Chapter 6 Overview The final section of this dissertation will focus on reflecting upon the experience of undertaking a dissertation, what learning has occurred and how this will influence future practice as a staff nurse working in the NHS. The author will utilise Rolfe, Freshwater and Jasper’s (2001) model. The author chose this model as it is a simpler model than Gibbs (1998) model, Rolfe et al (2001) poses the questions ‘What? So what? And Now what?’ The author felt due to its simplicity that this model was more suited to this reflection. What? The author undertook a twelve thousand word dissertation as part of a BSc (Hons) nursing degree. The dissertation has been completed as a patchwork text order, consisting of 4 separate pieces …show more content…
So what? From completing this dissertation the author has learnt just how important research is and how essential it is for nurses to have an in-depth understanding of the care they are giving to their patients. This dissertation has helped the author have a great knowledge on CBT and just how effective and valuable it is in treating people who have sexually offended. Undertaking a patchwork assessment made the author reflect upon patient care and although we may consider an individual’s care needs individually, holistic care is the ultimate aim in delivering high quality patient care. Holistic care is seeing the patient as a physical, spiritual and psychological whole and not just focusing on one particular area (NursingTimes.Net 2009). A patchwork text is a type of assessment which consists of smaller sections that once put together becomes a comprehensible and combined piece of work (Scoggins and Winter 1999). Research is essential in all areas of nursing as nurses have a duty to ensure they are up to date with all relevant developments in nursing and should be able to give rationale for all care they give. Nursing research expands the evidence base and improves clinical practice (NursingTimes.Net 2014). Nurses need to have the ability to research a subject in order to keep up to date with the ever changing nursing practice and ultimately improve the delivery of care to our
Evidence-based practice is relied on by professional nurses in order for them to make informed decisions as well as apply critical thinking skills directly to the patient care they provide. The research process allows the nurse to ask and answer questions systematically to ensure the decisions they make are based on sound science. Research provides the evidence needed for nurses to practice based off scientific evidence rather than by tradition (Houser, 2013). Nursing research is fundamental to the practice and is the central principle that defines the nursing profession.
The author undertook an electronic search were used to collect the literature. Three electronic databases were used; Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), Medline and PsychInfo. These three databases were chosen as they are often used by nurses, allied health professionals, researchers, students and nurse educators to research their subject area (Aveyard, 2014).
Introduces and defines the topic, as well as describes its importance to professional nursing. Depth and detail are fair. (19–20 points)
Parahoo, K (2014). Nursing Research: Principles, Process and Issues. 3rd ed. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillian . p122 - 123.
Nurses play and important role in the health care system. Nurses have excellent inherent to manage change to improve the health care system (The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health. n.d.). They can be as innovators to lead changes. Nurses understand how to approach care and enhance quality at the lower cost (Nursing 's role in health care reform - American Nurse Today. n.d.). They can engage in research to Generate evidence-based practice and help shape the quality and safety through collecting and tracking data to enhance care. Nursing research benefits create the logical framework for clinical usage, prevention, and improved patient outcomes. Nurses can Redesign nursing education (Nursing 's role in health care reform - American Nurse Today. n.d.). All nurses should to maintain necessary competencies to match the requirements of the population aging and various culture and community health care needs, (Nursing 's role in health care reform - American Nurse Today. n.d.).
Nursing theories are important for nurses for our daily work as it provides us with an all-inclusive foundation to clarify and foresee issues that impact nursing care. In nursing, caring should be placed high on our priority list for our nursing practice. As nurses we must develop knowledge on research outcomes for the foundation of nursing practice. Consequently the grown and the certification of nursing theory will aid in the establishment of nursing practice. It is a source of specific individuality as it guides nursing education, research, practice, and distinguishes nursing practice from other disciplines.
There are many different roles and values within the profession of nursing. Each of these roles and values has a different job description and purpose, yet they all contain one common link. The link that connects the different roles in the nursing profession is the fact that they each rely on nursing research, theories, and evidence based practice to provide safe, quality care to patients. Without nursing research, theories, and evidence based practice, nursing care would be based on trial and error methods that often cause more harm than good to the patient.
Research is an essential tool in nursing practice; it been an important link in best nursing care since the days of Florence Nightingale. Florence Nightingale participated in nursing
Nursing education is constantly evolving as new techniques are introduced within the medical profession. Thus, it is imperative nurses are kept updated, and continuously learning new methods to enhance and improve patient care. Over the last 150 years there has been a drastic change in nursing`s participation in research. Nursing research advanced initially from the investigations made by Nightingale in the nineteenth century of nursing education during the 1930`s. This further progressed to the research of nursing roles in 1950s following on to the 1990s where nurses began to focus on clinical problems and finding solutions to these problems which had a major impact within the nursing profession. As of today many health professionals are focusing on clinical research which in turn has helped to establish an evidence informed practice for nurses. (Burns and Grove 2003)
I will methodically analyze all parts of the study to assess the validity of the article, by contrasting and comparing the information provided, with previous literature. I will try to make sure that recommendations provided by the authors are congruous with nursing practice and beneficial to the advancement of it. I will as much as possible provide in depth detail of previous studies on the same topic that either support or contradict the analysis provided by this study and its authors.
This essay will look at what reflection in nursing looks like, why we use reflection as a tool, what are the outcomes of reflecting, how we reflect effectively and what skills are needed. Then, using an experience within practice, a reflective model will be used to analyse a critical incident relating to consent. In accordance with the confidentiality measure within ‘The code’ (NMC, 2015) and to abide by the Data Protection Act 1998, no information will be provided which could allude to the identity of anyone within the critical incident, thus pseudonyms will be used where appropriate.
Research is important in health and social care setting because it helps improve medical treatments and medicines for
This assignment will reflect on and critically analyse my personal and professional development in the domain of care management over the last three years. It will additionally outline how I plan to continue to develop in this domain once I have qualified as a registered nurse. My development so far will be analysed from the perspective of the skills, knowledge and values required of a registered nurse. Through this reflection I hope to confirm that my practice meets the standards for entry onto the nursing register as outlined by the nursing and midwifery council ((NMC) 2008).
The findings from good, current, reliable, valid or trustworthy research are the basis for maintaining high standards of care and all nurses must practice based on the most up to date evidence (NMC 2008). It is now an important part of nursing to actively participate in research and evidence based practice in order to continually improve the standard of the health care system. This process ensures that nurses are kept up to date with relevant information needed to provide the most effective care for patients.
In this assignment I will be writing about the importance of research in nursing considering history of nursing and the difference between how research is performed nowadays. I will also be defining different types of research such as quantitative and qualitative research and giving an example of a nursing based research study that was carried out and how it is important to nursing presently.