
What It Takes To Be An American Essay

Decent Essays

In the beginning there was fire, then the development of small communities, then government systems, then one day, America. Along with American government systems and the most favorable American society. Ever since the development of the American society and the “American” label humans have been trying to put a description on the “average” American. African-Americans, Americans, and vast amounts of people around the world have been trying to wrap their finger around the American idea. So what does it take to be an American? The unalienable rights life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? The everyday advantages of following the rules of this great country? When I look upon this country and see the inhabitants, I see Americans. People who have been raised with strong morals, a society who chases their dreams instead of hiding from their fears, a population willing to work for their happiness and freedom. Initially, in this country Americans have been raised with strong morals. Sit up straight, get your elbows off the table, act like a human being! In the American society most people are raised on proper etiquette. Follow the rules you will get far, break them no one will care who you are, where you came from, let alone what you're doing with your life. In the American society …show more content…

Walk into that classroom those children all have dreams, walk down the street on a daily basis, those people have dreams, every American has a dream. Whether it is to become something great, to do something extraordinary, or simply talk to that person they have been scared to talk to since the second grade everyone has a dream. Americans are known for being dreamers for conquering the unconquerable for completing even the most difficult tasks. If you are an American you have a dream one way or another, it may be something little, but everyone wants to do something different in their

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