
What Is The Code Of Ethics In Public Healthcare

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Understanding the codes of ethics is a vital part of the public health workforce. Failure to abide by the organizational procedures can result in health care professionals losing their credentials and hurting the image of the organization. Following the code of ethics also prevents workers from violating certain legal statutes, rules, and regulations because it guides individuals with determining what is right or wrong (Cavitt, 2015). Moreover, nursing managers are part of the public health workforce and they have an ethical responsibility to the health care organization, patients, and employees. Public health care workers have a duty to uphold the organization’s mission, vision, and values of their organization. More importantly, the public …show more content…

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) which is devoted to improving health and health care concentrated on the retention of nurses who work at hospitals to develop and test solutions to end the nursing. Two initiatives that the Wisconsin project created to redesign community and public health nursing are a Wisconsin Center for Nurses (WCN) and the Linking Education and Practice excellence project (LEAP) (Young, Acord, Schuler & Hansen, 2014). The WCN gives public health nurses the opportunity to collaborate with partners from the health care practices, academia, state government, and nursing institutions to represent the voice of nurses regarding workforce issues. The LEAP was designed for students and faculty to create strong academic-practices for public health nurses and public health workers across the country. Overall the WCN tried to restructure courses and clinical education experience in public health and community-based practices to improve students’ performance. In addition, the WCN sought to redesign the responsibilities of nurses so they are highly satisfied. The hope that happier nurses can improve the recruitment and retention problem and increase the number of stipendiary internship programs in underrepresented communities within a period of two years …show more content…

Even though MPH graduates are well educated in their field they lack the required skills for managerial positions. For example, after conducting several surveys, public health practitioners and educational institutes indicated that there is a gap between what is being taught and the skills needed to excel at the workplace. An MPH graduate expects to be competent in the areas of personnel and fiscal management duties. However, new graduates are not fully developed or trained in these areas while pursuing studies (Hemans-Henry, Blake, Parton, Koppaka & Greene, 2016). Therefore, a survey conducted by hiring managers has suggested that one way to address the issue is to implement supplemental employment-based training which gives students an opportunity to reinforce their education. Hence, MPH graduates will be able to acquire new knowledge and adapt skills such as quantitative data analysis, management, and financial control which are useful for the public health workforce (Hemans-Henry et al., 2016). The authors Yi et al. (2016) also agree that the medical education is not sufficient for health care workers because it lacks adequate development for students and is based solely on knowledge. Especially public health workers who practice in rural areas and works independently while learning about various health conditions. Hence, training is crucial so

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