In the short story “The Possibility of Evil,” by Shirley Jackson used several symbols to tell the story about Miss Strangeworth. One symbol used in the story are the roses. The roses represent something valuable to Miss.Strangeworth, the roses are like her little kids and they have a sentimental meaning to her because their from her great grandmother. She also used the symbol Pleasant Street which seems like that street is full of nice people and nice houses. The Third symbol is the title, in the title it gives you a hint of what the story might be and it might be about evil and it was. By using all these symbols, Shirley Jackson achieves to tell a good story about Miss.strangeworth. Artists use symbols because it helps telling a story and
Authors may use this item to tell the story with different items and by using symbolism many
The Story, The Possibility of Evil is a truly interesting story that demonstrates the evil of a community that seems almost perfect. This story demonstrates how there is probably no place on Earth that evil has not reached. The story bases itself on a small suburban town and the people that live there. The reader meets Miss Strangeworth who is a sweet little lady that smiles to everyone during the day and starts conversations, but by the time she gets home she starts writing letters revealing secrets and unpleasant facts of her neighbours and fellow townspeople and
The literary world contains a vast collection of works, each employing diverse techniques in writing. One technique commonly found in literature is the use of images and symbols. Symbols are sometimes complex and contain both literal and figurative significance. Symbolism in literature is commonly used to bind the attributes of an object with various segments of a story to provide the reader with a deeper understanding and sometimes hidden meaning. In the short story, “A Rose for Emily” William Faulkner utilizes a vast collection of symbols, as a means to enhance the reader’s visual perceptions but also prompts consideration into theories of motive surrounding the murder of Homer Barron.
Throughout the chapter Tomas Foster, the author of the book How to Read Literature Like a Professor consistently mentioned that symbolism was relative and it is different for each reader. There is no debate on whether something is a symbol or not because in most cases it is. Foster mentions that the meaning of the symbol differs between readers because each person has a different perspective on the story. He also presents the idea that if a symbol can be reduced to have meaning that it actually isn’t symbolism being used, but allegory. Foster presents that a symbol has multiple possible meanings and that it changes between literary work and even between reader. He states that if a person wants to figure out the meaning of a symbol they have to look deeper, use their previous knowledge, and question what is happening in order to crack the code on the meaning of the symbol. These are new ideas because most casual readers usually believe that symbols have one specific meaning in each novel. By having Foster say that there are a limitless amount of interpretations for a simple it blows the door wide open. Symbols are used throughout novels of all genres, and sometimes even ironically. Foster’s belief in the importance of intertextuality shines through throughout
Symbolism is used in many ways and writers use symbolism to “enhance their writing.” It can give their work “more richness and color and can make the meaning of the work deeper.” In literary work the actions of the characters, words, action, place, or event has a deeper meaning in the context of the whole story. The reader needs to look see the little things like a dove symbolizes peace, or like the red rose stands for romance. Mostly everything can have a symbolism meaning to it. For instance the flag symbolizes freedom and the stars represent the states. Even some signs are symbols like when a beaker has a skull with a bones placed like an ‘x’ behind it symbolizes that it’s toxic or bad. When people see the red light when driving that’s
Symbols are important in each story to define the theme. Close observation of the symbols within each story proves to one their
For example, in the Great Gatsby, George and Mrytle live in a place called the Valley of Ashes which symbolizes that their marriage is dead which allows Gatsby to try and steal Mrytle away from George. Another use of symbolism in The Great Gatsby is associating the color white with Daisy throughout the book to show that she is pure and perfect in the mind of Gatsby which is caused by his blindness to see that she has parasitic tendencies.. The Jelly-Bean uses symbolism in a similar way by making Nancy represent false happiness in Jim's heart which eventually lead to him being heartbroken because he was blinded by the idea of how perfect he thought she was similar to Gatsby. When the two females are symbolized it helps further the theme by creating the concept of that they aren't just characters in a story but also lessons to be learned and retained after the story is over. Overall the use of symbolism sets up the possibility for the reader to further understand a certain characters impact on another either emotionally or
Symbolism is very important in a novel because it can be based of an object, person or situation that have a deeper meaning in context. There are many clues in the 12 stories of The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes that are symbols. In pg.50, Julia Stoner’s dying words are, “It was the band! The speckled band!” One would believe that there is some hidden meaning that could symbolize family or trust since they
Symbols unlock the secrets of a story. Hawthorne, in The Scarlet Letter, uses many symbols to represent different things. Some symbols represent the same thing. The letter “A” has many meanings, each character has their own meanings, and even the different parts of nature are symbols. Also, apart from providing structure for the novel, each scaffold scene conveys something different. One could say, arguably, that nearly everything in The Scarlet Letter is a symbol for something else.
Symbolism in literature is used to give an entirely different meaning which is more significant and much deeper to a story using objects representing other objects and giving them a sense that is different from their literal meaning. The meaning of the symbols used to depend on the reader, and there is no universal meaning for symbols used because their purpose is inherent in the symbol itself. In both stories, the authors use symbols to give different meanings to their story.
Symbols can be both positive and negative in a story. In the story “Eleven” the red sweater symbolized Rachel in a negative way. The story “The Sound of Summer Running” the tennis shoes symbolized Douglas in a positive way. These two symbols in the story reveal the theme or message in the story in both positive and negative ways. In the story “Eleven” Rachel’s actions build the importance of the red sweater in a negative way.
Symbols in literary works can express an idea, clarify meaning, or enlarge literal meaning. Symbols can appear in a novel as an event, action, or object. In Their Eyes Were Watching God, the author, Zora Neale Hurston, uses the symbols of the gate to show Janie’s transitions to womanhood, independence from oppression, and realization of what love is to Janie.
Symbols are used to represent something else deeper than the actual meaning either in real life or in literature. In the story “The Scarlet Ibis”, Doodle who is mentally and physically disabled was not expected to live. Although, he did live, however, he could not do things other children could do such as walk or talk. Therefore, his older brother set out to teach him because he was embarrassed to have an abnormal brother. However, many years later Doodle is soon overworked until he can no longer go on, and he sadly dies. In “The Scarlet Ibis”, James Hurst uses the caul, the oriole nest, and the blood od Doodle as symbols to offer greater insight into abstract ideas that are difficult to understand on their own.
With the use of all of these symbols throughout the play, they all play a role in outcome of the story, affecting the theme of the story as well in the
Symbolism in literature is using an object to portray a different, deeper meaning in a story. Symbols represent ideas or qualities that the author has maneuvered into his or her story that has meaning. There can be multiple symbols in a story or just one. It is up to the reader to interpret the meaning of the symbols and their significance to the story. While reading a story, symbols may not become clear until the very end, once the climax is over, and the falling action is covered. In William Faulkner’s, “A Rose for Emily,” there are multiple examples of symbolism that occur throughout the story.