"How can your love be these dangerous things, and not bring me down, instead, giving me wings." -Tony Watson. Most people (especially teenagers) think that love is the most powerful thing on earth, and it is true; but what they don’t see, is that teens tend to have different way of thinking and point of view of life, which means that their definition of “normal” is way different from the adults definition, therefore, they tend to do things that adult people usually call “dumb” or even dangerous. Love is a new thing for teenagers, and a lot of times, since they cannot recognize it, sometimes they get tricked by pretty words and faces and then "fall in love"; what they can't see, is that they might be doing the worse mistake of their lives. …show more content…
The reason is simple: We see it through a screen/paper so we have a third point of view, this means that we can only see it clearly if WE live it. Modern teenagers don't mostly do it that way, instead of killing themselves, they do worse thing at the eyes of society; instead of doing things that affect them physically, they do things that hurt them mentally; action like embarrassing themselves publicly; sending the famous “nude” pictures, have become pretty usual these days, and it’s very easy for someone to “ruin” your whole life with them. In Romeo And Juliet, it is very clear that the author wanted us to notice this point; in the play, we can easily notice this when Romeo finds out that Juliet was "dead", and he goes, buys and drinks the poison that kills him. “Research has found that peer pressure activates certain brain signals that are linked to the powerful drug-like interplay of risk and reward. And a captive audience is the quickest way to bolster the brain's reward system.” (Firger, 2014). This can explain some of the reasons of why he did it. So when it comes to explain, why do all these actions happen? The answer is very simple; they do not know how to deal with their emotions; so, instead of thinking how to deal with them, they just do stupid things, trying to get all the attention and hoping that someone is going to ever know what they are going through and help
In the 1996 movie romeo and juliet meet and fall in love at a masked party thrown by her father there they meet and fall in love but in the book romeo was in love with rosaline and she didnt even like him but she was not even in the movie and in the movie it seems as she loves him more than she does and they can't stop kissing and stuff in the movie in the movie 1996 they said father lowren .
Some differences in the time period that I noticed were the members of the Capulet and Montague families had arranged marriages. An arranged marriage means the parents tell their children who they want to marry. After their parents tell them who they think their child should marry, the marriage ceremony will be arranged. I think that Shakespeare put arranged marriages into the play because he is trying to show us what happen in the 15th century. In the play, they actually experience it. In the movie, they are showing that they are doing a news article about the marriage. Also, I was expecting to see a little bit more of an older movie scene. The movie has a ton of differences, but they are good differences.
Thus, Romeo makes a reckless decision as a teen because his brain is not fully capable of thinking cautiously. Furthermore, a second major factor that contributed to the deaths of Romeo and Juliet was the lack of support they received from family and
Secondly, Romeos and Juliets downfall is a result of their own poor decisions, or character flaws because they caused fights. Many fights could have been avoided if they did the things that they were supposed to do. Because Tybalt killed Mercutio, Romeo was looking for him so that they can fight. Romeo says, “This shall determine that”(Shakespeare 59, line 133). Their fight will determine who dies.
Although both Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet and Heri Picou’s version of Act 2, Scene 2 have underlying motifs of fate, Juliet’s dominance is more prominent in Heri Picou’s version. In Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, Romeo uses compares Juliet to angels or holiness often such as when he says, “She speaks. O, speak again bright angel, for thou art as glorious to this night, being o’er my head as is a wingèd messenger of heaven unto the white-upturned wondering eyes of mortals that fall back to gaze on him when he bestrides the lazy puffing clouds and sails upon the bosom of the air” (2.2.28-35). By putting in many words which relate to gods or religion it makes their love seem controlled by a godly force which humans cannot control, such as the well known fate.
The idea that teens are not truly in love but rather infatuated is a timeless topic. In the tragic two hour play, Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, he presents Romeo and Juliet as being two young lovebirds who end up dying because of their family’s hate for one another. Now is this “young love” or infatuation and lust that brought them to their death?
AFTER 9/11 EVENT 9/11 event has very important role at world politics. Before 9/11 and after 9/11 world politics are different. World politics had been changed after 9/11 event. Also, American’s spending had been changed.
Though he did make some cuts that take away from the meaning and characters of the play, the reason often made sense. For example, Juliet’s soliloquy in act 4 scene 3, which is incredibly important because it shows the darkness of Juliet, was cut because the death scene does not take place in a tomb and that is the main topic of her soliloquy. Although the audience missing the dark depression of Juliet in this soliloquy, he compensates for this by making the Juliet scene with her father where he tells her she is going to marry Paris, be much more emotional. Another cut was the death of Paris, which at first seems like an important plot point to leave out, yet other than showing Romeo’s determination to see Juliet, really has no purpose. Luhrmann
Many people mature or should mature during their life how do Romeo and Juliet mature? In the play everyone knows the main characters develop in many ways, one way they develop is they mature during the play. During the play of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare both Romeo and Juliet mature, but they mature in different ways they both become more like adults and realize and conquer the tough choices they have to make. It was important that they matured because if they didn’t they might have made a mess of their lives and their parents life by making the wrong choice.By the end of the story they are both forced to make the toughest choice of all death and that is what shows just how much they have matured. Juliet had matured into a woman she is now still obedient but she will not do something that her father tells her to do that will make her unfaithful to Romeo or to Paris. Romeo has also matured into a man he is now realized he has never felt or even known what love was until now. Now, let’s look at how both characters mature and the exact moment when they make that transformation.
Henry Ford once said,¨My bestfriend is the one who brings out the best of me.¨http://www.ignitedquotes.com/cute-bff-quotes/ Everyone has a best friend who brings out the best of them and they have fun with their best friend.Help them out through tough times and even the good times when they can celebrate with them.And or they keep each other's secrets.Juliet Capulet is a girl who is very young and stupid sometimes who makes decisions sometimes without even thinking and or asking for another person's opinion.Therefore she found her true love and ended up marrying him one must think she finally made a good decisions for once.Samantha Kingston from Before I fall by Lauren Oliver would make a great best friend for Juliet Capulet from Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare.
William Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet somewhere between 1591 and 1595 and the tragedy, which was based on an Italian tale that was translated into verse in 1562 and prose in 1567, was first performed in 1597. Set in Verona, Italy, the story is the tale of two star-crossed lovers and has become a major trope within popular culture, so much so that it has been adapted to screen several times within the last century.
A heart-wrenching story of two lovers was displayed from three views, and although similar they are more diverse. Both movies chose to follow the original plot, but each did that in a different and unique way. Each had been made in a way related to the year of the release and the director. The main plot of Romeo and Juliet may not be followed to exact detail, but the movies do add characteristics that reading the play did not show.
I can’t relate to most of the play scenes from Romeo and Juliet because of many reasons such as the feud between their families. The Capulet and Montague family have had a family feud between each other and caused a fight in the town between Tybalt, a Capulet, and Benvolio a friend of Montague. Tybalt had yelled, “...I hate the word as I hate hell, all Montagues, and thee. Have at thee coward!” (1, 1, 72). This shows his hatred he has been taught over time in which made all Capulet descendants, such as Romeo and Juliet, born to hate each other and yet, they end up falling in love at first sight. I can’t relate to this because my family is not against anyone and also, not forcing me into any marriage proposals similar to in the play as Juliet
A tragic love story can have many different kinds of lessons to learn, especially when it is written by Shakespeare. Shakespeare puts many different themes or lessons in his plays to teach us a lesson. The theme in Romeo and Juliet is that do not let love lead you to make rash decisions in life. We know this is true because Juliet is hides information from her parents, they both get married in two days, and lastly, they both commit suicide.
The scene that was most different between the play and the movie of Romeo and Juliet was how the two crossed lovers first met each other. In the play Romeo and the Montague boys find out about the Capulet party through a poor peasant who could not read the invitations. While in the movie the Capulet party is announced through a newscast over T.V. I think the director changed this so the invite can go more along with the time period of the movie. This could change how the viewers see it by making the invite less secret. Over a newscast anyone who was paying attention to the T.V. could of heard the invite. Another main difference in this scene would be Romeo and Juliet first seeing each other in the bathroom across a fish tank rather than across the ballroom in the play. This could take away from the romantic side of the two first seeing each other. In the play it seems Romeo and Juliet have more privacy when they first speak to each other. In the movie the two are getting on and off an elevator just not to be seen. This could add more suspense to the scene and make the viewers see the movie from a lofty viewpoint.