In 1992, Monon Rheaume stopped seven of nine shots at half and tied the game at 2-2. Unfortunately, even with skills above the men’s, she never returned to the NHL to play again because woman don’t belong in hockey (Basu, 2012). This is due to the “physiological differences between men and women”, the "objective statistical measures of absolute speed and strength” help align the natural abilities of men to hockey more than women (Messner, 1988, pg. 197-221). Thus, when the game ended with a loss, the parents were convinced that Rheaume’s gender attributed to their sons’ lost opportunity in the big leagues. Even though Rheaume symbolizes the supremacy of females in athletics when she broke the NHL’s gender barrier, hockey still entails the
Essentially, the 1972 Team Canada was given the name of Canada's Hockey Team of the Century in December 1999 (Hockey Hall of Fame). Another, important event that happen was said by legendary broadcaster Foster Hewitt of CBC Television " The Puck comes out to Hendson . He shoots! He scores Paul Henderson has scored for Canada. "(Quinlan 268). With 34 seconds left in the third period , Paul scored a slap shot to the top left corner of the net , which made Canada become the new hockey power in the world. (Kriser). This Summit Series win was very big for the development of Canada's hockey culture because in International ice Hockey Federation (IIHF) tournaments , Canada was losing to countries like USA, Sweden and Finland ,developing hockey countries, in which should of been easy wins for Canada who is a hockey nation. (Rutley) It also shifted to look at women and hockey . Before the series , women were not allowed to play because of the fact that it was a male sport and it was too aggressive for women to handle. (Rutley). However after the series was over , one young lady step out of shadows and played a game with young men on a pond in Quebec . Manon Rhéaume, the first female hockey player was given great respect and in the next following NHL season played as a Montréal
Women’s equality is an issue that has been around for awhile. While women have been given many rights to increase equality, including the right to vote and go to college, the problem hasn’t completely vanished. One area that still sees this is in sports. Women’s sports do not draw nearly as many fans and are not covered in the media as much as men’s sports, pay differences between male and female athletes are large, and female athletes have to wait longer to start their professional career than men, which risks their professional career before it even starts.
For centuries, men and women were never given equal opportunities, creating a glass ceiling in the United States, and around the world. The glass ceiling represents the invisible barrier in the professional world between men and women, or minorities. It holds those back from being able to reach their full potential, which is also presented in Malcolm Gladwell’s Outliers, where he describes Canadian hockey players, and those who are born in the first few months of the year are often more successful. The cut off date for Canadian hockey is January 1ts, making the children born around that date the oldest (Outliers). These children are often chosen for more advanced leagues, giving them better coaching and more opportunities. The enhanced coaching
Part 1: Description of the social work created by female rep hockey players within Cobourg, Ontario.
“Girl Unprotected” by author, and sports editor Laura Robinson; argues that if one looks at the culture of hockey, then one can see the way in which it appropriates the “hockey myth.” Throughout her essay, Robinson analyzes the case of David Frost, a hockey coach, who in 2004, was accused and on trial for sexual abuse; in order to demonstrate her argument. Robinson begins her argument by suggesting that hockey is a highly gendered culture, in which a great deal of pressure is given to women. Opportunities for girls to succeed in hockey are subordinate to boys in most small Canadian towns. The role for women in hockey is to be an object used to label the male hockey players.
“Girl Unprotected”, by Laura Robinson, was published on May 11, 2008. In this essay, the author informs the reader about the dark side of hockey culture in Canada. Serious, formal, and objective tones are used throughout this essay in order to create a negative tone without using negative forms of diction. This technique is used so that the writing shows no bias, however, has the ability to sway the reader's opinion. In doing this, the author keeps an objective, unwavering stand on the issue yet plays with the reader's sense of pathos and ethos. Pathos and Ethos are used in the essay as successful forms of rhetoric. Robinson begins with a second person point of view, connecting with the reader and enticing them to continue reading. Although, as we move forward in the text, the author takes on an objective, the first-person point of view on the court cases later described. The essay takes on an inductive form of reasoning and argumentation. This is proven in the way that the author discusses the issues of a small town hockey team and moves forward to discuss the coaches and players of the much larger NHL organization.
The Canadian women were a huge influence to developing ice hockey for women and are the reason for the growth of the sport in other countries. One individual that does redefine the sport of ice hockey is Manon Rheaume who fought the barriers of integration. Manon’s efforts and determination to challenge her abilities was one of the biggest developments in women’s hockey. No only was Manon making a statement during her career but she was bringing attention to women’s ice hockey. Through Manon’s task oriented goals of challenging her abilities she became a part of the men’s team. She proved not only that she was good enough to play at a high level but also that women are highly capable to compete with the men through the act of integration of sexes.
Looking at the National Hockey League in comparison to the National Women's Hockey League, the quality of playing is far better for the men than it is the women. While both leagues were established for the same reason, to play hockey, the logistics are as different as they can be. Women are treated far more poorly than the men in about every aspect of professional sports. Even though it was born out of the National Hockey League, the National Women’s Hockey League is not only challenged, but compared to every aspect of the NHL, which includes: wages, rules and regulations, LGBT norms, and the overall questioning of why women and men cannot play together in one league. Despite the downsides the women league faces, the player
The sports world has been a new area where women are recognized. In previous times women’s sports were almost non-existent. In schools many girl teams did not receive adequate funds for uniforms and equipment. Boys sports were much more popular, such as football or basketball. If a girl wanted to play a guy sport she would be labeled as a
Through the movies viewed in this course this semester, we saw women who were able to play against men and still keep their femininity. Nothing is lost when playing sports not traditionally meant for a particular race or gender. Society must become more understanding when it comes to the sports different types of people play and hinder from stereotyping anyone when they participate and perform well in that sport.
In my opinion it matters what I choose to do, say, and how I respond in school and in life for many reasons. One reason is because if I speak inappropriately around my buddy. If I did something like this my buddy could possibly repeat it at school to someone else, people would think of me as childish and not respectful to the teacher's rules, and if the language is toward the buddy it could lower their self esteem. Another reason is because it can show your future of being responsible or irresponsible depending on whether, you do your homework or just practicing doing what you are being told to do and actually doing it. It also matters because our buddies look up to us. If we choose to respond badly to teachers, staff, or to other students
Women have struggled for more than two centuries to be taken serious as professionals. There should not be a double standard in sports especially if it is loved and played by both genders. Over the years, females have competed against the stereotype of being too fragile both mentally and physically to play strenuous sports. The passion and work ethic of the female professional athletes is just as strong as the males and everyone should be treated equal and be able to have a chance at making a better living for themselves as well as their family. One area that still faces a continual struggle in sports is gender equality. Female
By turning women away from playing certain sports, we are influenced to believe that they are not as qualified to play, compared to men. (Creedon, 1994). Ironically, women on the field seem to have to act tougher than the men. If an
“Women who play men’s sport have constantly to negotiate their status in traditional cultural contexts of men’s power and privilege, and in a general discourse of femininity, patriarchy and compulsory heterosexuality” (Craig & Beedie, 2008).
In the last one hundred years women have made tremendous inroads in many facets of life. Of that there can be little doubt. Women may now hold jobs, own property and participate in professional sports. Today women can compete in sports, once a vestige of male domination; there is now room for women in that arena. But even today women in sports are not portrayed in the same light as their male counterparts. To a large degree this is because of today's cultural ideal of women.