According to the textbook, going global has several advantages, such as gaining access to a larger market, gaining access to low-cost input factors, and developing new competencies. Going global also has several disadvantages, such as liability of foreignness, loss of reputation, and loss of intellectual property. To choose going global, advantages that the company has must be large enough to offset disadvantages. What kind of industry would be most likely to choose going global? What kind of industry would be least likely to choose going global? Please provide the reason of your
2. What are some of the benefits of a global market and why? List at least 2 benefits, weighing any short-term and long-term impacts.
Moreover, Yip, Loewe, & Yoshino (1988) caution that before managers embark on globalizing all or part of their business they first need to determine if the business can or should be globalized. Factors within the companies industry such as economic, environmental, competitive, and market forces must be analyzed. For example, market forces determine if customers will be receptive to a company’s product; economic forces determine the profitability of the product; managers must be aware of the implications associated with environmental requirements such as taxes,
There are benefits and there are risks associated with diversification into global markets. Diversification into global markets means a company is seeking to have the control in one central area instead of in many different areas because ultimately they are seeking to control their costs. The main advantage of a global market is that a company does not need to make a lot of variations of a product. They can instead just make one quality standardized product, which means it is easier for the company to keep everyone on the same page in regard to any changes or innovations to their products. Ultimately having a global market means
Based on Tata Group’s experience, we can see the advantages and drawbacks of going international as follows:
Answer: d. With licencing, a company provides technological know-how to a licensee in the foreign country. Although quality control can be a factor in the licensing contract, the licensee, not the licensor, would have the actual control over product and service quality. Distractors: a) An exporting strategy would result in increased cost savings from economies of scale by producing the product at a single location. b) An advantage of a strategic alliance is that it strengthens the competitiveness in a foreign market by allowing the parties to focus on what they do best. c) An advantage of an exporting as an entry strategy in a foreign market is that is has the lowest degree of risk. Establishing a subsidiary in the foreign country has a high degree of risk.
As discussed in Chapter 21 of our text book, any company that is looking to expand globally must make five key decisions. A firm must decide if: a) they really want to expand to the international market; b) they
If the product is not doing good in the home country, why we should try to go global? May be some boss may think the foreign country will be adopting the product better compare to the home country, and I think this is wrong. The Product is the company’s core.
Apple is not only a known brand, but also a reliable one. Many consider them, to be an electrical giant. The fact that Apple decided to take its company global created both advantages and disadvantages, both local and overseas. Here are some of the pros that are associated with Apple's decision to go global. Apple created 700,000 jobs in overseas countries, decreased the overseas unemployment rate, decreased labor costs, increased profit margins, and productivity to meet high demands for their products. All of this was possible because they entered into a more flexible, diligent, and industrialized workforce in the overseas market.
Many companies today want to expand their business to the international business, which can bring cost down and profits up. Taking a business internationally means knowing the rules and regulations of the countries you are entering. There can be many issues with going global which include cultural barriers, diversity issues, multicultural issues, political issues, and economical issues. It is very important to know how important expansion is to the company and what implications will come from going global.
Global Connections' mission is to be known for connecting the world to the Internet. Brazil needs to be connected and Global Connections is the company to facilitate that move forward. In conjunction with the government, Global Connections will alleviate digital divide.
What is globalization? Globalization is the integration of systems worldwide (Bateman & Snell, 2008). For an organization to maintain competitive in the evolution of the business environment, the organization must constantly look out for the opportunities to grow. As a major factor in most business functions, globalization has allowed businessmen all over to explore a much wider group of customers eliminating the dependency of local and limited clientele. There is also a much broader environment for international networking that allows business to gain insight on worldwide interest that could assist in the expansion and development of an up and coming or already established company (Recklies, 2001). When a business ultimately decides to enter into a globalize mind set there are a few things to consider. They must first be certain that this is a risk that they are willing to take simply because it is not guaranteed that all business that take their products and services worldwide will be successful in doing so.
Companies may face variety of advantages and disadvantages upon going internationally. The advantages are expected to produce different strategies, performance goals as well as even forms of market participation at the time of entry. Among the advantages are accesses to new customers. Companies going internationally are able to look for customers outside of their native country. This means that they will have numerous customers that contribute much to their business. This will definitely increase the demand for their products and hence increase the profit margin higher compared to the companies doing businesses locally. For an example, McDonald’s is able to look for customers other than from their native country when they set up business abroad.
Globalization offers industries many ways to increase their profits. Since businesses and corporations have access to a wider range of potential clients, they have a chance to increase profits. Global competition also
The purpose of this study was to enhance knowledge attained previously on globalization and hot it would empirically affect an organisations performance i.e. investigating and exploring globalization and performance relationships. The results of the study provided a strong and substantial amount of support arguing that globalization can be beneficial at the same time be unfavorable and destructive for organisations. Therefore, it is recommendable that innovative and effective strategies are designed, executed, analysed and implemented to enable firms to capitalize on global market opportunities while carefully managing its intrinsic threats in order to be able to survive for long-term in today 's globalized business environment.
The first political issue that may come about due to global expansion is the loss of customers due to outsourcing. The second political issue would be the abuse of an individual(s) human rights which has the same outcome as the first issue as well as bringing in bad publicity for the company. To correct the human rights violation or possible violations, a company could put forth the effort to incorporate a training program for its employees. The economic dimensions of globalization have attracted the most popular attention, much of which has been negative due to the frequency and variety of conflicts for which the process is blamed (Lerche III, n.d.). The competition of globalization has caused companies to become innovative. They have taken these new innovations to come up with new products and methods of production. From a global standpoint, this can be very destructive for companies. This is a problem because of the unemployment rates of the company whose once promising product is now on the outside looking in. this can also be a problem for communities and the environment. No matter how you look at this, there will always be competition amongst these different companies which means it would just be smart for your company to use the technology advances available to stay on top. The second economic issue would be getting the approval of the financial markets for the proposed macroeconomic