
What Is Thoreau's Argument In Resistance To Civil Government

Decent Essays

Agreeing with Thoreau on “Resistance to Civil Government” Thoreau presents many different arguments in his essay “Resistance to Civil Government”. From conscience over laws, stand on the unjust government, and support on slavery. Overall, and coincidently, Resisting the civil government is the highlighted topic. All those topics that I mentioned fall under that category one way or another. With that out of the way, and in my o’ so humble opinion…. I must agree with Thoreau and his views. He makes some greats points that could get someone to second guess themselves, if not enlightened already. Here are some points in “Resistance to Civil Government” that I found to agree with. First off, you, yourself are pretty darn important. It goes without saying that the stuff you believe are important to yourself as well. This stands true for most people and Thoreau is not an exception. He believes that the conscience has higher priority than the dictates of laws. Honestly, I couldn’t agree more. The root at which this topic arrives from is basically, “People ‘making’ you think or do differently, because I said so.” In the book, he is put in jail for not …show more content…

In the short of it, it controls most ‘EVERYTHING’ you do. What scarier than that is the unjust government, or the government that just abuse their power. At the time Thoreau writes this essay, the government supported slavery and aggressive war, and that is something he didn’t agree with. This quote, “That government is best which governs least” not only says that he doesn’t just dislike the unjust, but the government as a whole. This quote, “Governments show thus how successfully men can be imposed on.” explains why, almost to the dot. Even in today’s world, the government is a cruel thing that many people fear as getting to strong. As liberties we once had to the little thing that we didn’t know we had are be slowly but surly be taken away, so yes, point numero dos for agreeing with

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