What Karate Means To Me What is karate? How do you define karate? I believe all martial artists ask themselves this, but there is no definitive answer: karate can be of many things. It can be a sport, an extra-curricular, a hobby, a way to exercise, and so much more. To me, karate has been a very influential part of my life. Some may be surprised because I didn't say karate is the way of life or karate is life. I believe life consists of multiple things but life wouldn't be life to me without karate. So far, in my training at Manuel's Renshinkan Karate Dojo for the past 8 years, there have been many memories I am fond of, some more than others. My greatest accomplishment in karate so far is winning a kicking contest in class. I remember …show more content…
The first time I ever fought was with Shayla and she is the only one who has ever made me cry in karate. For my first fighting class, my dad had bought me a helmet shield, afraid that I would get hurt. Ironically, the helmet shield hurt me more than it did protect me. When I fought with Shayla, she had punched me in the head and my helmet shield became loose hitting me in the chest every time she punched me. It hurt so much. I cried and got bruises all over my chest. This made me afraid of fighting. A few years later when I was a blue belt, my dad had accidentally signed me up for fighting at the tournament. Since he had already paid for it, he made me go fight. This was my first tournament, my first time fighting in since Shayla fought me, and I was terrified. As I sat down around the ring waiting for my turn, I saw one girl was beating everyone in the division. She had the fanciest kicks and the fastest movements. She even made three girls cry and I was knew I didn't want fight her, but ultimately I was chosen to be her last competitor. I was actually surprised at how well I did, but without Sensei Jose's help, I wouldn't have been able to beat her. For the first few minutes, I was kicked in the face a couple of times but then someway, somehow I scored a point by side kicking her, nothing fancy. I did that a couple of times, and then all of a sudden I was in the lead. I was winning. …show more content…
In addition, because of my young age, higher expectations will be given; therefore, more pressure will be put on me and certain tasks will be more difficult for me to accomplish. However, when I help teach the lower ranks, I can help pass on the knowledge that was given to me by all of my instructors that has helped me become who I am today. I can also help teach students differently since I am younger and can relate to what they are experiencing; therefore, teaching them in a more modern and relatable
Much of my life has been influenced by the sport of wresting. My father is the head wrestling coach of the high school I attend; my whole life I have watched the sport, and spent time with his past teams. In the fifth grade I told my father that I no longer wanted to continue wrestling; we made a deal that when I reached high school I would join the team and if I still felt that wrestling was not a sport I wanted to pursue, I could quit again and end my career. When I entered high school, my brother had already been attending the same school and wrestling for my dad on the school team, so adapting to high school and high school sports was more simple for me than other students. The winter of my freshman year I was, as I had promised my father, out for the wrestling team.
I remember the day I walked into the dojo. It feels like it was yesterday, that day my dad signed my sister and I up for karate. I was excited and a bit nervous - you could say I was nervouscited. I had so much fun in the basic class earning stars, learning the student creed, and doing black belt challenges. The first star I earned was my red star for black belt attitude. This is the moment I realized that I wanted to become a black belt.
Imagine working, traing your whole life to finally get to that 1 fight. Imagine getting to that one night, fight night.. Image winning that fight that you have trained for your whole life. Then imagine getting your title stripped away. I was punished for what I believed in. I was on the top of the world, I was the athlete of century, but that all changed in the blink of and eye.
I have done Mixed Martial Arts at Leading Edge Martial Arts for the past eight years and I have been a first degree black belt for two years. My black belt is a major accomplishment because less than one percent of all students make it as far as the black belt test and it represents years of committed dedication and hard work.
Bottom line, the age separation between the teacher and student should not negatively impact the instructor’s ability to educate the student. Moreover, teacher-student age separation should not hinder an educator’s ability to establish and maintain ethos. This paper will provide a brief background of non-traditional aged students, discuss the positive aspects of having older students in a collegiate classroom, how to establish ethos between the young teacher and the older student, provide personal experiences, and present final conclusions. Ultimately, the purpose of this paper is to examine and evaluate how young teachers can establish ethos when educating students who are older.
Wrestling has showed me to not show how you feel when you step on that mat. “Never show your opponent's weakness.” That is exactly what I do when I’m around others, I don’t show weakness. It’s not really good to show others how you feel. Reasons why people don’t try to put me down. They know I’ll fight back. I don’t let anything get in my way of being successful; and if something does, all I do is push it out of my way. I am different compared to any other female athlete in my school. Wrestling has shaped me into a person who enjoys challenges. “If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you.” I’ve changed so much, I love to be challenged now. Wrestling identifies me in my personality and sense of humor. Makes me very unique. My teammates too we are all very different in many ways. And it shows others that I’m not like everyone else. I have learned over the years that I am a strong, independent person and I don’t let anything get in my way. I thank that I have found an interest that I love and that defines who I am. If it wasn’t for this sport I would never be known as much as I am. I am a leader who loves to overcome challenges that try to stop me from moving forward. I don’t interact much, I’m very quiet at times, but I am a fun
Saturday morning around nine I had my first wrestling match , one out of the five matches I had I only came to one victory. It was my first win of the year and the beginning of my wrestling career. Every match would last for approximately three minutes , three minutes which felt nothing compare to the amount of work I had already put in the wrestling room every day for three hours. I put blood sweat and tears to get where I wanted and after that one win I realized everything is
My time on the mat was not always that of heart break. Going through elementary I never had a losing season, let alone a season where I lost more than five matches. In fifth and sixth grade I took place in NYWA and Gopher State. Gopher State is a tournament for the top wrestlers in Minnesota and all the states surrounding it. That was some of the hardest wrestling I have ever encountered. I placed in the top six at NYWA and not placing at Gopher state unfortunately. The summer before my junior year I went to multiple wrestling camps costing thousands of dollars and lasting weeks in time. And when it came time to vote for captains I just knew I was going to get it. The night before the coach told us who was going to be awarded captain
So, most people have great memories right? Mine are marching band memories. Marching band started with my sister. My mom and my sister inspired me to do sports in the first place. It was either marching band or volleyball. Which I believe marching band was for the best. I'm working up to the things that my sister accomplished. My music has helped me develop my life, my values, and my goals.
The samurai was considered as a Clan. The samurai committed suicide if they were defeated, but disagreed. The samurai were considered as Bushi, Buke or Buddha. By the end of the 12th century, samurai became almost entirely anonymous with bushi. While the samurai were numbered less than 10% of the Japan's population so Samurai was a small but powerful part of Japan. Japan has a history that dates back thousands and thousands of years ago and was founded as in the martial arts that can be learned by children to adults.The Samurai were accorded special status after 1600. They alone had the village of wearing two swords, they married only among their own class, and they passed their own class, and they passed their privileges on to their child.
The words strong and me don’t go in sentences together. I have no arm muscles can barely lift anything so, no I don’t lift bro. So it might be surprising to hear that I am in fact a black belt in karate. The day that I asked our teacher if I should share my story about being in karate I was taken back when she asked if it was a part of who I was because I kinda just grew up with it. It didn’t phase me that It didn't seem like I did karate. I mean when you think about it I am a skinny small weak girly female who comes off more as a dancer if you ask me. I did dance too but it wasn't really the same as karate. In our dojo I met so many friends and we were almost like family as opposed to dance where I was among intimidating strangers.
500 years ago, the human race and 42 alien races worked together to form The Gliese 581 Games*, a sports competition where alien species can compete side by side. Today is the first day of events. Everything in Mark’s life has led up to this moment.
Through this sport, I have experienced pain, sacrifice, adversity, and success. Experience to these feelings which are, in my opinion, the spirit of being in karate has allowed me to truly appreciate life.
Judo has been a large part of my life since I was six years old. Twenty-one years have passed since I started judo, and the role that it has played in my life has transformed tremendously over the years. To me, judo has always been a sport. I have practiced countless of hours on perfecting the technique of my throws, sweeps, pins, chokes, and armbars, and my work has paid off in competition. I have competed in multiple tournaments on the national and international scope, and I have won awards in both shiai (sparring) and kata (form). However, judo to me changed into so much more after my experience at the 2015 Special Olympics World Games during the summer after my high school junior year.
The following, are just 7 of the most frequent ways through which karate helps all children become effective in school, while as well, empowering them to efficiently deal with difficult situations and make the correct choices in daily life.