What is the most effective cross-cultural assessment of personality?
The normative assessment; it measures quantifiable attributes on an individual scale and is measurable against a normed population. The choosing of the most effective cross-cultural assessment should be done in a purposeful manner and give in depth objective information pertaining to people and the perspective impact on their culture. Since the normative assessment is comparing the candidate’s results to an actual population you can then make useful comparisons and determinations regarding the attributes being measured. The complex relationships between culture and personality, including the possibility that the very concept of personality may be culturally constructed,
The EYLF proposes that cultural competency cannot be mastered but is something educators continually strive for; by respecting, understanding, engaging with and positively acknowledging and teaching cultural diversity within the childcare industry.
For my cultural competence paper, I attended a Narcotics Anonymous (NA) meeting. The meeting was held at the First United Methodist Church in Mechanicsburg on Wednesday, February 15th at 7:30 p.m. and lasted about one hour. Prior to attending the meeting, I was incredibly nervous and I did not know what to expect. The purpose of the assignment was meant for us to step out of our comfort zone and explore something that we have never done before and I thought that attending the meeting would be a perfect fit. I have never attended a NA meeting prior to this assignment nor did I have a specific reason to.
Currently, general education classrooms have increasingly become diverse with both disable students and students from different linguistic and cultural backgrounds. In order for educators to ensure that they effectively teach these classrooms, meet the needs of each student both successfully and individually, effective research that is based on strategies need to be implemented. The U.S. Department of Education suggest that, the current school-age population is becoming more diverse as time passes, yet, majority of the teachers in these schools are white non-Hispanic women. According to another report by The Condition of Education in 2006, American schools are portraying increased diversity and growth. The report suggested that, forty two percent of students in public schools were ethnic or racial minorities in the year 2003; this increased from twenty two percent since 1972. Owing to these reasons, teachers in these schools are expected to educate a diversified class of students including those that come from diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds. Teachers are therefore, required to implement a number of key strategies that will ensure that every student in specific classroom feels that he or she belongs there (Worrell, 2010).
The Giger and Davidhizar Transcultural Assessment Model assesses six factors common to all cultural groups. These factors are communication, space, social organization, time, environmental control and biological variations (Giger, 2013). In an effort to learn how to identify individuality of a person within a cultural framework different from my own I have used this tool to perform a transcultural assessment of C.H. an African American woman. The following assessment provides a description of the subject, U.S.Census data of the identified culture of the subject, data in relation to the factors of the assessment and evaluation of my personal thoughts prior to performing the assessment.
As a health care professional, we are faced with caring for patients of different cultural and ethnic background. Researching and learning about the patient’s culture values, beliefs and practices is essential and remarks the ability to provide quality health care for the patient. “Organizations and individuals who understand their clients’ cultural values, beliefs, and practices are in a better position to be coparticipants with their clients in providing culturally acceptable care” (Purnell & Paulanka, 2008, p. 2). After completing the cultural competence checklist, I was able to identify some of my responses to the patient cultural values and belief practices. I will describe a summary of my assessment results, analyze
After completing the “cultural competence checklist: personal reflection designed by T.D. Goode” for the first time, I was not surprised by my results. The results were a reflection of my personal understanding how culture impacts holistic care and my continuous need to improve my care. I have strived to become non-judgmental. I work to not let my personal beliefs and values influence my nursing care on decisions. When I practice this philosophy it provides better patient outcomes and promotes an improved understanding of cultural differences. This also enhances a safe and caring environment. “It is important for health care providers to recognize that care must be individualized and considerate of the cultural. Racial, and ethnic identity of the patients and their families” (Broome, 2006, p. 486) .There is much diversity in the beliefs and practices of the Indian culture and we should grant these individuals complete freedom to practice their personal cultural variations and the religion they choose.
The article Principles and Practices of Sociocultural Assessment: Foundations for Effective Strategies for Linguistically Diverse Classrooms, is written to inform the readers about different types of practices that teachers can take into action when working with ESL students. In this article, it mentions how different principals help to accommodate the ESL students. One of the principals that was mentioned was is that learning is social. In the article, it was mentioned that learning is social because it helps students to understand and use interaction with others to share meaning in a social setting (Smith, Teemant, & Pinnegar, 2004, P. 39). In the article, another principal that helps ESL students is that teaching is assisting. The meaning
A cultural assessment model is a framework for assessing cultures inclusive of different fields that can take place within each culture. From there an individual can research a specific culture and see how they relate to each of the standard domains. The common components found in every culture include communication, space, social organization, time, environmental control, and biological variations.
Nurses providing culturally competent care is crucial in the health care field. Many patients have different backgrounds and practice a certain way of life. As a nurse, it is important to know about the persons culture before caring for the patient. Communication is one of the main parts of cultural competence. Understanding your patient and making sure they know what is happening to them is very important for providing good care. Other differences can include: spirituality, family roles, biocultural ecology, nutrition, death rituals and more (Catalano, 2015).
As humans, we tend to perceive other individuals as having certain characteristics based off of our values, and what we’ve witnessed from experience. It has become common for us to judge people as group rather than as an independent entity, In the novel Cultural Intelligence: A Guide to Working with People from Other Cultures by Brooks Peterson, he discusses in vivid detail the five basic culture scales in which he uses to describe the differences in cultures. They go as follows: equality v. hierarchy, direct v. indirect, individual v. group orientation, task v. relationship, and risk v. caution. Each and one of these categories set up an understanding of each category in two opposing views. Being able to comprehend these differences can influence how people view others from distinct cultures.
I chose Ms. B, an 82 year old African American woman for my assessment. Webster’s dictionary defines culture as “the beliefs, customs, arts, etc., of a particular society, group, place or time;” and unique as “very special or unusual, belonging to or connected with only one particular thing, place, or person” (Webster). In my perception, we
1. I believe I am comfortable with my knowledge of cultural proficiency; however, I have a lot to learn. I need to be aware of the importance of how to manage the dynamic of differences amongst cultures and identify how each culture has their own unique needs. I believe I have made assumptions about certain populations without assessing their cultural values. For example, I have made the mistake of assume that some students do not register into full-time courses because they prefer to work than to go to school; instead, I should not make an assumption and understand the barriers the student might be experiencing.
Culture, we all have grown up knowing one, or at times more than one, kind of culture. Everyone has different beliefs and ways of doing things and this usually has to do with our culture and the way we have been raised and brought up. This type of psychology looks into these many different cultures and studies how they affect us as humans and our development, mental processes, and behavior.
I would identify myself as White, although my ethnicity is Irish, English, German, and Native American. I was born and raised on the island of Hawaii, which has allowed me to be immersed in a culturally diverse mix of people and practices. This has given me the opportunity to appreciate and value others’ views, values, and beliefs. Other parts of my culture include that I am an only child and I was brought up in a middle-class family that was not religious.
I consider myself to me a female, daughter, college student, Catholic, friend, sister, and a future nurse. From the list of identities above, I think being a student and a friend to be the most important in my life at this time. Every day I go to school and work hard to achieve my goal of being a nurse. Along with going to class, I spend a lot of time with my friends.