
What Is The Political Theory Of The Prince By Niccolo Machiavelli

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Businesses fail all the time. Often times, this is due to poor leadership with a lack of insight. To be a successful leader, you must know how to gain respect among your employees without making them despise you. This is a very difficult task, but luckily running a business is a lot like politics. There is so much information known today about the politics of the past, which can now be drawn on. One of the most famous books about politics ever written is The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli. This work provides an extensive look at the politics of the Renaissance era and how one could be a successful leader in that society. By applying Machiavelli’s political theory to your work life, you will be able to successfully lead any office. According to Machiavelli’s theory, in order to run a successful company, you must be able to control your people, while still, hopefully, getting them to like you. An important aspect of running a company is to avoid hatred. If you are hated, it is unlikely that you will get the respect that you deserve. Really the best way to go about gaining this respect is by obtaining popular support among your workers. While it is important not to alienate the higher ups, the groups that really hold the most power are the more average workers because they are the majority. If you have a choice between making the leaders happy and making everyone else happy, choose to please the majority. However, if you are put into a situation where you can only satisfy one

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