by a plethora of psychological and physical factors includes the inability to fall asleep or stay asleep at night, waking up earlier than usual and daytime fatigue and delayed sleep-phase syndrome, hypnotic/stimulant-dependent sleep disorder, depression, and heavy smoking. These problems can cause short term or long term (chronic) losses in sleep.