
What Is The Difference Between Interactionist And Deviance

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There are various explanations biologically and sociologically for the reason of people committing crime. In sociological terms, deviances are regarded as behaviors that considered as violating and ravaging standard norms and guidelines. Giddens (2001) identified deviance as non-conformity to a given set of norms that are accepted the people in society whereas John Schiller (n.d) defines crime as actions or omission forbidden by law that can be punished by imprisonment fine. Some of the common examples of deviance and crime are murder, burglary, robbery, rape and many more. Sociologists who study deviant and crime examine cultural norms on how varies over time, enforced, and what happens to individuals and societies when norms are broken. Deviance and social norms differs among societies, communities, and times. Functionalist made a …show more content…

For Interactionist, crime is the product of interaction between individual and groups and it consistently being negotiated. According to them, there are no behaviors that are naturally deviant instead deviant actions are simply defined within the members of the society. Interactionists therefore are interested in the social processes by which particular behaviors are considered as deviant. Labelling theory perhaps the key aspect of interactionists perspectives. The approach is widely associated with the work of Howard Becker (1963) who claimed that deviant behavior is very much the response of labeling made by the people. For example smoking tobacco was a type of behavior that that was defined as socially accepted in the past particularly for men but it is increasingly defined as deviant and even criminal behavior. This demonstrate the basis on how labeled individuals are stereotype based on social judgments. As a result of this theory, it is important to clarify the true meaning of

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