
What Is Total Quality Management?

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What is total quality management and how is it being used to better our companies? Total Quality Management is a comprehensive and structured approach to organizational management. That is used to improve the quality of products and services through ongoing refinements, and changes due to the continuous feedback. TQM requirements may be defined differently depending on the particular organization, or may already adherence to previously established standards. TQM can be applied to any type of organization; it originated in the manufacturing district, and has since been adapted for almost every type of organization imaginable, including organizations such as, schools, highway maintenance, hotel management, and churches. TQM is based on …show more content…

They were becoming one of the companies that benefited from TQM, according to Brain Mass, Exxon “treated quality as an opportunity for process improvement." The challenge for Exxon was to re-brand the whole company and still remain a trusted fuel provider. Re-branding meant that they also had to change how they ran their service stations. Owners were asked to surpass Exxon’s corporate beliefs into their franchises or gas stations that bore the Exxon name and sold their products. Through analyzing the customers ' need and wants by using TQM, they were able to re-brand themselves from the disaster of the Exxon-Valdez oil spill of 1989. They looked at four areas of the consumer confidence these included, higher quality products, efficient and easy-to-use services and products, better explanations of warranties, and being truthful in all of their advertising efforts. By doing so, the company was able to embark on the new “consumer view" of the company and leave the past on the back burner. Because so many companies are choosing to use TQM to change their businesses and companies six sigma has come up with a case study to improve a business’s financial state. It is a step by step plan that helps you identify the problem then use TQM to change your business. The work described in this case study was first used in a young, rapidly expanding company in the financial services sector with no previous experience with total quality management. The project

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