
What Is The Prehistorical Connections Affecting Kristen's Development?

Decent Essays

In the movie Higher Learning, the character Kristen Connor, a white female freshman at Columbus University. Kristen deals with various issues throughout the semester such as handling the trauma of being a rape victim, exploring her sexual orientation and finding her own voice. She handles the trauma of being raped by Billy by joining the student group Taryn, a lesbian junior, invited her too and later telling her about the rape. However she rejects Taryn’s suggestion of reporting it. She doesn’t let the trauma consume her and faces it by telling her story on stage at a rape awareness rally on Halloween. She explores her sexual orientation by acknowledging her attraction Taryn, building a relationship with her and physically expressing her interests through holding hands and trying to kiss her on Halloween after the rally. She also dates Wayne at the same, acknowledging her attraction to both. This is acknowledged through a brief scene of kissing Wayne and it switches to her kissing Taryn and when she looks at both of them in a crowd during a peace rally she planned. She finds her own voice by becoming active in her student club and taking the initiative to plan the plan peace festival with her roommate, Monet. …show more content…

Kristen is shown to go through several processes of D’Augelli’s social identity theory. Such as she exits a heterosexual identity when she realizes and accepts her attraction to Taryn, but never applies a label to herself or this attraction (Evans et al., 2010). The theme of never stating Kristen’s sexual orientation came be a representation that identity development takes times and/or because of the interactive intimacies of her peer group (Evans et al.,

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