
What Is The Theme Of Sin In Le Morte D Arthur's Virtue

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Throughout the selections this week in Le Morte D’Arthur, we see examples of various characters atoning for their sin by turning to and devoting their lives to God. After King Arthur’s death, Guenever chooses to enter an Abbey becoming a nun and she takes a great penance upon herself (Malory, 21.7) to repent for her adultery. It is here that we see Guenever realize and thus truly atone for her sins and through that, set aside her sinful ways, changing to become a virtuous woman (21.7) through her commitment both to God and to her late husband.

It is interesting to note, that after her death, Launcelot realizes Guenever’s commitment. Then he too, also takes to repentance through entering the hermitage “and there he served God day and night

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