Introduction The purpose of the interview is to attain knowledge on what it is like to work in the field of Information security and support with emphasis on cloud computing and virtualization in a health care environment. In today’s world, cloud computing is always a challenging task. Providing cloud services to the company and confirming that all employees comprehends and follows the requirements is an important factor of success in an organization. The name of the interviewee is Joseph Susai, who works as a Director of Information security and support services at SSM health care. SSM stands for Franciscan Sisters of Mary and is based in St.Louis, Missouri. The interview took place by phone on April 21th, 2015. Below are the main highlights of the interview, which are divided into sections. Team Communication: 1) What kind of writing and how much writing are required on the job? Most of the writing is in form of email addressed to various staff, vendors and Sr. Leaders. Training and awareness is another core responsibility in this position that requires regular communication, which is communicated via email, blogs and corporate news via business intranet site. 2) How important are oral communication skills as compared to written? Oral communication is more important in my position, as you will be constantly called to address senior leaders, to brief security incidents, threat situation and provide updates on project tasks. As a leader, oral communication is also
This case gives us a fundamental understanding of the concept of cloud computing and presents the advantages and issues of this IT infrastructure. This case gives a clear vision of the company’s current situation. Three main questions to consider
Stating the positive and negative characteristics of using cloud services. I also plan on providing examples of real world uses of these services. As well as showing how they are beneficial to people that don’t always need to have these resources and to people that don’t have enough money for the necessary hardware and time to configure them.
I am writing to update you on the process in building our organization’s communication skills.
1. As you take on leadership and management roles, communication becomes even more important. The higher you rise in an organization, the less time you will spend using the technical skills of your particular profession and the more time you will spend communicating. Top executives spend most of their time communicating, and businesspeople who cannot communicate well do not stand much chance of reaching the top.
There are many forms of communication methods to use to coworkers, consumers, superiors, etc. These communications include in person, memos, reports, letters and in person. As employees of SCO Family of Services, providing the best practice when communicating on company leader head, electronic means and/or in person should be demonstrated professionally. However, knowing when to send an email and when to send a memo is an important process when representing SCO Family of Services.
Effective communication in my role plays a hugely important role. Deciding which form of the 3 forms of communication, verbal, non verbal and written communication is critical to get the desired outcome I require which is to ensure the message is received and fully understood.
• There are many situations where correspondences and information needs to be relayed to all levels of the Research Department. I organize and format the information and express the information within an email.
A critical lack of availability is negatively impacting healthcare, because Information Technology (IT) lack of control over cloud computing, leading to more issues involving availability, reliability, integrity and confidentiality (Kuo, 2011). Availability is a rising risk in the healthcare fields for Information Technology (IT) management using cloud computing (Kuo, 2011). Despite the hype of cloud computing advantages, research confirmed 58% of firms using the cloud have no idea if the cloud is within the U.S. and forty-two% do not know where the cloud servers are placed (Turner, 2013).
This assignment will demonstrate my understanding of the communication process within my work place, I have identified two specific communication needs that I use on a regular basis, with the focus on written communication via electronic mail (E-mail) system used by the organization and verbal communication in the form of periodic one to one supervisions between my myself and my manager.
5. What are the chief differences between oral and written communication? must be proficient in the art of communication. Such proficiency includes the ability to express oneself orally or in writing. Even the top law enforcement administrators must have effective communication skills, whether they are preparing departmental policy statements, responding to the media, or defending the department’s budget to elected
Since my mid-term reflection, I had many informal public speaking opportunities within team meetings as well as meetings with clients. On a regular basis I am required to report to my team which includes my senior, manager as well as partner regarding the status of the work, the outstanding items and the expected date of completion. In addition, I had regular meetings with the clients, usually property accountants as I was in the real estate department, to discuss any
When you think about the writing process, it is best to follow the steps outlined to make sure we are writing properly. Now you could start writing at the beginning, the middle or the end. If you start from the beginning you are able to present a strong thesis. In the beginning is where you introduce your topic. So this is where you should start and start strong. Then support your thesis in the middle using the body of the piece of writing you are working one. Once, you have all the supporting details you can end it by summarizing all that you have written about. In order to make sure you stay organized as you write it is best to start writing at the beginning. Then you have the revising/editing step. This is the last step in the writing
The study by Glasberg et al (2014) analyzes the risks healthcare providers experience and the impact cloud computing has in using the new technologies. Focusing on overall risk management, the study takes a holistic approach, where the research focuses both on human and organizational aspects. Using interviews as a form of data collection, the authors categorize risks and assesses impact from 2 perspectives; supply (S) and information systems (IS) as shown in the table 1 below.
Written communication is a popular means of communication, which includes different types of interactions through writing. Raising questions and getting responses in writing is essential for achieving customers’ requirements in the business area. Therefore, e-mail is commonly used for business communications.
workplace as well. Communication is an essential skill that we cannot avoid, and should be perfected as a goal in improving your leadership efficiency. When in a leadership role, the leader