In 1932 through 1934 our nation was captivated by the notorious dynamic duo Bonnie and Clyde. I choose Bonnie and Clyde because even though they committed many crimes, Bonnie and Clyde were still two people who fell in love and I wanted to make that clear in my poem. The tone used in the poem is loving. There was no humor device used in my poem either because I wanted this poem to be a more of a serious love poem. Altogether, the only challenge I experienced when writing this poem was coming up with words that that flowed in a rhyme, I love to write stories but I am not one that can write a poem.
This poem demonstrates that when one is vulnerable and open-minded, love has the opportunity to flourish
Reporter: I see , you mentioned that your poems have a linkage to your life , can you give specific examples? And in which ways does your life experiences alter your thoughts , leading and influencing you to write in this manner?
The tone of the poem is simple with broken down sentences. Adolescent love is simple much like childhood love. There are the sweaty hands, heavy breathing, butterflies in the stomach, but when kids fall in love, its not true love, it most likely is just a crush. The words that are used in the poem are not complex but short and meaningful. When reading between the lines, and reading the poem more than twice, it is much easier to put two and two together and have a better
In poems it is essential to be a creative writer. The author uses many techniques from from exposing deep thoughts to giving humorous jokes throughout the sentence. As a human being, we may have difficult times in understanding what is trying to be said. We may agree or disagree depending our viewpoints on life. One of my Favorite poems is “The Ballad of Sue Ellen Westerfield” by Robert Hayden. My favorite poem is the type of poem that has some history and confusion. When getting the audience confused, it makes them want to know more and reread the whole passage again. Hayden’s poem is a fresh new opening that brought an old dimension, his creativity to open the minds of others and look back to the past.
This poem was written at a time of depression and distress; the repercussions of World War Two were still being felt all over and the Cold War was just beginning. The world was at
The way the poet used powerful word choices and emotion to show how he felt throughout the poem In the beginning of the poem it starts off sad but by the end of the poem it shows a side of anger. I thought the poem was very strong and powerful because of the personification he used. I think his poem was powerful because it felt personal and something relatable in his life. Throughout the poem the poet seemed like he was talking about someone in his life such as his partner. I think if the poet did not seem like he was talking to a partner then it would not be as straightforward as it was. Since he used personification throughout the poem it made me as a reader to be able to connect with what the poet and it made it feel more personal. I really liked the word choice the poet used throughout the poem. Some of the words stood out to me more than others. One word that really stood out to me when reading this poem was the word “shit.” While most poets do not use profanity, it helped show how he was feeling and the emotions he was using at that time. I think this poet was speaking from his life experience and wanted to show the emotions he was feeling when this was happening. I think people write poetry for an act of self-expression. I believe when a poet writes a poem that they are trying to write about a personal experience in their life. Also, a poem can be emotional and creative with only a
In conclusion, the poem points the inevitable cycle of natural and emotional events and the power that love has to go beyond that cycle. This is why the speaker assures that the way he has loved is something that
The tone of this poem is a mixture of emotions. She seems to enjoy being in his company, although the stories he shares break her heart. She expresses her conflicting feeling when she states the following:
A poem is a piece of writing that partakes of the nature of both speech and song that is nearly always rhythmical, usually metaphorical, and that often exhibits such formal elements as meter, rhyme, and stanza structure. In her poem, “Variations of the Word ‘“love”’,” Margaret Atwood introduces to her audience the word “love” from many different perspectives. Google defines “love” as “an intense feeling of deep affection”, or “having a deep feeling or sexual attachment to (someone).” But “love” is not something that can easily be described. Atwood goes on to present and portray the word through different illustrations, beginning with cliché examples and ending with her own personal scenarios. The author’s tone and metaphorical language effectively conveys her perspective of “love”.
There are many different themes that can be used to make a poem both successful and memorable. Such is that of the universal theme of love. This theme can be developed throughout a poem through an authors use of form and content. “She Walks in Beauty,” by George Gordon, Lord Byron, is a poem that contains an intriguing form with captivating content. Lord Byron, a nineteenth-century poet, writes this poem through the use of similes and metaphors to describe a beautiful woman. His patterns and rhyme scheme enthrall the reader into the poem. Another poem with the theme of love is John Keats' “La Belle Dame sans Merci,” meaning “the beautiful lady without mercy.” Keats, another nineteenth-century writer, uses progression and compelling
In early 1991 Sierra Leone had an outbreak of civil war was economically and politically on the edge of collapsing due to the twenty four years of exploitation and misrule under Siaka Stevens and Joseph Saidu Momoh who was his chosen successor, and had left the country heavily dependent on foreign aid and loans. The state was divided between the client of the All People’s Party regime, a growing number of a bitter political and business rivals, mismanagement and corruption.
The poem “How Do I Love Thee”, by Elizabeth Barrett Browning, and “What Lips My Lips Have Kissed”, by Edna Vincent Millay are both well-known poems that both have themes of love. (LIT, Kirszner & Mandell, Pg. 490). In both poems the poet helps the reader experience a lot of emotion with the use of certain words. There are speakers in both poems. In Mrs. Browning’s poem, the speaker is undefined, leaving open that the speaker could be a he or she. Millay’s poem which is written in first person, the speaker is more defined leading the reader to believe it is a she who is talking about love in the past tense. Both poems are sonnets written with fourteen lines, and written in Italian style. When comparing these poems we will be looking at the use of rhyme scheme and metaphors and how they were used to express emotions in these two sonnet poems.
Poetry is oftentimes associated with the subjects of love and romance. Poets throughout the ages have used this medium to express their deepest emotions in the most eloquent of ways. Whether the poet is a man or woman is irrelevant. Poets of both genders have succeeded in expressing a heartfelt love to another with a poetic language that speaks volumes in a relatively short amount of text. Two poets from two separate eras each wrote a poem with just such a theme. Anne Bradstreet in “To My Dear and Loving Husband” and Edgar Allan Poe in “Annabel Lee” created magic by writing these poems that express a love for another that transcends time and place.
In a world in which patriarchy had¬—and still does have—firm roots, Henrik Ibsen released his play A Doll’s House. Received with scathing criticism, the play challenged societal norms and promoted feminism and equal rights. Henrik Ibsen uses Nora and Torvald Helmer as synecdoches for greater social ideologies, and through the conflict between them, he establishes a social critique of patriarchy and promotes equality.
Leadership is the ability to influence people to want to achieve a goal or task. You have a plan and you inspire a vision for accomplishing the plan. As challenges occur, you use expertise and/or experience to set the example and lead the way, which enables others to act. Overcoming challenges and working hard together encourages the hearts of all, and as you see the fruits of your efforts and the completion of the goal, you have successfully applied leadership. I have to attribute my first leadership influences to my parents. My father taught me the value of working hard to accomplish your goals. He worked a full time job with the State Highway Department for 28 years along with owning and operating a dairy farm. My mother had