
What Is The Difference Between George Grenville And The Reform Of 1763

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The cost of an empire
Britain's debt increased a lot after 7 years war
Increased taxes towards all british people
Smugglers punished hard or became indentured servants
^ of british military in America post 7 years war in order to prevent native rebellions (Pontiac’s and Proclamation of 1763)

George Grenville and the Reform Impulse
Currency Act 1764: prohibit use of paper money in colonies
The Sugar Act 1764: ^ tax that replaced molasses Act
This ^ smuggling

The End of Salutary Neglect
Ended in 1763
Smugglers trien in vice-admiralty courts; no jury
The Stamp Act 1765
This tax affected 50 commonly used goods, this affected virtually all colonists violators tried in vice-admiralty courts
Quartering act- colonists required to feed and house British

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