I chose my book Runner written by Peter mcphee because the storyline of the book looked intriguing. I was interested in reading this book because it was about a 14 year old girl running away from home and her brother went out to go find her and try and bring her home. This made me want to read the book and see what happens and see if the young girl gets found. From reading the title and the front and back of the book i felt that it was going to be about a troubled family and the little girl feeling left out so she runs away from home to get attention from her family. The subject of my book is life troubles and hardships. Now that i have started reading this book is does seem to reach me expectations. For Example one way the book reaches my
In my personal opinion, this book was very hard to read and follow. At certain times I had a hard time figuring out who was talking in the book. I really wanted to enjoy this book and it’s “case studies” but I simply could not get past the confusion and enjoy this like I would any other book. I feel like the author wrote a lot of the situations for shock
Runner is a novel about Charlie Feehan written by Robert Newton. This semi-nonfictional novel brings Charlie on a wild adventure into uncharted territories. It is set in the streets of Richmond, Melbourne in 1919. Charlie is a young adult who lives in a damp and mouldy house with his Ma and his baby brother, Jack. Charlie has to make a living so he quits schools and sets out find the dirtiest job he can get his hands on. Through himself and other close individuals, Charlie is able to further build his experiences using the lessons he’s learnt. Charlie learns some of these lessons and experiences from close friends as they circle around Charlie being close to him and teaching him things just by being by his side. Squizzy Taylor and the Ballarat mile are some other very influential points as well.
Although my interest was lost in certain parts of the book, it did teach me a lot about being successful
Throughout the plot, the interactions among these characters escalate, building up a strong feeling of suspense and doubt. After reading this book, I would highly recommend this as more of a class or group book. I wouldn’t recommend it as a personal reading book. It’s more exciting and thrilling to read in a group setting and not in your free time. The main themes of this novel are trust, betrayal, and consequences of choosing actions.
From supporting evidence and three quotes, shows my thinking that the theme of the book is that not everybody is like you think they
The author described things well in this book, but this book was a bit easy to read because she didn’t use difficult words. This sometimes would not allow for you to know exactly how she meant for things to appear.
In the book I can connect to some of the things in it. In life people have happy things happen and negative things happen. “Life throws too much crap at us as it is, so why hold onto something
After reading this book the biggest take away I have gained from it is how to better interpret Ellen White’s writings. I have read many of Ellen White’s books weather in school or
Already I can tell that this book is more difficult than most other novels I have read. It seems as though Roth is in favor of using long sentences and complex vocabulary. I sometimes had to reread sentences a few times because there was difficult vocabulary I needed to look up and the sentences were long. I needed to read each sentence piece by piece to make sure I could understand what the author wanted to convey to the reader. Although the text seemed overwhelming when I read the first few pages; once I began reading sentences in increments I could more easily understand the text.
This book is an eye opener, making you look at things in a different way changing your views and perspective of things we thought were impossible or that they had no relationship at all. He incentives you to formulate the correct questions by questioning everything that you feel curious about. Just remember what a genius once said, "I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious."- Albert Einstein. Just remember how the book says
described does make up for the disappointment. The characters in this book seem to have a lot of
What made me choose this book was the title. Looking at the title and reading the back of the book it just seems like something I can relate to. Grewing up the way that I did and seeing the thing that I have I felt like this could be a good book for me. The subject of the book is also something that I would like to learn more about. This being a non fiction book I seen a perfect chance to do actually that. What really made me choose this book was my interest in the title.
Ever since I was first introduced to English as a language in the 4th grade in elementary school all the way through high school it has been my favourite subject. English was something that I was naturally good at for some reason, due to this fact I never felt discourage or failure in classes, like for example so many of us feel in Math or Chemistry, so I always enjoyed learning new words and tenses. Fortunately in my jobs I get to use English quite a lot for communication and also for translating purposes. Reading the book the first thing I noticed that in order to be not just a good
Without appreciation and considerations to morality and religion then it would be difficult to fully comprehend the novel.
First of all, this book is similar to some things I'm learning in social psychology. It wasn't any suprise to me when I