
What Is The Tone Of Death Be Not Proud

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John Donne’s sonnet “Death Be Not Proud” uses poetic devices to portray a message to the reader. The speaker begins by telling death not to feel proud because although some consider it “mighty and dreadful,” the speaker believes otherwise. The poem then goes on to compare rest and sleep to death saying that if they are pleasurable, then death itself must be as well. He claims that it’s the best men who go soonest to rest their bones and enjoy the delivery of their souls. The speaker then continues to degrade death, claiming that it is a slave to “fate, chance, kings, and desperate men,” and is forced to rely on war, poison, and sickness. If poppies and charms can put men to rest as well or better than death, then death should not be proud. …show more content…

." In essence, Donne is telling death that it has no basis for bragging and being "proud," because it is not the ominous, frightening force it would make itself out to be. The speaker's tone is almost belittling; his purpose is to cut arrogant death down to size. n order to convey his message, Donne relies heavily on personification, specifically the personification of death. Throughout the entirety of the sonnet, death is spoken to as though it were a person. The speaker passionately degrades and insults death, telling it that there is no reason for its pride. Donne’s use of personification in this poem increases the strength of the speaker’s argument because the poems insults are directed at someone. If Donne were to just list the reasons of degradation for example, I do not think the sonnet would be as effective or captivating. Another literary device used by the speaker is an extended metaphor when comparing death and sleep. Donne states that if he only wants a good sleep, death is not need; he can use poppy or charms. In line thirteen the extended metaphor continues when he calls the time between the speaker’s death and the day of judgment a short sleep. This metaphor is used by Donne to further imply the

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