
What Is The Theme Of Morality In Lord Of The Flies

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The author of the book Lord of The Flies, William Golding lived and wrote this story during World war two, during this time Nazis were being heavily scrutinized by the public for following Hitler's evil ways. In this story, Golding's theme found in his notes claims “It was simply what seemed sensible for me to write after the war when everyone was thanking god we weren't Nazis. I’d seen enough to realize that every single one of us could be Nazis”(Golding). This theme is an accurate representation of the story as it shows how even the most civilized people can be tricked into committing evil acts a person that what was once morally wrong is perfectly acceptable. Fear, violence, Persuasion, and deception can all be used to convince a person that what was once morally wrong is perfectly acceptable. One moment in the story where Golding clearly points out the theme you read above is when evil leader Jack Merridew uses fear to help convince people to make him their “chief”. Jack who is portrayed as a Hitler figure in the story is very persuasive. He uses the fear the boys have a beast that could attack them, by claiming to be able to hunt him.Throughout the story, Jack uses a barrage of insults in order to build up fear in the smaller boys. An example of this is “But Jack was shouting against him. Bollocks to the rules! We’re strong- we hunt! If there’s a beast, we’ll hunt it down! We’ll close in and beat and beat and beat-! He gave a wild whoop and leaped down to the pale sand.

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