Implementation of The Affordable Care Act has addressed some issues surrounding HAIs. For instance, section 3008 of ACA recognized the HAC or hospital acquired condition in the Reduction Program to further reduce HACs and improve patient quality. In this program, the ACA seeks to establish a monetary incentive through CMS that will encourage hospitals to reduce HAC or HAIs. Since most not for profit, public, and even large hospitals receive some form of funding through CMS from Medicare or Medicaid payments, this monetary incentive is one of the better incentives to have been recently proposed by the ACA regarding HAIs. Therefore, some of the strategies in managing and developing evidence-based practice relevant in handling …show more content…
A literature review confirms that the CDC has noted that there was reduction by 50% Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infection (CLABSI). The changes were witnessed between 2008 and 2014. Additionally, there was 13 percent reduction in incidences of MRSA bacteremia witnessed in 2011, and later in the year 2014. The implementation of the strategies and efforts from the ACA to reduce the incidence of HAIs has delivered a strong definitive prevention method or effort indicated by the ACA to lower the overall occurrence of HAIs (CDC, 2016). Additionally, the control of HAIs becomes easier in its management because of the implementation of programs that cater for the cost of treatment in any initiative that gives an opportunity for healthy living and lifestyle (DHHS, 2016). CMS gives the government an opportunity to offer quality medical services in some of the hospitals (Collins, 2008). Furthermore, CMS hospitals receive adequate funding both from the government and individuals as a way of managing and controlling the effects related to HAIs. The funding processes of the hospitals that implement CMS programs have the great opportunity of handling financial resources that assist in the management of HAIs within the hospitals effectively. Monetary incentives through CMS have become possible and supported by Affordable
Potential for reduction in reimbursement by 1- % if it falls with other hospitals that rank among the lowest- performing 25 percent with regards to Hospital Acquired conditions (HAC): CAUTI being of them.
In Title IX named, Revenue Provisions, will provide a middle-class tax cut to help those families and small business owners have more affordable insurance coverage ("Read the Law |", n.d).
Over the last five years, the United States has implemented a new policy in which Americans will receive their health care benefits. This policy is known as the Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act which was implemented in 2010 through United States federal statue and signed into law by President Barack Obama. The intentions of the reform is to insure that all Americans have affordable access to health care benefits without struggling to afford the cost associated. The reform is broken down into nine title sections that affect all aspects of health care and changes that will be associated. In this paper, I will be discussing each of the title sections and how the changes will affect the field of nursing.
Anderson, Amy. “The Impact of the Affordable Care Act on the Health Care Workforce.” The Heritage Foundation. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 July 2015. This paper is a through report on the impact of the ACA on the workers in healthcare, particularly on the ratio of worker to patients. It shows that the act will increase the physician shortage, particularly in already underserved areas and specialties. It will also greatly increase the stress on workers, due to the increase demand from each physician or nurse and the increased amount of regulatory paperwork required. Many healthcare providers are merging into larger business to cut costs; others are running cash-only or annual-fee models. The act attempts to transition to paying physicians for performance
The Affordable Care Act has brought many changes to healthcare in the United States. Some of the changes brought on by the Affordable Care Act have had a positive impact on society and some have had a negative impact. Some of the positive effects of the Affordable Care Act include better consumer protection and equality, and healthcare coverage for more Americans. Some of the negative effects include rising insurance premiums and a shortage of doctors. There is also a new set of rules under the Affordable Care Act regarding the billing of medical claims.
The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) is a healthcare program created by president Obama’s administration. The goal of the Affordable Care Act is to make sure every United States citizen has health insurance. The Affordable Care Act provides “affordable” health insurance plans to citizens that do not have any and make about $15,000 a year. While the idea of providing health insurance to the millions of American’s that cannot afford it is great, everything comes at a cost. According to Emily Miller, Obamacare is causing people’s health insurance premiums to rise by around 1 to 9 percent (Miller 15-15). Not only are insurance premiums rising, but ever since the Supreme Court declared the Affordable Care Act constitutional approximately 20 tax hikes have been approved (Battersby). All the aforementioned reasons are helping pay for Obamacare. Although providing health insurance for people that cannot afford it is important, the Affordable Care Act should be revoked because it will hurt the economy.
When president Obama signed the Affordable Care Act in March 2010, it came with a lot of new provisions that would vary when they would come into effect. The very first provision was the “Grandfather Clause” which allowed people to keep their insurance plan before the act went into effect. As long as the employer still offered that plan the employee could still maintain it because they were grandfathered into receiving that coverage. If someone bought an insurance plan after March 2010 they would not be considered under the Grandfather Clause. Thus, these individuals would be required to get a new plan by 2014 if their plan did not meet all the criteria, they would need to get a new plan that fills all the criteria. Another major provision of the Affordable Care Act is that patients have a guaranteed issue. This means that insurance companies are unable to deny anybody health insurance based on their health or prior health. This may create a problem because the risk pool of an insurance company may not have the best people. Eventually, this could lead to the majority of the risk pool for an insurance company to have people who are at a greater risk of needing health insurance. This will make the insurance company more vulnerable and the only way that they will be able to cover the losses is by raising the premiums on everyone even though there may be some individuals that are in perfect health. The next provision that was added under the Affordable Care Act is that the
There are so many people here in the country that is not getting their complete health care coverage because of preventable conditions. Most Americans only receive half of the services suggested. The Affordable Care Act is mainly directed to the needs of Americans in need of healthcare that are not already covered.
The Affordable Care Act established by Barack Obama it is a revolutionary law that was passed to change the healthcare system in America. The affordable care act has many pro and cons. Is the Affordable care a good idea? The Affordable care act was put in place to help maintain healthcare spending cost, reduce the amount of people who are uninsured, create universal healthcare, expanding coverage for young adults and to make prescription drug coverage more affordable for seniors. In the year of 2010 and 2011 over 5.1 million seniors and people with disabilities on Medicare have saved over 3.1 billion on prescription drugs, however this includes a one-time rebate
During the botched 2010 roll out of the affordable care act, multiple veteran’s agencies marched on Washington with fears of how the Tax/Mandate would affect indigent veterans who could not afford the penalty and could not afford secondary insurance. In their hubris, these agents pushed an agenda that has greatly hurt the veteran population.
Universal Healthcare in the United States has been a long time journey that dates back decades and we, as a country, are far behind other developed countries who have had universal healthcare for a long time. Today, Healthcare is obtained through employers or by people paying for it by themselves, which is incredibly expensive due to high premiums. Five years have passed since the controversial Obama care, or Affordable Care Act, was signed into law on March 23, 2010. The Affordable Care Act aimed at fixing the many problems that the United States has with healthcare by making it available to everyone, but also more efficient and this required drastic changes that made some people happy while others unhappy since some are benefiting while others are not. These people include politicians, but foremost presidential candidates. Candidate’s stance on the issue of healthcare is truly important due to the fact that if they’re the next president of the United States, it could hurt or improve the health care reform. Noteworthy candidates are: Jeb Bush, Hillary Clinton, Marco Rubio, and Bernie Sanders. Republicans and Democrats have long debated whether or not the Affordable Care Act should be repealed or replaced. Republicans believe that it is a problem while Democrats support it. The Affordable Care Act should not be replaced but instead improved because it provides quality and affordable health care to Americans. Everyone gets sick and people shouldn’t be afraid of receiving help
Controlling spread of infection is the key for the individual or the health care provider and washing hands is the first step. Hand washing is the most single most important strategy for preventing infection transmission. HAIs are the most common complication of hospital care. However, recent studies suggest that implementing existing prevention practices can lead to up to a 70 percent reduction in certain HAIs. The financial benefit of using these prevention practices is estimated to be $25.0 billion to $31.5 billion in medical cost savings ( 2020).
It is evident, one out of every 25 patients in an acute care setting acquires a HAI the United States alone (Bubb, et al., 2016). Further, HAIs result in a significantly higher morbidity, and mortality, lengths of stay, and cost of health care (McNeill, L. 2017); not to mention the negative health outcomes on families, and communities at large (bubb, et al., 2016). In addition, globalization is another factor that has perpetuated the transmission of infectious diseases as the world population has become more mobile.
Healthcare is often driven by consumers and insurance companies; there is strong pushes for insurance companies to start paying better through Patient Care Medical Homes (PCMH) or Accountable Care Organizations (ACO) rather than paying at a per-visit basis (Hamlin, 2015). With PCMH or ACOs payment is made on a continuum of care, encouraging the provider to be involved in all aspects affecting health of the patient (Derksen, & Whelan,