While reading through the poem “The Wading Pool”, I instantly noticed the amount of negative emotion coming out through the poet. As I went through the first stanza, it seemed the poet wanted to express how good the days were as a young child. Describing the ways in which the children are having fun and also mentioning the lack of knowing how good they really have it. This almost set a tone for the overall emotion, especially when it is mentioned that those moments were as good as it gets. When going into the next stanza, the negativity builds up and creates an even better idea of what the poet was trying to possibly convey. The poet describes them leaving the pool and having to stand at a concessions stand, as if they didn't want to. Within
In the poem “400-Meter Free Style” written by Maxine Kumin he uses many figurative languages and the form of the poem is very interesting. The format of the sentences symbolizes the laps on a swimming pool. They also symbolize how when you’re swimming at first it is smooth and fast but once you reach the curve of the pool, you slow down to turn around, then it smooth’s out again. Another symbolization that the sentences symbolize is that they are run on and you lose your breath when you’re reading it.
In conclusion I was personally moved by this well-crafted poem because of the poetic techniques used and the setting. The setting was what particularly moved me because of how much I personally relate to the ocean. On my trips to Byron Bay and the Sunshine Coast I have seen waves that were both angry and calm. I have seen the waves smash against the rocks and the helpless swimmers get dragged out by the strong current. However I have never thought about the ocean in way the poet has exposed it. I believe that this poem has touched my heart like no other poem ever
Death is inescapable. In the same way, life is inescapable. The Appalachian short story, “Jake Pond”, portrays this inevitable cycle through the depiction of a young boy enjoying nature. Lou Crabtree writes of the many inner workings of life through symbolism. While some would say this story is a literal telling of a boy and his surroundings, it does, in fact, include a plethora of metaphors to display the complexities of life through figurative language (Crabtree). In Lou Crabtree’s “Jake Pond” symbols such as the young boy, black snakes, pond, hollytree, and other natural entities portray themes of life and death, while detailing multiple aspects of change.
In the first stanza of the poem, Swells, Ammons makes a connection between swell and memories. Swell is the vehicle and is use as a way to describe the substance of a particular memory. Memory plays a role as the tenor. The speaker believes there is a correlation in terms of the size of the “Swell in the ocean” with the importance or impact of the memory; as the swell increase in size, so will the memory significance. The stanza then goes on to create an image for readers with the words, “Information of actions summarized (surface peaks and dribbles.” One possible reason the lines are written in this way is because the words create an imagery of contours and functions of a human brain. Certain sections the human brain can retain information and condense data into its most useful aspects.
Firstly, the speaker’s attitude or the tone demonstrates how a person can be the cause of their own misery. From the very start of the poem the speaker has a depressing tone. Any little event that occurs the speaker reads it as a negative occurrence that adds to his ever growing misery. For Example, when the speaker says “Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing, Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.” The speaker hears a knock on the door and opens it to see that there is no one there. Instead of going back to sleep he demonstrates his negative attitude by
The Triple Aim has a few organizations, which have been working through the new improved health care system. These healthcare sites are known as macro-integrators using their healthcare specialist known as micro-integrators. Each clinical site has developed their mission to clear define patient population. The last seven years has allowed clinical sites to grow and learn how to effectively collaborate. .Some example of organizations, which have implemented this new Triple Aim, is CareOregon, Genesys Health Systems and QuadMed. Starting with CareOregon.
The two short stories “Black Swan Green” written by David Mitchell and “Letters To A Young Poet” by Rainer Maria Rilke both share a common central idea. In both stories, there is a mentee looking for advice from their mentors. The mentees have a passion for poetry and are aspiring poets. The mentors inform their mentees that someone who wants to be a poet should get their motivation from natural aspects. For one thing, It’s your natural beauty that makes you who you are as a person and a poet. Poetry is for yourself, your thoughts and ideas, not an audience.
The bible can be seen as a great piece of literature, one which many people will recognize if there are references to it in modern-day books, movies, and even music. One of the major topics for allusions is the Serpent. Most commonly known for his role in the story of Adam and Eve the serpent is sly, cunning, and deceivingly tricky. Authors allude to the Serpent if they want to characterize a character as evil or devious. They may also use this allusion to advance a theme as to not trust everyone you meet or temptation may be your downfall. They can use it to create other moods such as suspenseful ones, or even sad ones if the reader knows that the fall of the character is coming. All of these things are used in the examples in the next
Several poems in the anthology explore the intensity of human emotion. Explore this theme, referring to these three poems in detail and by referencing at least three other poems from your wider reading.’
There are many influences in one’s life, that may change how one acts or feels. Humans are naturally good but influences play a major role in making people evil. In the play Macbeth, written by William Shakespeare, Macbeth was a brave and noble soldier. A few life-changing events transformed him from a brave soldier to a murderous tyrant. Macbeth was apart of some unfortunate events in which he had no control over. Macbeth was a victim of circumstances because of his good intentions, the witches prophecies, and Lady Macbeth.
Poems consist of a variation of different techniques in order to convey a message or idea to readers. Wilfred Owen, Thomas Hardy, Adrienne Rich, Bruce Dawe and Robert Browning are great poets who explore these issues, conveying their emotions, which influences a perception of an issue. In each of their poems they express the hidden message of hope, along with their main message. They use similar techniques to express their ideas, which illustrates their purpose to the reader.
This theme is brought through the song by showing multiple literary devices. Such as “I'm the one at sail, I’m the master of my sea”. This metaphor shows the realization and empowerment that oneself can give in a depressing situation. This simile “Falling like ashes to the ground, Hoping my feelings they would drown” compares his feeling of sadness and depression to ashes, and wanting them to drown and vanish, from his life. This line, “All the hate that you’ve heard has turned your spirit to a dove” explains how all of the hate that he has experienced and gone through has turned his feelings around, and decided to look on the bright side of things. Personally I think this is a great
The tone is the speaker’s attitude toward a certain subject (Johnson, Arp 887). When describing the tone of this poem many would say is it depressing or tragic. However, once encountering this poem and being through the very experience that the speaker is going through others would describe this poem as calm, relaxed, and tender. This poem is calm and relaxed because the speaker is ready for death to take over his body. The speaker is more relaxed than ever due to the very potent response that the speaker is ready to kiss the river. If this character in this poem was not contemplating suicide, then he would of never even wrote this poem. This speaker is ready to give up life as he/she dies. This poem is tender being the author implements a feeling of control for the reader, which makes you feel like if you do or say one wrong thing then the speaker’s life would come to an end. The author puts the life of the speaker into the audience’s hands to decide what they will do with it, thus why leaving the poem as an opened ended poem. The speaker portrays a tone of tenderness, but also helps portray mood throughout this also.
In the poem "Dover Beach",witten in 1867 Matthew Arnold creates the mood of the poem through the usage of different types of imagery. He uses a dramatic plot in the form of a soliloquy. Arnold also uses descriptive adjectives, similes and metaphors to create the mood. Through the use of these literary elements, Arnold portrays the man standing before the window pondering the sound of the pebbles tossing in the waves as representation of human suffering. The man arrives at the vision of humanity being helpless against nature. Arnold creates the mood by suggesting mental pictures, actions, sights and sounds the man sees. Some examples are "folds of a bright girdle furled", "lie before us like a land of dreams"
Imagery is the strongest supporter of the theme. A description of the sea in its states of calmness and roughness are depicted. Sight and sound help intensify other images. The poems’ strongest feelings are usually expressed by their imagery, though rhythm is also used to convey meaning. Arnold uses the first stanza of the poem to create visual, auditory, and olfactory images that will allow the reader to picture the sea of which the speaker is viewing. Through the use of several poetic Figures of speech, sounds, and irony of words are also used. Line one; “The Sea is calm tonight”(1) has a gentle rhythm that can be compared to the “ebb and flow” (17) of the sea. With this description one can imagine a beautiful beach with water lapping upon the shore. The second line also gives the image of a calm sea. In the opening stanzas words such as “gleams”(4) and “glimmering”(5) are used, giving a sense of light. In contrast the ending stanzas use words such as