
What Is The Theme Of The Morning In Nagrebca By Manuel Arguilca

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Bla Bla Bla Manuel E. Arguilla’s “Morning in Nagrebcan” tells a story of a family with a dog and its young puppies all living in Katanyaghan Hills. The family consist the father, Tang Ciaco who is a carpenter, the mother, Nana Elang who is the housewife and the two kids, Ambo and Baldo.I tis dawn in Nagrebcan, Nana Elang consistently doing her obligation as a housewife while Ambo and Baldo were in a fierce fight and the root cause is the stupidness of Ambo eating the whole banana without peeling the skin of it. Baldo insist Ambo to not eat the banana with skin and the rivalry between the two brothers ignited. Ambo took revenge on Baldo by snatching the favorite puppy of Baldo without the consent of Baldo. Ambo still aims to touch the puppy …show more content…

First, The mother dog that is a stock character in the story conveys numerous symbolisms. The mother dog symbolizes the love of Nana Elang to her children. In the story, the mother dog give tender, love and care to the puppies. Conversely, the mother dog also symbolizes the neglect of Tang Ciaco in his family. In the story, the mother dog left her puppies and came back after the sunrise. Similarly, Tang Ciaco left the family the whole night and came back to the house drunk in alcohol. Being intoxicated to alcohol, he beated his children and insult vulgarly his wife. The mother dog also symbolizes the past life of Nana Elang– as a prostitute. Female dog often go out of the streets and find a random male dog and have sex with the male dog, without thinking the consequences. Likewise, prostitutes ensembles the trait done by the female dogs, they have a sexual intercourse with any random customer to earn a huge sum of money. That’s why Tnag ciaco always says to Nana elang that she is a shameless whore and the children son of a whore. The hard life experienced by Nana Elang, Tang Ciaco and his children also ensembles the life of the female …show more content…

The black and white spot of the innocent puppy depicts the dawn– whereas the darkness of the night intervene with the brightness of the morning. In paragraph 1, the color of the whole environment is grey. The combination of the black and white spot of the puupy is grey. The tension between the night and morning depicts the life. Life is often compared to the stages of the day– dawn (infant), morning (adulthood), noon (man), dusk(near-death) and night ( death). It is a contradiction that the puppy died in the dawn and not in the dusk or evening. It suugest that life is unfair, we could die in unexpected way like what happen to the puppy, existed from dawn to morning and eventually when sunrise came the puppy dies. The black and white spots also symbolizes the yin-yang principle. Two halves that together complete wholeness. Yin and yang are also the starting point for change. When something is whole, by definition it is unchanging and complete. So when you split something into two halves – yin / yang, it upsets the equilibrium of wholeness. This starts both halves chasing after each other as they seek a new balance with each other. The word Yin comes out to mean “shady side” and Yang “sunny side”. Yin Yang is the concept of duality forming a whole. We encounter examples of Yin and Yang every day. As examples: night (Yin) and day (Yang), female (Yin) and male (Yang). In addition, the gender of

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