Briscoe Group engagement strategy The Briscoe Group is committed to effective communication with honest and open discussions, values their employees by encouraging trust and respect and believes that innovation and vision leads to success. The Briscoe Group has approximately 1,800 employees across Rebel Sport, Briscoe Homewares, and Living and Giving. The Briscoe Group strives to continually improve its employee engagement and to this end has revamped their employee induction tools to provide clear performance expectations and outline stepped learning and professional development opportunities. Key success factors The Briscoe Group’s success is attributed to various reasons including effective employment and remuneration. Additionally
2. Evaluate Gordon Biersch's organizational alternatives to realize its growth ambitions. Recommend a course to follow?
The article, “Master Class: America's Top CEOs On The Secrets Of Motivating Employees” by Casserly Meghan notes that the chief executive officer of Annie’s’ company John Foraker, has a driven mission approach that is able to attract people that are smart, those that are engaged highly and those who are caring about how the world would have a difference. This motivates individuals highly because they see that the work they do furthers business success beyond the financial factors. He considers paying employees well, giving those benefits as well as a good work environment as the most significant factors of motivating employees. The chief executive officer of Questcol Pharmaceuticals, Don Bailey motivating employees is achieved through treating all the employees equally, listening to them, respecting, understanding them and considering that they have families too. He suggests that communication and empowering team work as well as rewarding their victory motivates them more. Sturm ruger and company motivates employees through sharing of profits. The company believes that when employees appreciate sharing of profits then it becomes a driving force of the daily activities of a company. According to Boston Beer Company holder, the string theory shows that if he gave a group many strings, they would desire to have more but if he gave them less they got creative and maintained it for long. This means that people make good use of what they are given. According to Steve Fredrickson
Clear Directions – It’s evident, and mentioned multiple times in the videos, the company lacks clear vison and directions. The management may be aware of the directions they would like to take the company is (although it’s doubtful) however, it’s not clearly communicated to the employees. As it was mentioned in the videos, employees didn’t feel involved or having ownership.
Attracting and retaining a diverse workforce benefits an organisation in making the business successful. The following
compensation externally competitive within its industry. Employee attraction and retention can be improved by maintaining
Joseph is a 70 year old Jewish-American gay male who wants to meet with me to discuss low income housing options for him and possibly his partner. My supervisor tells me that she is concerned that Joseph is in a violent relationship with his partner, Marcus, and wants me to assess how safe he feels living with Marcus at this time. Joseph appears very thin and has visible bruising on his forearms.
The people it hired were well aligned with its straregy. They spend significant amount ensuring the person they are interviewing understands the culure and will be a good fit.
Successful firms capitalize on economies of scale & scope, create management structures and invest in research & development
The team has also good leadership and management team including scarlet responsible of operational management. John
The work force has become extremely competitive over the past decade due to the drop in the economy. Union members are found to be in an advantage being that in some cases they earn a
One of the teams within Grafton provides support to people with their career development, both from a proactive development and retention perspective but also assisting people leaving the client due to redundancy. This project is targeting this area of Grafton and will look to assist this team to be more cost effective and competitive in the market against their competitors.
We also believe that our employees are a key component to our success. We, therefore, ensure equal employment opportunities for all. We have developed diversity management offices within our structure to assure that an enterprise-wide strategy exists. In addition, we provide regular, appropriate and continuous formal and informal training for all employees, managers and supervi-sors while maintaining an organization that fosters camaraderie and true espirit de corp.
From the company’s perspective it is vital that the employee integrates into the company successfully as the main aim of the company is to retain the new employee. By having a clear and concise induction process, this creates a professional first impression of the company and gives the employee a positive mindset and outlook. If a new employee is not retained this will cost the company both time and money.
Success is no longer measures by an organization profit margin. Today big businesses have to account for its success on various levels of group in its organizational achievements, community success, and personal growth in management and employees. Business that implement it resources on diversity, employee growth, and legal requirements not only eliminate unnecessary lawsuits but ensured that the organization is revered as the employer of choice.
You enable your employees to succeed by providing them with the means, opportunity and capacity they need to excel.” Lawson (2006)