
What Is The Primary Cause Of Spinal Cord Tumors?

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Medical science believes mutated genes are the primary cause of spinal cord tumors. The question on whether this condition is inherited is not endorsed, although there are two inherited health conditions linked to spinal cord tumors is neurofibromatosis and von Hippel-Lindau disease.
Primary causes begin inside of the spine’s structure. Neurofibromatosis is one of the most common cause of spinal cord tumor and non-cancerous. Von Hippel-Lindau is rare genetic disorder causing benign spinal cord tumors associated with the blood vessels.
Secondary spine tumors are a result of an existing health conditions. Weakened immune systems increase the risks of spinal cord tumors, so does a prior history of certain cancers or cancers that spread to the spine. In these instances, breast, lung and prostate tumors can spread to the spinal cord. …show more content…

Prevention of Spinal cord tumor
There are no known preventions for spinal cord tumors, but you can reduce the risks with lifestyle changes and health management. Healthy diets with the proper nourishments helps to strengthen the immune system, making sure our body’s defense functions are in full force.
Talk to your doctor about existing health conditions and family genetics prior to receiving medical treatments involving radiation therapy. In most cases, radiation doses are controllable, aiding in the prevention of tumor growth. Your doctor can also prescribe and monitor interactions of medications or chemical treatments of an existing condition triggering the spread of

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