“A Balloon for Ben” is an animated short film, directed by Yves Geleyne and created by Cineplex. The short film takes place in a world where movies are stored in balloons which you pop to let out the light of the movie into the sky to watch. The film shows the relationship between a boy named Ben and his father. It is about a father who is too busy working to watch a movie with his son and a son who keeps hoping for the time they will watch a movie together. The main message in this film is remembering what is really important, spending time with family and friends. There are many examples of this message in the film. Ben has four unpopped, deflated balloons in the box under his bed. As well, on top of the box is a picture of him holding
“Benjamin Franklin flies a kite” by Eduardo Mata and “A Shocking and Stormy Night” by Prentice Newton are both about the electricity experiment that Benjamin Franklin did long ago. Mata’s article is an informational text because it is written in third person and uses informative vocabulary. The article is about the steps Franklin took in his investigation. In the article, it says “The electricity had been captured and transferred.” The words he uses provide detailed information on how the experiment had worked. Mata describes Benjamin Franklin’s test with details for the reader to understand in what means Franklin learned about electricity. He uses sequence of events to tell what Franklin did to do the experiment. On the other hand, Newton’s
My first interpretation of the cartoon is that it could relate to the phrase, “sometimes you have to think on a smaller scale”. What I mean by this is when faced with the concept of something that never ends, or that seems to go on forever, we often struggle to accept it. For
The message conveyed to the audience in the film Nemo (2003) directed by, Andrew Stanton and Lee Unkrich. Andrew and Lee demonstrate the skilled use of film techniques. To analyse the scene 3 minutes into the film, I will be looking at the symbols, writing codes, audio and technical codes or commonly known as SWAT codes. The theme of this scene is, Marlin has lost everything but one egg. Marlin promises the egg that nothing will happen to it and that he will always be there. In this scene, we see and hear the skilled use of techniques to convey the message of this scene to the audience.
In the novel, A complicated kindness, the protagonist Naomi contemplates on escaping from her fundamentalist hometown. Her melancholic bond with the hometown as for its kindness, even though she’s “homesick at home”, and her problem with progressing towards an actual end, tragically leave her out in the community where she gets deserted. In this regard this story is a tragedy. While the narration breaks the conventional line of storytelling about runaway, it unfolds in irony as to balance or to counter the dark events. In this way this story is a comedy. For these reasons a film adaptation of the novel will fall into comedy-drama genre. On the poster of this movie the hand drawn picture represents one of the ironies that comes in the narration,
At first glance it may seem that the swimming pool in Ben?s backyard is no more than an insignificant setting-choice for the movie. After close examination, however, the pool fills a critical role as the symbol of the recent college-graduate?s internal struggle with decisions regarding his future. Key scenes involving the swimming pool and the related aquarium in Ben?s room chronicle the evolution of his transition from adolescents into adulthood.
Un Chien Andalou In Un Chien Andalou (1929), Luis Buñuel uses montage editing to put together a series of surreal images to create what the audience can interpret as a love story. The theme being expressed in Un Chien Andalou is that love is something that is irrational, unexplainable, and considering the fact that it is a surrealist film, love is surreal. Along with the montage technique, I will also discuss Buñuel’s use of camerawork like the long shots used throughout the film, music, acting style, costume (like having the female character read a book in which the same outfit is seen that the male character is wearing), editing techniques such as point of view shots, and, finally, dream and fantasy sequence.
The image I’ve chosen has somewhat of a Tim Burton vibe, even if it does only comes down to the girl in it, which is a reoccurring theme in a lot of his animated films. Specifically the witch girl in Para-Norman especially given what could be ghosts in the world she has created for her self. The image is on a pretty large truck with (when put together) a collection of monotone colors like yellow, grey, black, and white. The characters within the piece vary from a rain drop shape to a shape resembling a germ or even a fish. The only “message” I feel that can be gained from this would be you create the world around you and sometimes you have to see it for what you’ve created it with. Sometimes imagination can help you within your reality so
To conclude, in less than 2 minutes, the ‘train crash scene’ draws audiences in and gives them a forecast of the film. Therefore, it is a short but complete and wonderful
The story begins with young Carl Fredrickson and his friend Ellie dreaming about moving to South America. Seventy years later, Ellie dies, but Carl remembers the promise he made to her. Then, when he is forced to move to a retirement home, he and his house fly away carried by thousands of balloons before they can take him. However, he has a stowaway aboard: an eight-year-old boy named Russell, who is trying to earn a badge for assisting the elderly. Together, they embark on an adventure where they meet talking dogs, a villain, and a rare bird.
There is no one at the party or else where who understands the tension Benjamin is feeling. He docent quite understand at this point if he is a man or still a boy, the way the adults treat him almost confuses him. They want him to be a man and get his career started but yet they still treat him like a boy. This quickly turns into stress on Ben’s shoulders. This tension and stress is even further highlighted by what happens later at his birthday party.
The main message I get from this movie is “there’s no place like home.” I feel that no matter how old or young you are the true meaning of home, is where you feel safe, happy and completely out of reach of harm. But the tornado destroys that feeling and it took her and the little dog to a magical fantasy land. Children are filled with so much happiness and this film shows that it can all be taken away by something so simple as a tornado and their
"The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" is a rarity because normal Hollywood/story adaptations lack well developed variations of the story in their respective ways. They both are designed to force the reader or movie goer to self- reflect on their own life experiences. Benjamin Button's life was an incredible account of events and relationships that were discovered, created, built and lost throughout his life-span. However, while he accomplished so much he was unable to live a life in the normal development pattern, but it allowed him and the reader/movie goer to view life from a different perspective.
When the audience first encounters Ben (Miller 44), he represents the success that Willy is striving for. Before the audience learns of the success that Ben encountered in Africa, they see him on the stage accompanied by an idyllic musical motif
Ben exemplified compassion in many cases, were he would sacrifice himself or his personal trails for someone else troubles. In reality this scene can compare with real life cases in the world today how compassion can be shared with people to impact others. In the movie Ben finds himself falling in love with a girl name Emily, who has an enlarged heart that he later gave his life for her to survive. Ben shared compassion with 6 other people, but given the most compassion to Emily.
The theme of foribben love is presented, when Estha is sexually molested by the Orangedrink Lemondrink man in the lobby of a movie theatre. He is interrogated and terrified by him ,that