
What Led To The American Revolution Essay

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These famous words were shouted from the American colonies’ streets in rebellion against the new taxes being placed by the British government. But what was the real cause behind the rise in taxes and how did these new laws contribute to the American Revolution?
In the 1750’s the American colonies were still under the oppressive ruling of Great Britain. While the British had a desire to expand their colonies, they ran into trouble with the French and Native Americans. Both countries had expanded their trading areas, which now overlapped one another. This marked the beginning of the French and Indian War. The French and their allied Native Americans were now at war with Great Britain and its allies. The British found themselves losing the first …show more content…

They simply asked to have representation in the British Parliament (Henretta, 2017). This idea was quickly disapproved. The American colonies began protesting against the changes that Great Britain was making. Many individuals wanted to protest in peace so they began to send delegates to petition for the repeal of the new tax laws. Others did not care for peace and boycotted by using mobs to destroy British goods and stores (Dunkerly, n.d.). In response to the violence, Great Britain allowed for a small shift in power to happen within the colonies. Charles Townshend strongly supported the taxation on the American colonies and soon passed the Townshend Act and the Revenue Act. These acts caused a revival of the colonies to fight against unjust taxation (Henretta, 2017). This led to more boycotts, violence, and political uprisings. Great Britain grew fearful of the rebellious colonies and repealed the acts that Townshend put in place, which created some peace between the British and the colonies.
Many people, who did not approve of the way the colonies chose to protest, began to write popular books, letters, and pamphlets. This sparked the real political movement of the American colonies. Popular names such as Samuel Adams began to convince towns to meet up and start thinking of the rights that they should have (Milestones: 1750–1775, n.d.). British parliament had not learned from their mistakes with

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