
What Is Voltaire's Idea Of The Round Table

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The Painting Round table by Adolph Menzel is a painting that shows, people like Voltaire gathered around in the round table in the palace of the Prussian King Frederick II. The era of this painting was during the Enlightenment. The Enlightenment was a time where western thought and culture was a big deal, this thought came around in the 1700s. Science, philosophy, society and politics where all subjects on what thinkers thought in depth about during this time. These ideas took away the medieval thinking and brought a new modern thinking in place of the medieval thinking. (
What began the Enlightenment was the scientific revolution, “The rise of the new science progressively undermines not only the ancient geocentric conception of the cosmos, but, with it, the entire set of presuppositions that had served to constrain and guide philosophical inquiry.”(Bristow, 1). The new thoughts that came with the scientific revolution were a big success. The Enlightenment also had to do with some French people called “The Philosophes” who included, “Voltaire, Diderot, D'Alembert, Montesquieu, et cetera” (Bristow, 2). The Philosophes were some letters that were composed by the people listed that focused on the project …show more content…

He wrote many poems and even some stories that involve critical thinkings or Philosophy. In Voltaire’s work, many found a connection to other philosophical positions that supported his stance on his thinkings (Shank paragraph 1). Voltaire made a book that the royalty enjoyed, so he had a role as an official authorized scholar after this he was invited to join the court of Frederick the great of Prussia, this further associated him into the power of Old command society. King Frederick was a king of Prussia, who was a close friend of Voltaire, who loved and supported the arts, especially poetry and music. He was a supporter of Voltaire’s

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