
What Is The Thirty Year's War?

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The Peace of Westphalia in 1648, which ended the Thirty Year’s War, is considered a monumental event in International Relations because many theorize that the peace of 1648 marked the creation of a sovereignty-based international system. Astonishingly, in Sovereignty, International Relations, and the Westphalian Myth, Andreas Osiander disagrees with the premises that the Thirty Year’s War was the Habsburgs failed attempt at establishing a hegemony, and that the Peace of Westphalia recognized that states right to sovereignty (252, 261). Instead, Orsiander claims that the Peace of Westphalia perfected “A system of mutual relations among autonomous political units…not based on sovereignty (270). In examining Osiander’s argument, I will particularly focus on the propaganda he claims perpetuates the Westphalian myth, and the settlement of the peace that Osiander touches on as evidence for his argument. …show more content…

War was tool for European actors to advance their power, but power did not necessarily translate to legitimacy. On the other hand, the Habsburgs reeked of legitimacy due to having the imperial title, legal procedures, and marriages that allowed them to inherit extensive estates all over Europe (262). As a result of this, Orsiander makes the link that in order to justify their intervention into the Thirty Year’s War, France and Sweden claimed that Habsburg’s were trying to subjugate Germany to build support amongst German princes (263). Through linking war and legitimacy, Orsiander strengthens his claim of a Westphalian myth, because throughout history actors have commonly justified military intervention as being for a greater cause, and not just because of

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