
What Is The American Dream In The Great Gatsby

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Jay Gatsby is the perfect example of a character to represent the American Dream. In the novel,” The Great Gatsby”, by F. Scott Fitzgerald. The author truly shows the drama and the hardships, as well as the social aspect of living the American Dream. There are many different opinions on what success is, and what it looks like. Some people think that the American Dream is having a good life and happiness with yourself, others think that starting with nothing and rising up through the social classes through hard work and doing whatever it takes is what the American Dream truly is about. Jay Gatsby represents both sides of the American Dream that people have, he has the wealth and the lavish life, but he does not yet have the happiness that he desires. …show more content…

Gatsby was in a relationship with Daisy before the war; they both loved each other very deeply. But sadly they were separated because Gatsby had to go off and fight in the war. Gatsby couldnt support Daisies lifestyle because at the time Gatsby was poor, he could barely feed himself, and Daisy was born into wealth. Nick confronts Jordan, and Jordan tells Nick about Gatsby's history with Daisy. Gatsby's house is almost directly across from Tom's house, and Jordan said to Nick, “Gatsby bought that house so that Daisy would be just across the bay.”(Page 83). Gatsby has all of the money he would ever need, the one thing in his life that he doesn't have, is someone to love, the woman that he wants is Daisy. Even though Daisy is a married woman and she also has a child, Gatsby thinks that she's going to give it all up to be with

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