In the novel titled To Kill a Mockingbird the author Harper Lee tells us how racism was a big problem and how life was for a girl that was coming of age. This also relates back to the real world and all the racism that's going on today. To kill a Mockingbird takes place during the great depression in Maycomb, Alabama. The main character and narrator of this story is a little girl named Scout.She has a father named Atticus who teaches her a lot about respect and why things are the way that they are. She also has a brother, Jem, and a friend who moves into their city named, Dill. In the story one of the main events in the story is the trial of Tom Robinson Atticus chooses to defend Tom Atticus tries his hardest to create the best case he could with amazing points but evil wins and Tom is proven guilty and tom robinson is sent to jail. At the end, of the book we now understand that racism can cause people to not think logically, and ethically. …show more content…
One time when good beats evil is when Scout and Atticus turns the mob away from Tom. One time when evil won was when they found Tom guilty so he was sent to jail but was shot because he was forced to be locked up even though he was really innocent. The second theme is on how people affected what happened back then. Back then because of racism and segregation people didnt like a white man protecting a black man. One part was when people went to kill Tom but Atticus and Scout turned them away they wanted to kill him because he was black and they didn't want them to win the case. Other people to were not helping like the jury found Tom guilty just because of the color of his skin color. Another was when Mr. Eywell attacked the kids and then killed himself he was showing that many people hated Atticus because he defended a black
The main theme Atticus relates to is good vs. evil. He shows that being a good person is key and can have a bigger impact than what evil can do. Atticus teaches many this lesson. He shows this by being kind to everyone and taking a case people look down on him for taking because it was the right thing to do. Finally by choosing to ignore harsh, rude, and inappropriate behavior from Bob Ewell and others.
‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ is a novel written by Harper Lee. It is set during the early 20th Century in the fictional town of Maycomb. Lee has decided to write the novel from a child’s point of view because a child is innocent but as the novel progresses the narrator, Scout, loses her innocence as she deals with the complications of her father being a lawyer. The novel revolves around racism and Scout sees discrimination wherever she goes whether it is racial or social prejudice. The town’s people agree with the idea that whites are superior to blacks. An example of this is when Atticus, Scout’s father, has to defend a black man who is accused of raping Bob Ewell’s daughter.
To Kill a Mockingbird was a 1960’s novel written by the author Harper Lee from Alabama during the Civil Rights Movement which inspired the theme of her book; racism. The book is set in the 1930’s in Maycomb which is a very poor town. The book is written in the view of Jean-Louise ‘Scout’ Finch a 6 year old girl who is the son of lawyer Atticus Finch and has a brother called Jem. They are close neighbours to the dreaded Radley family and especially Boo Radley the son who they are terrified of. Boo has been judged unfairly by the whole town of Maycomb because no one had seen him in years, people were just going along with old wives tales about him stabbing his mother in the leg. This unfair judgement links in with the racial prejudice that occurs in Maycomb when black people are treated poorly just because of their colour.
One of the most important themes in the novel is courage is doing what is right even when the odds of succeeding are poor. Harper Lee uses the characters of Mrs. Dubose, Arthur (Boo) Radley, and Atticus Finch in developing this major theme. Mrs. Dubose show courage when she fights her addiction of morphine before she dies knowing she might not have been able to do it. The character of Arthur (Boo) Radley shows courage when he goes outside and fights Bob Ewell saving Jem and Scout. Finally the character of Atticus Finch also shows courage when he goes to trial for a black man against a white girl. Even though the novel is a work of fiction, we can see similar lessons about courage in our world today, which makes To Kill a Mockingbird an important
Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird is a novel that takes place in Alabama during the Great Depression. It is narrated by the main character who is a little girl named Jean Louise Finch aka “Scout”. Scout has a father named Atticus who is a lawyer and an older brother. The Finch’s are a white family and when Atticus goes to defend a black man, the whole town is shocked.This novel has tons of racism. Racism is an issue that is still current. Large amounts of racism are expressed in the novel still happens today through racial profiling, police brutality, and segregation.
Discrimination and prejudice against blacks was a huge point in this story with blacks being considered animals and trash and anyone who defends them such as Atticus to be given the same treatment from the people who discriminate blacks.
Folks." Scout was trying to say that all people are created equal. No one, by nature, is superior to anybody else. This is a very contrary view to what most people believed at that time, especially in the South. There was prejudice between races and prejudice between families. The most obvious theme of the book is racism. Staged in the early 1930’s in southern Alabama, racism was still undeniably present. Even though the amendments which freed slaves and gave them rights were passed more than sixty years prior, the culture of the south intertwined with racism. Interracial marriages were illegal. Different races could not attend the same schools. It was the law that whites and blacks could not even be put together in the same jail cells. Looking at these things, one can only imagine the upheaval when a Negro was accused of raping a white woman: but did this stop Atticus from standing up for justice? No, it didn’t. He knew perfectly well how criticizing eyes would view the case; no matter how glaring the evidence was, the people wouldn’t accept an African American’s word over a white man’s. Atticus saw all people as equal, regardless of their skin color and he knew what was the right thing to do. He was a friend and ally to the African American community and they respected them for it. Another example is the Cunningham family. When Walter comes over for lunch, Scout criticizes him but
What can one say about the relationship between good and evil? It is the coexistence of what is pure and innocent and what is dark and vile. In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, the thin line of this theme is shown throughout the novel and is hard to miss. Such as, when Boo protects Scout from a fire and Bob Ewell, mockingbirds as a symbol of purity and innocence, and Atticus defending Tom as a black man in a predominately white community.
In many stories as well as real life, good versus evil is a prevalent theme. Although the villain usually has a reason to be hated, not many people give thought to the villain as anything but a bad guy. In cases such as these, the villains are only known as the bad guys, which leads people to accept them and see them as bad people. In To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, good versus evil is not one of the leading themes, but labels versus truth is. The wrongdoers, or ‘bad guys,’ are never given a chance to climb above their reputation, and therefore are never fully understood by the rest of the population.
In the gruesome tragedy Macbeth, William Shakespeare explores how the temptation of man, in the form of witches, can “drain one dry as hay.” Temptation cannot create or conceive ideas, it can only act upon the existing flaws and subconscious intentions already planted in the victim's mind. The actions and behaviors that follow are the direct product of the initial act of allowing or preventing ‘gall’ to enter one's mind. This is demonstrated indirectly via character foil, of the two once mighty generals of Scotland's militant, Macbeth and Banquo. Both of these men are subject to the same rootless prophecy from the “Weird Sisters,” however due to their divergent ambitions, decisions, and allegiances in their state of mind is affected to varying degrees, ultimately regulating the lengths to which they will go to achieve their ambitions. If one is to avoid a “life forbid” then they must be able to restrain their “vaulting ambition” through means of “wisdom,” “valour,” and “allegiance clear” as demonstrated by Banquo.
To Kill A Mockingbird which was written by Harper Lee. It takes place in Maycomb, Alabama, during the Great Depression, when racism was very prominent in many communities, especially in the South. The story is narrated by the main character Scout Finch, who is a tomboy and possesses great intelligence, which in turn exposes her to very mature situations. The main idea of To Kill A Mockingbird is that you shouldn’t spread lies about people that did anything wrong, for Boo Radley, who is thought to be a monster, and Tom Robinson, accused of being a rapist, are people who suffer because of lies.
One theme that plays a very big part in the novel is the theme of ‘Usual Disease’. The ‘Usual Disease’ of Maycomb, Alabama, is racism and prejudice. Atticus is afraid that his children will catch this disease and become just like everybody else in the town. So he tries to teach them as mildly as he can, and shows them how a white man, like him, can defend a black man, like Tom Robinson. One thing that Scout and Jem find out during the novel is that Atticus didn’t have to defend Tom Robinson, but that he chose to help him. Scout and Jem learn here that their father doesn’t see the difference in skin color, and that he isn’t as judgmental as some of the people in Maycomb. The children have always really admired and looked up to their father, so when they see that he isn’t judgmental, I believe that something within them clicks and they see that it’s ok to just accept people for who they are, it doesn’t matter what race, or gender, or occupation. You can stand up for someone no matter who you
Throughout the novella “Animal Farm” by George Orwell, Orwell mimics the reality of the Russian Revolution in 1917 as an allegory that shows Animals on a Farm. Their goal is to create a sovereign/ independent community apart from the humans by initiating a rebellion. In the novella, this community shows indicators of sustainable development or lack there of. Despite this, the animal farm society has witnessed changes to their development. At first they seem to reflect the aims of a sustainably developed society and then certain aspects prevented them from reaching sustainability. Those changes include economic wealth such as how they sustained their resources and trade between different partners,
“To Kill a Mockingbird” is a novel written by Harper Lee. It is set in America in the 1930s during the Great Depression, a time of economic decline after World War II. The novel follows a young girl called Scout Finch and her brother Jem as they learn about the prejudice and racism within their society of Maycomb County. The children and their widowed father, Atticus have a unique relationship that includes the teaching of valuable life lessons and unusual, maternal nurturing.
This paper will examine the adolescent population. It will recognizes and define strengths in this population. Amongst these strengths this paper will explore building adolescents up based upon such strengths. Furthermore, this paper explores the strength perspective and how it can be applied to adolescents when they are faced with oppression and feeling vulnerable. Exploring why this perspective is useful and examples of those reasons.